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Globalization and Global Media. Communications & Media Essay

Essay Instructions:

In the report, you are asked to write a case study of an individual, organisation, industry, technology or text with regards to scholarship from the module.

Specific marking criteria for this assessment include engagement with theories from and beyond the module handbook and the module reading list, comparison between authors, outlining your point in your own words, demonstration of understanding of method through

engagement with appropriate academic literature, attempting to summarise your observation from the analysis of the chosen case.

Learning outcomes:

1. Demonstrate a systematic understanding of the field of globalisation and the media, including a coherent and detailed knowledge of key theories of globalisation and mediation

2. Identify, describe and evaluate leading contemporary scholarship in the study of globalisation and media.

3. Deploy key techniques of analysis and inquiry within the field, and evaluate the appropriateness of different methods, including, textual, ethnographic and discourse analytic research.

4. Independently devise and conduct a sustained investigation, in which critical theories and methodologies are synthesised to competently explore and evaluate through primary research, a specific argument pertinent to the field.

There are some requirements of my essay above.

Please write a case study of culture homogenization. I will upload the article about culture homogenization. (The point is case study and" Globalization and Global Culture". )

Thank you so much.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Globalization and Global Media
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Globalization and Global Media
Globalization processes have a potential contribution towards cultural homogenization that ultimately shapes the different attributes of global culture. In this study, cultural globalization is used to refer to the act of transmission of ideas, values, and norms that help in extending as well as intensifying social relations (Hopper, 2007). In this case, it is important to note that the interactions take place with the help of a certain medium such as the internet, free global travel as well as culture media. The aspect on the circulation of culture gives the opportunity to individuals to indulge in elaborate social relations that traverse national as well as a regional boundary. In this case, globalization of culture relates to the art of sharing norms and knowledge that assist people to relate to the individual as well as collective cultural identities (Hopper, 2007). Such process results in increasing interconnectedness amongst global populations and cultures that result in a global community.
On the other hand, cultural homogenization is understood as the act of transfiguration where worldwide diversity is reduced to single westernized consumer culture. For instance, the influence of the American culture on the entire world is viewed to ultimately result in reduced cultural diversity that may lead to human monoculture. This presents the influence on various aspects such as the globalization of products, businesses, and services that are of American origin (Pieterse, 2015). The use of modern technological innovations has ensured easy and quick traveling making the position of individuals more favorable. Travelling is one of the largest contributing factors towards the intensification of human interactions and cooperation. According to theorists on cultural globalization, there is a sense of change within the public that can partially be attributable to media’s focus on global events putting much emphasis on human activities (Embong, 2011).
Culture Homogenization
The culture homogenization represents one strong aspect of cultural globalization; basically, it refers to the concept where cultural diversity is diminishing through the aspect of popularization as well as diffusion of a wide range of cultural attributes. These attributes include values, customs as well as ideas where local cultures get absorbed and transformed by a dominant foreign culture. Significantly, the aspect surrounding cultural globalization leads to the emergence of a global culture. The strong aspects of globalization are experienced within the areas of communication, media as well as economy. The local cultures and traditions, currently, struggle to survive due to the emergence of improved technologies that have made the world smaller. Such high-level developments have confronted societies and cultures with powerful homogenizing pressures that can similarly be described as cultural imperialism, according to some sources (Pieterse, 2015).
There is the conception that global culture has much influence from America owing to their dominance in most industries including the media. However, some of the most powerful media houses in America are owned by foreign companies such as Columbia Tristar as well as fox, owned by Sony from Japan. The current complexity within corporate ownership makes the debate on the national origins of corporations and conglomerates invalid. At the same time, some of the aspects of American culture do not enjoy an international attractiveness such as some of their political ideals. Some western countries such as Canada at some point devised policies aiming at resisting any forms of American cultural hegemony in the entertainment field (Hopper, 2007). The growth of communication technology has ensured the breaking of boundaries within time and space. This leads to the possibility of new world order as a result of increased access to knowledge to all across the globe. For instance, it has now become easier to disseminate intercultural communication that initiates peace in the world through platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. The tendency of technological determinists to spread repeated messages in the form of myths that capture daily attention is on the increase and trending. The social media endows individuals with the power of transcendence that attracts interests towards newness, therefore, making many to subscribe to the cult on what is trending (Kraidy and Murphy, 2004).
Media globalization
The United States being the super-power in the world exerts some high level of international influence through the media since many re-known media companies are of American origin. Notably, more us-based television programs are exported to the world as compared to other countries (Kraidy and Murphy, 2004). This shows that the domination of the media industry by the United States makes it easier the Aspect on Americanization of the global culture. There has been widespread infiltration of US-based products and services due to their efficient distribution companies in the global chain including networks. Some of the American brands such as Coca-Cola, McDonald's as well as their music continue to enjoy considerable influence on the global culture (Achterberg et al., 2011). Importantly, their dominance in the information technology field ensures that they control most of the values and norms through social media. The country is at the center of the information revolution that makes it possible for them to shape and control the processes within the information systems. However, the rise of other international media organization such as Al-Jazeera and French CNN ensures the existence of a range of perspectives that impacts global society and eventually the global affairs. Cultural homogenization also involves the spread and influence from multinational companies that also have a significant contribution towards global culture. For instance, the principle of fast foods with its origin from the McDonalds dominates most parts of the world. Such perspective drives the contemporary society ...
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