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Reflective essay on a presentation

Essay Instructions:
i need a reflective essay on a presentation i have done last week the essay have to be a 1000 words and falow the steps to complate the questions that i'm asked to do so .... and no reffrenses needed.. and the refflective essay should enclude the feed back from my tutar and from student openions that i'm going to uploud.. and the essa y should answer those questios : ((1)) Evaluation of presentation (What happened? Wh at were you thinking/feeling? What were your strengths/ weaknesses? etc.) ((2)) Anal ysis of Learning (What sense can you make of the situation? What went well and why? W hat difficulties did you encounter? etc.) ((3)) Conclusions and Action Plan (What else could you have done? What would you do differently/better in the future? W hat employability skills have I developed as a result of this exercise? etc.) Structu re/ Presentation (Clear introduction and conclusion, logical structure) plez check the applouded files coz all the feedback and critiria og writing and also the above quistions are included in as docoment. Many Thanks>>>>> & Best Regards
Essay Sample Content Preview:
REFLECTION ESSAY: In the first place, I had to avail all the relevant materials that could help me to develop my PowerPoint presentation so that when the time for presenting it to the audience comes, I would have no problem doing the best I can. I therefore had to prepare a student feedback sheet for my verbal presentation whereby people who will watch my presentation could in a better position to comment on how I introduced myself and the topic I wanted to share with them . They had to comment on what they liked about my presentation and their reactions to the presentation. My audience were also placed in a good position to be able to comment about how my points in the presentation developed from one to another and comment on how best had used Information Technology skills to present my presentation. At the end of my presentation, the audience could write on the feedback sheet some of the aspects in my presentation that they could want me to improve on. The student feedback sheet lastly had a space where my audience could be able to ask me questions concerning the presentation. After giving out the student feedback sheets, I sought the attention of my audience so that I could be able to introduce the topic I wanted to discuss with them. I managed to show them my presentation and then later on requested them to bring forth to me the student feedback sheets so that I could be able to know what I had done wrong and what parts of my presentation wanted some improvements. I promised them that the information that was given on the student feedback sheets will be treated with the highest confidentiality and therefore strongly urged them to feel very free and honestly fill the sheets without any fear because I was not going to victimize anyone. I managed to compose myself and started taking my peers through my presentation although at times, I felt very shy and decided not look into their eyes because of fear. I was not sure whether I was doing the right thing and it was very hard for me to judge how my audience was responding towards my presentation. I had the fear that my audience and my peers in general may have been bored with what I was talking and they may not be as interested as such. At first, I became very worried that maybe some peers could ask me some very difficult questions which I may not be in position to answer and therefore embarrass myself but luckily enough, no one single person form my audience managed to ask me a single question. I assumed that may be I was providing them with the relevant information which was timely and accurate as therefore no one could raise the eye brows. It became very difficult for me to look straight into the eyes of my audience and therefore decided to gaze down most of the time. I enjoyed the concentration of the audience especially those ones that had never known how a projector can be used to present presentations. I was bored or rather didn’t enjoy shouts from part of the audience who wanted me to be more audible. At the end of my presentation, I received comments from o...
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