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The impact of culture and economic situation in Dubai for The current situation and future prospects

Essay Instructions:
Outline for International Business Environment The impact of culture and economic situation in Dubai for The current situation and future prospects Introduction (250words) Introduction of Dubai 1000 (words) Provide a basic overview of its development and current economic profile using appropriate statistics wherever possible. Description method. The current situation and future prospects for the economic situation and culture What happened to them from changes in culture? How affected by the two emirates citizens from other cultures it was positive or negative What did the government do to stop the economic crisis? And how to run their economy and what are the economic resources to them Descriptive method The theory of scenario planning (1000words) the argue method between authors. The Sources it has to be books Main body (2500 words) it has to have 4 scenarios Description and some argue between authors. The Sources it has to be books Provide a set of scenarios for the future development or your chosen country or region. These should follow the criteria for good scenarios outlined in the course and must be believable in their context. The first scenario If they have an open mind to the world culture or open culture and they have a strong economy, what will happen in Dubai How will impact on their economic How will affect their culture positive or negative on the emirates Citizens The second scenario If they have an open mind or open culture to the world and they have a poor economic how it will effect and what will happen in Dubai in this situation How will impact on their economic. How will affect their culture positive or negative on the emirates Citizens? The third scenario If they have a closed mind or strong culture(they do not like any new culture ) and they have a strong economy, what will happen in Dubai in this situation How will impact on their economic How will affect their culture positive or negative on the emirates Citizens The fourth scenario If they have a closed mind or strong culture(they do not like any new culture ) and they have a poor economy , what will happen in Dubai in this situation How will impact on their economic How will affect their culture positive or negative on the emirates Citizens Conclusion: 300words References 20 Sources at least Appendixes
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Running head: The impact of culture and economic situation in Dubai for the current situation and future prospects
The impact of culture and economic situation in Dubai for the current situation and future prospects
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Table of Contents
Problem statement
Scenario planning
Future Developments
Conclusions and Recommendations
The impact of culture and economic situation in Dubai for the current situation and future prospects
Abstract: This paper is on "The impact of culture and economic situation in Dubai for the current situation and future prospects". The study’s overall aim is to scrutinize how and why Dubai developed to turn into the region that it has. This broad aim allows the study to explore various ideas that explain Dubai’s development, the current disorder and potential forthcoming with regards to financial and cultural developments. It examines the disposition of culture in encouraging or discouraging country-level economic performance. It furthermore explores how, when it comes to monetary development, not all cultures are created equal. For the global company and the practicing manager, our results indicate that cultural values appear to have a few statistically significant and operationally significant economic effects.
Problem statement: The world monetary catastrophe has hit Dubai's economy, crashing the brakes on its rising and falling development and dimming its gold sprint status. Development ventures are being delayed, tourism is expected to decline and the administration is even exploring how to begin collecting taxes, once almost unthinkable in this freest of free market enclaves. All this is troubling news for the fortune seekers who flocked here in recent years however an unexpectedly welcome development in some respects for one group: Emirati natives, the 10 percent or so who trace their lineage to the Bedouins and traders who once had this baking sliver of sand to themselves. Emiratis have been bothered for years over the loss of their culture, as social norms developed into more a product of the newcomers than of the nationals. At present, some are pinning their desires for a cultural salvation on the global economic downturn, which they hope will diminish the numbers of foreigners driving into their country and give them a chance to reassert their customs and way of life. The sudden cold snap in the economy, more than in societies in the West and the Far East, has forced a combined rethinking of the country's direction. conceivably the most complicated problem is being asked by Emiratis themselves, who want to distinguish where they fit into their own country. In an odd case of role reversal, the minority of nationals fear they are becoming similar to colonial lords in their own country. (Hazel Heyer 2010: 1)
Introduction: Dubai has been perennially acknowledged to be for the most part Un-Gulf status, since it doesn’t depend on oil as a solution driver for its financial system. As an alternative, throughout its glory days amid the late 1980s right until recently, Dubai relied on tourism, real property as well as trade for motivating its market. People, who lived in Dubai all through these periods, observed the revolution of what was an absolute Sand mound to a metropolis where one and all wished to subsist in. Every part of this had to come with its individual set of drawbacks. The determined strategy of the Dubai administration, lead by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Makhtoum to start dream ventures at very high cost meeting anti-climatic stoppage. In addition to this it did meet one climax, in the shape of the global slump! The worldwide downturn preordained one fad “dream initiatives” similar to the Palm Islands as well as the Seven Oceans had incredibly less stakeholders as soon as the venture came closer to being alive. These ventures moreover had the support of the administration of Dubai. At this time with not a lot of people eager to pay out their duty, these possessions stood at a standstill. By means of not several units of these venture finding consumers, developers started to evade on their expenses back to their creditors and hence causing this giant metropolis move towards the downfall. It was just not capable to locate people to pay money for their ventures, or elements in their ventures. Worldwide downturn bought with it, a descending coiled in the prices of landed property in Dubai, however just to the refrain of about 15-20%. A number of these ventures were so striking and out of ordinary that they had to be priced moderately elevated and perceptibly then, they had to go vacant. (Aamir Rehman 2008:65)
Dubai at the moment has a liability value over $80 billion dollars in which Dubai is trying to induce. Heryer states that the real liability is in point of fact over $160 billion dollars. Whatever the case is, Dubai is potentially going to be the main deteriorating state that there will ever be. Dubai has exhausted their wealth from their profits resulting from their yearly billions of dollars a year oil exports in an extremely destitute method. As a result what lessons can we discover from the Dubai liability calamity? (Hazel Heyer 2010:2) One of the main rationales why Dubai is deteriorating is for the reason that they depleted over on possessions that were uneconomical. For example, in one of Dubai's well-known hotel, the Palazzo Versace hotel, they have coastline that are cooled thus it doesn't feel too warm when sitting or lying down on the sand which cost them more than millions of dollars to construct. There was no limit in what they could pay out; moreover a lot of companies as well as workers subjugated that reality. Subsequently billions of dollars were exhausted draining into goods that weren't required at all. (Aamir Rehman 2008:65)
Dubai is a scorching dry barren region coastal town, without various wherewithals and is remote to fundamental tactical resources. For example, Dubai has to ship fresh water from ships to get running fresh water to the citizens. Venture investments were made mainly in hotels and big resorts and not in education. Moreover, Dubai does not have any arrangement for any oil scarcity. If they had an oil deficiency now, Dubai will be a ghost town, and will never pay off their debts for hundreds of years. The people administrating Dubai need imminent focus into potential planned development. (Hazel Heyer 2010: 2)
One of the distressing adversity concerning Dubai is that it was very affluent however had underprivileged supervision managing the realm or corporations. For example, The World Island hotel has artificial isle where ships as well as trucks of sands have to be shifted in order to construct these islands. At the moment, these islands are tumbling, and the fortune spent in creation of these islands has gone to waste. Moreover, hundreds of apartments are gone vacant for the reason that of in excess of construction of apartments close together and too quick. This is a consequence of deprived administration. (Aamir Rehman 2008:65)
Background: in the present day, Dubai has come out as a large-scale metropolis as well as a business center. even though Dubai's financial system was built on the oil business, presently the emirate's representation of commerce is similar to that of Western countries which forces its wealth, through the outcome that its most important revenues are currently from tourism, real property, and financial services. Dubai has lately fascinated world concentration all the way through a lot of ground-breaking great building ventures as well as sports events. This augmented awareness has highlighted work privileges with human rights issues relating to its principally South Asian labor force. Dubai's land market experienced a main decline during 2008 and 2009 as a result of the international monetary downturn subsequent to the financial catastrophe of 2007–2010. (Kamran Jebreili 2010: 11s)
The approaching probable failure to pay of Dubai World auxiliary Nakheel on its more than $3-Billion bond as well as Dubai World declaration that it will streamline more than $26-Billion in liability has raised queries with reference to the Government's financial wellbeing. However collision could go well away from with harsh lack of clearness as well as business systems not almost as refined as the ventures that urbanized into the Dubai product; a few contemplate Dubai will have a Lehman-Brothers-type outcome on the Mid East and budding markets all together (Kamran Jebreili 2010)
The Dubai management’s choice to branch out from a trade based though oil-reliant financial system to one that is service oriented and has made real estate and additional developments more priceless, ensuing in the property boom starting from 2004–2008. The real estate industry on an all-encompassing level has curved Dubai into one of the highest budding cities ever. There are a number of important ventures which are currently under construction or will be constructed in the future. Due to the heavy construction which is taking place in Dubai, 30,000 construction cranes, which are 25% of cranes worldwide, are operating in Dubai. (Mike Davis 2009) Because of the rupture of construction, Dubai has acquired a variety of building-related records, which consist of: the world's tallest tower (Burj Khalifa), the world's major shopping mall (Dubai Mall), the world's largest fountain (The Dubai Fountain) as well as the world's tallest hotel (Rose Tower). In addition the Walt Disney ventures in Dubaland, which will be more or less double the size of the Walt Disney World Resort. During 2009, a lot of construction real estate ventures were stopped, as a result of the deteriorating financial crisis of 2007–2010, which moreover has grounded land value to descend significantly all through the United Arab Emirates, yet most particularly in Dubai. (Aamir Rehman 2008:66)
Analysis: Dubai property market is a fundamental constituent of the Dubai financial system, seeing that as a result the recession in the property market, sourced by a combination of abridged investments and an international economic deceleration, has had a major impact leading the direct prediction for Dubai and those looking to shift there for work. It would become visible that the building and land markets have been hit the most even though there is no mention of how the tourist industry is fairing at the moment, where there must be potential in the short to medium term for a difficult period to say the least. It has moreover been renowned that a number of foreign companies who moved to the area over the last few years appear to have economized back to their homeland leaving something of an opening in the Dubai financial system. (Mike Davis 2009: 2)
Dejectedly it would come into view that a lot of people are still not aware that the Dubai financial system has slowed of late with various being taken in by promises of service by a range of employment agencies. At the same time as it would be incorrect to articulate that these agencies are on purpose tricking citizens, as it would show that more and more people are left very dissatisfied with the alternatives on hand when they plan to move to Emirates. There is moreover prospective for the administration to look constructively look upon local human resources to a certain extent than hiring from other countries even if the slump persists for some substantial span of time. The administration has a status for speedy actions on a number of matters and the setting can factually change immediately. (Robert F. Worth 2009)
There is certainly no hesitation in stating that Dubai is supported by the local land market along with considerable overseas asset, has been one of the enhanced performing property markets along with economies in the world over the last number of years. Regrettably the district has not been capable to keep away from the continuing international economic decline which is not just upsetting the county straight however has required a lot of overseas investors as well as visitors to Dubai to cut back to their hometowns. However, at the same time as the existing monetary environment is extremely exceptional and having a key collision in several countries just about the world the long-standing depiction for Dubai is still very optimistic even if the short to middle term circumstances, similar to a lot of others around the world, could get poorer before it improves. The existing state of affairs in Dubai has moreover been worsening by the supposed “hot spot” standing which the area concerned when the property market was in complete run. The chilling of the “hot spot” has not helped the local market in any manner also this might be something which the system will look at as an opportunity. (Robert Smith 2009)
Dubai is one of 7 Sheikhdoms that structures the United Arab Emirates, a confederation that cooperatively pedals a noteworthy proportion of the world's oil funds as well as almost $1-Trillion in Sovereign Wealth. The government run enterprises (GRE) for example Dubai World which is an outcome of the affluence have turn out to be main monetary and commerce players on the world juncture. Captivating just Dubai as a pattern (not yet allowing for the upper-wealthy Abu Dhabi), these enterprises and auxiliary businesses having property in global ports, trade, banking, realty, aviation, and a lot of supplementary industries. Depending greatly on overseas venture, Dubai constructed a domestic property realm and then used proceeds take the domain worldwide and enlarge into a swing of additional industries. The existing Dubai Debt catastrophe, seeing that is being called in the area, has had main effects, along with if it is not addressed in the approved manner, could increase hazardously all through the global financial system. (Aamir Rehman 2008:66)
With reference to the GCC as well as Mid East region, the Dubai Debt catastrophe has carried extremely off-putting effects. The thought that these GREs are not in reality owned by the management and as a result not unswervingly attached to independent monetary support is a dodgy decoupling being toyed by Dubai World that will wear away overseas self-assurance in these industries if it is carried from beginning to end towards completion. Additionally, it is not possible to construct a worldwide financial center if you're not synching global financial regulations from deference and conviction approach, a Nakheel bond evasion would put Dubai as well as the GCC back considerably in their tactical aims. Resulting to that any GCC commerce depending on global order/economics and not paid attention to on a district development and demand will probably undergo a rough path; as the local players might be the simply the ones willing to participate at the table subsequent to a Dubai World default. (Gale, Sarah Fister 2009)
The calamity has served as a prompt that rising markets hold threats, and by means of far less lucidity than what is characteristically seen in the West, this peril can be exaggerated. Additionally, Dubai is the primary key budding market to have its books released, consequently on the possessions of the financial crisis that shocked Western markets almost 12 months ago. Thus, there might be monetary toxicity prowling in further emerging markets, which may start coming to light over the next year posturing a noteworthy confront to the worldwide market still spooling from the fall down in the Western markets. If the focal point for upturn has so far been in the West, moving to the fore the similar focus have got to be specified to rising nations in order to stay away from a worldwide double-dip collapse. (Gale, Sarah Fister 2009)
The impact of autonomous riches from the Middle East on world markets has not been considered in the aspect that maybe it should, given the massive amount of prosperity and outpouring of funds from this area into a variation of industries globally. These finances may assist in a major responsibility in stimulating exhausted monetary markets and so the dynamics of how these finances toil the lucidity level that they function through and their funds allowance strategies ought to be more directly scrutinized. These are "hedge funds" which might be potentially just as great an impact on the comprehensive monetary industry moving forward as USA-based Wall Street colossal had in this last collection. (Alistair Dawber 2010)
Dubai traumatized the world by demanding a suspension on debt reimbursement. Overseas banks had beforehand forced considerable quantity of funds into Dubai, knowing that they would experience massive losses if the emirate evaded on its liability. As a result, Dubai’s appeal provoked monetary markets worldwide to plunge straight away. Revelations that Nakheel, a subsidiary of the state-run Dubai World, had suffered losses of US$3.64 billion since June 2009 caused further financial turbulence, especially in Dubai’s stock market. Faced with financial turmoil and a collapsing real estate market, Dubai is now in the throes of an identity crisis. Once the representation of Middle Eastern affluence and the wealth of modern globalization, the emirate have got to reinvent itself for the reason that its replica of economic development is no longer pragmatic. Dubai has to take on a diversified approach to sustainable development by mounting additional industries along with looking to turn out to be the enlightening opening to the Middle East, whereas throughout the property boom, Dubai could do no mistake. Tripping a wield of easy credit and a inundation of foreign funds, the state built the world’s tallest structure, the majority deluxe hotels, as well as most unusual icon flee ways, characterizing the rewards of global investment and fitting the tiara jewel of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). (Alistair Dawber 2010)
Through magnetizing overseas investment to expand the Middle East’s major business milieu and the world’s most aristocratic desert exit, supported by the probability of everlastingly growing property prices, the emirate sought to spread its industries and flee reliance on oil revenues. For more than a few years this plan worked, as the world’s privileged compensated generously for Dubai’s lavish new-fangled realty, which derived the hope of continually increasing property values, nevertheless, established to be unreasonably active. In view of the fact that real estate prices started to fall during 2008, an arrangement of overindulgence of property supply and decreasing demand has endangered the very fundamentals of economy. The waning property market is in particular hazardo...
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