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Assignment Discussion Animal Rights

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Animal Rights
The internet proves useful in changing information and individuals in ways that can support people in networks and improve their relative power of communication. The internet, more specifically social media had gained much popularity since 2004 when sites like Facebook came into existence (Soramen and Dutton, 2015, p. 1). These social sites have expanded on a global scale, making it difficult to determine their actual effects.
Nonetheless, the internet is capable of being used for social activities that are potentially crucial because most of the social networks begin from simple social communities and grow to the degree of influencing an actual society. The media has played an important role in deciding the types of activities carried out by social movement organizations, as well as the timing of those activities. The media is also useful in setting the context in which the audience’s attitudes on the movements are formed. The society is surrounded by various forms of mass communication which are useful in influencing the public and spreading information fast. Companies like the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is a strong advocate for animal rights. The organizations set up campaigns for raising funds for their programs and mainly utilizes mass media communication to reach their supporters. The influence that PETA has had on the society at large has been made possible by the effective use of the Internet. The organization uses the internet to enlighten individuals on the cruelty that some animals undergo, and the need to treat the animals with respect by advocating for their rights. PETA’s use of the internet shows how mass media communication can influence an individual’s attitudes, affect policies and bring about societal change. Therefore, this essay seeks to discuss the influence of the internet on advocating for animal rights.
Communication is a means of transferring information from one individual to another (Lunenberg, 2010, p. 1). Certain features need to be included in the process to ensure that the message being communicated reaches its desired listener. These features are defined in the model by Shannon and Weaver. The model includes some concepts such as; the source of the message, encoder, the channel, the message being sent, and the receiver (Al-Fedaghi 2012, p. 2). PETA acts as the originator of the message, which in this case, is the source. The internet acts as the transmitter which changes the message into binary data to be easily spread through the cables. The decoder, which can either be a user’s phone, computer or any other device that connects the user to the internet, then changes the signal into an actual message that can be understood by the receiver. The final stage is when the message gets to the receiver. Based on the model, PETA, the source, posts a comment or starts an online campaign through their social media page or website which is considered the medium of communication, the message is encoded, transferred and decoded via the internet and devices, to reach the final viewer who then reacts to the message. The model, however, suggests that a majority of communication within a medium is either direct or unidirectional, but, in the world of mass media, most communications are indirect and never unidirectional (Foulger, 2004, p. 12). The usefulness of the model is displayed by a person’s reactions to PETA’s messages and campaigns. Over the years, the organization has set up multiple sites that are devoted to cows, fur, going vegetarian and so forth. These sites each communicate specific messages concerning how to treat animals and ways of protecting them. The messages shared on these sites have educated the masses and encouraged participating among individuals in their campaigns. The reaction from the masses is a confirmation that the message was well received without interruptions. However, the means by which individuals interpret the message can be a factor to consider as well. Shannon and Weaver’s model describes the noise as interference which can distort the message. The internet also has interference, but unlike that explained by the model, this type of interference is non-physical. Shannon and Weaver explains that noise can lead to message misrepresentations (Businesstopia, 2018). The interference can be an issue with connectivity or a lack of a device that can enable the follower to access the internet and receive the information from PETA.
Moreover, Individuals interpret messages differently. Some individuals receive the message and react by changing the way they treat animals or even become vegetarians. While others fail to clearly understand PETA’s message and instead, mock the group’s campaigns, despite the varied reactions, the model proves useful for PETA.
PETA plays an important role in pushing for policies and laws. PETA must educate the masses on the topic of animal rights. PETA’s ability to influence the masses and push for policies proves the effects of digital democracy that is brought about by the use of the internet. The introduction of the internet has brought about several ideas. Among them the views that the internet is a direct medium which can be used by people to determine what happens at the center of mass media irrespective of their location.
Moreover, the internet is seen as a platform that offers an equal opportunity, as well as a creative and active medium that transforms listeners to participants (Hacker and Van Dijk, 2000, p. 1). The internet has given individuals a voice in matters that were only being discussed by politicians and other government officials. The fact that its introduction has created a platform for individuals to be able to influence policies makes it democratic. Social media has gained popularity at a very high rate and with it, users have been able to generate their content and take part in matters that formerly involved top officials. The digital democracy has enabled organizations like PETA to actively participate in promoting policy changes and push campaigns to fund their programs which are meant to enlighten the masses.
Over the years, PETA has managed to conduct campaig...
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