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Contemporary Media Celebrity Analysis Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

1,500 word contemporary media celebrity analysis essay. 

Academic styling. based on own's research as well as academic literature. be fully referenced and include a bibliography in accordance with Harvard referencing. submitted in 12 pt type, 1.5 line spacing (except for large, intended quotations which to be 11pt type. the bibliography is NOT included in the word length. Should set a wide range of set readings, at least three journal articles from the class's reading as well as an array of more specific resources to support the analysis of this particular celebrity or film star. 

The essay will be an answer to some of the key questions the module has raised with regards to your chosen (non-film) star media analysis. these might include (it is for the students to decide and justify those decisions, what range of these topics to explore. 2- in what ways your media celerity has distinctive "Public Subjectivity" : How do images of them manifest key aspects of this public subjectivity? and provide evidence of fans or the publics emotional to them; how they are accessed via social media (as well as other medi where these have been central to their initial 'well-knowness') and how they use social media to personalize/edit/focus that connection; the distinctiveness of fan relationships to this 'celebrity' and the question of money- or the political economy of their celebrity.

1- In what ways they have a distinctive public subjectivity (students MUST address this consideration- remember this is P.David Marshall's notion-

-The question of money? or the political economy of their celebrity (see Barrie Gunter reading)

- Any other issues that especially partinent to understand the media 'celebrity' you have chosen to explore (especially contextual issues)

You will not be able to consider all of these three aspects equally- be sure to explain in your introduction how and why you made the choices you did to focus on specific aspects of your media celebrity public subjectivity. 

I chose to do my research on Jeffery star. He is a micro celebrity. I chose him because I do think Social Media platforms helped raise his fame. I've known about him since he was a singer till he became a youtube guru phenomenon, and now he has his own makeup brand. 

Questions to consider in the "political economy" or film stardom. 

Are they really a star? (and by what measures?)
1-Fan/audience discourses around them and interest in them;
2- do fans/audiences go to see films BECAUSE they are in them?
3- Pay scale/Film cycles in..
4- Credits (are they above the title? are they in the first two or three actor credits?)
5- are they treated as stars (and what does this mean) on TV chat shows; in press coverage; social media claims"
6- Any other measures?

When did they become a star? 
1- Note the roles they appeared in before they became a star
2- Is there an upward interest and level of trust in them are actors to which people (industry, media, fans/audiences) will pay attention
3- Note the roles they appear in before they became a star- are they choosing to evidence and maintain (extend) that stardom? are they seeking to fit a role (what type/types) or to show versatility?
4- How are they negotiating (if at all) the reboot scenario common in superhero and horror genres?

Where do they now fit in any pantheon of contemporary film stars? (or the longer tradition of stars)
1- Are they referred to with awe (Meryl Streep, Robert De Niro...)
2- Are they film star as celebrity (real life of star central), film star as professional (concern with ways they fit a genre or manifest a type: star and roles neatly fiting each other) film star as performer (impersonation' star and roles distinct (Geraghty 2000: cf 188-96)
3- Do others wanna act with them?
4- What questions are asked on them (and in what ways) in press and TV interviews/chat shows?

What is a parasocial relationship?
Tuner's (2014) reading is more on micro celebrities.
Look at the example of breaking the boundaries between celebrities and the audience. Example: Ellen
Micro-celebrities are more 'symbolic' of ordinary 
No boundaries? to what extent?
Track how your media celebrity (Jeffrey star) are trying to do based on their Social media?
(Can use SAGE journals)
Followers on social media? (labelling of audience)
Geography of followers.
Communication celebrities have with audiences/ vice versa? 
-Consider Jeffrey star's racist scandal issue-
-Audience knowledge of celebrities interactions
-Real life interactions (meet and greet)

-Paparazzi control how close fans can be to celebrities.
-Images? where from? any paparazzi shots?
- Relation of images to stories?
-Gossip? Scandal? we see celebrities as glamorous/troubled
-Different affordance of social media platforms?
-How they make sense of them?
-increasing number of musicians to use SM to directly communicate with their fans. "intimacy"
-Celebrities who fight for a cause? 
- use Baron 2015 reading to see to what extent their analysis of Social Media use helps you understand that celebrity?
-Online persona?
-Sexuality issues?

1- Marshall, P.D. 2nd Celebrity and Power: Fame in contemporary culture, Minneapolis/London:University of Minnesota Press, pp-4,70-1,, 198-9
Marshall's contribution to studying celebrity? (Public subjectivity)

2- McNamara, Kim (2015) Paparazzi: media practices, celebrity culture, Cambridge: Polity, pp100-137 
How can we make sense of the roles of images in the existence of celebrities? (Paparazzi)

3-Baron, L. (2015) Celebrity cultures:an introduction, LA/London: Sage, pp, 88-92
4- Turner, G 2nd (2014) Understanding celebrity. London/KA Sage pp.70-77
How are celebrities accessed via social media and (how) do they use it themselves? 

5- What do we know about audiences for celebrity?
Redmond. S. (2014) Celebrity and the media, London: Palgrave MacMillan, pp112-115

6-Homes, Su and Redmond, Sean (2010) 'Editiorial: a journal in celebrity studies ' Celebrity studies 1(1):1-10
Why did the journal celebrity studies start in 2010? 

Some special editions of celebrity studies that you can use or look up journal titles using Ejournals: 
Michael Jacksons death forum edition: July 2010 Volume 1, Number 2, pp231-253
Celebrity and the transational edition: March 2011, Volume 2, Number 1, pp1-99
Celebrity and politics forum: March 2011, Volume 2, Number 2, pp86-99
Female celebrity and ageing: March 2012 Volume 3, Number 1, pp1-103
Sec and the celebrity edition: March 2013, Volume 4, Number 1, pp1-91
papers from the inaugural celebrity studies conference: March-June 2014, Volume 5, Number 1-2,pp 5-74
inaugural celebrity studies conference forum (March-June 2014,Volume 5,Number 1-2, pp75-92
Feminism abd contemporary celebrity culture forum: March 2015, Volume 6, number 1, pp124-139
the 'bond' issue. March 2016, Volume 7m Number 1, pp1-112

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Contemporary Media Celebrity Analysis
David Marshall focused on public subjects where there is representation of the individual personality in the public sphere as the celebrities (1997, p. 70). As such, when viewing the celebrities as a form of public subjectivity, this explains their power. Celebrity extends beyond the skills displayed to their achievement, personality, the representation of individuality, their personality and even access to fans. The audiences are encouraged to identify with certain aspects of the celebrities public representation in modern democratic societies, where they also rationalize consumer capitalism. Jeffree Star has leveraged the social media sites to popularize his makeup and cosmetic creations, having originally started out as a singer. I choose to focus on Jeffree Star as he has used online media to be a micro-celebrity from his early singing days using MySpace to now utilizing social media platforms to be a prominent vlogger in makeup cosmetics, and beauty.
Celebrity studies
While there is growing interest in celebrity studies, there have been criticisms that such studies are not rigorous and they have mainly received attention in non-acad...
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