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An Overview of Internet Marketing in China, Marketing Basis

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Chinese Network Marketing
A business setting that has clear strategies regarding its exploration of the market is subject to record improved performances due to large market gain. For over three decades, the proclamation in support of the statement has been issued by marketing managers as well as marketing academicians. According to Narver and Slater (1990), it is postulated that the current progress in marketing trends for various firms relies on the strategies outlined towards establishing competitive platforms and exploration of new markets. Therefore, one of the major strengths of a business enterprise towards the realization of growth and development is through the establishment of competitive marketing platforms.
Development of the internet, being one of the latest marketing strategies that both business premises and consumers rely on in business transactions forms a significant marketing orientation platform for most business organizations. For instance, the explosive development of the internet as a marketing platform has altered the consumer’s shopping habits, as well as the business organizational marketing strategies. Business settings are thus subject to developing comprehensive strategies that define their orientation towards the exploration of markets through the internet. Such a move is reported to be effective in helping firms grasp the needs of their customers and collect market intelligence information that is important in establishing effective marketing strategies that raise competition (Quelch and Klein, 1996).
The differences between the ancient forms of marketing and the modern methods are that the modern marketing methods rely on the advancing technologies. The evolution of technology has transformed the methods in which businesses are conducted. It is denoted that lots of business operations have resulted in the use of the internet as a means of reaching more consumers within short durations. It also fosters fast communication between the producers and the consumers (Salehi et al., 2012). The execution of technology all over the world has been in the forefront in the transformation of businesses and marketing, and China is not left behind. It has also been experiencing the rapid proliferation of the internet-based marketing. For instance, several businesses across China are beginning to utilize an Internet-based marketing system; an aspect that characterizes business operations of the 21st century.
The Internet-based systems adopted by business operations in China have become an essential aspect of the current society, as well as economic developments in relation to the promotion of company marketing. Through the web-based marketing platforms, companies interact with consumers at ease. It has also enhanced the proactive nature of marketing for firms irrespective of their sizes. The essay explores various sources, with an objective of affirming that the internet is a valuable marketing tool in China. Through the report, multiple aspects such as the need to adopt technology in business premises, the positive impacts of technology and the challenges that face internet based marketing platforms are explored.
An Overview of Internet Marketing in China
Internet-based marketing relies on the advanced technology in linking consumers with the business producers. China is one of the rapidly developing countries in technology. Therefore, internet marketing is subject to help business organizations obtain market within and beyond its boundaries. Also, China’s exploration of the market has been objective at the realization of positive relationships about the market orientation and achievement of business profitability (Feng et al., 2004). Emphasis has thus been placed on the creation of broad samples of products as well as service operations that reach a majority of consumers.
The economy of China is postulated to be the second largest after that of the United States of America. Lots of manufacturing across the world is linked with China and that lots of transformations have been realized in the manner in which business operations within the country are conducted. The trappings of the country’s economic growth are postulated to be as a result of the massive and quick growth of the consumer market growth (Dan 2013).
According to the marketing facts outlined by Dan (2013), within China, a total of 800 million persons have access to the internet. Approximately 75% of the individuals with access to the internet use affordable gadgets such as mobile phones, a device that has also become a basic need in the modern world. It implies that higher percentages of consumers within China, even the poor households, can still access the internet. It also means that the internet-based marketing strategies for the Chinese economy are gigantic (Dan 2013).
An approximation of 220 million people are reported to interact with business firms in China through the online web platforms. For instance, bookings of holidays are reported to be done by approximately 90 million Chinese citizens annually (Dan 2013). A more substantial percentage, approximated to be 350 million persons are online gamers, and 220 million persons interact with banks through the Internet-based platforms (Dan, 2013). The large numbers of internet users affirm the gigantic nature of network-based marketing.
Various measures such as the social media platforms are some of the advancing internet-based platforms that enhance marketing within China. A platform such as the ‘Tencent’ which is one of the largest platforms in China with over 800 million members proves to be an important setting for promoting internet marketing (Dan, 2013). Therefore, organizational strategies for marketing through such a platform translated to the attraction of large numbers of consumers. Business advertisements through such platforms and interactions with consumers with regards to addressing their concerns translate to the attraction of large numbers of consumers for firms.
The Internet as Marketing Tool for China
The internet being the marketing tool, China has ventured into the network marketing platforms to gain more markets for the growing industries. Various internet platforms are used in gaining more consumers and thus aiding the realization of marketing goals for the firms. Internet approach is utilized in multiple business settings to achieve various marketing goals through the establishment of computer communications, utilization of the interactive media and networking (Borders et al., 2001). It implies that the focus of business organizations has shifted to the use of computer communications and networking regarding the formulation of prices, promotions and the distribution systems (Liu and Arnett, 2000). Such measures are defined as vital aspects of meeting the consumer needs as well as helping organizations meet marketing objectives.
According to Hamill (1997), it is postulated that online marketing refers to the utilization of the internet related technologies with diverse features, including instant messaging, emails, websites and online advertisements to aid organizational marketing. It also entails other technical aspects such as publication of product information, provision of sales platforms and provision of consumer services (Hamill, 1997). The diverse elements are essential in helping business organizations achieve market developments, increased profitability, and increased marketing activities. The traditional forms of marketing such as the newspapers and television are being replaced by newer technologies (Salehi et al., 2012).
Another comprehensive argument that captures the internet as a vital marketing tool is the article by Yaxiong (2012). According to the author, based on modern marketing theories, online marketing has helped firms realize considerable progress towards the replacement of the traditional media that included the use of newspapers, emails, telephones, and televisions in running advertisements. The use of the internet is postulated to push and track sales through the various digital methods that are efficient (Salehi et al., 2012).
The articles give comprehensive information on the internet as a marketing tool. They also affirm that since the modern world is under rapid transformations of technology and that is objective at making operations efficient and timely, adoption of the internet in business marketing is vital in the realization of productivity and maintenance of competitive measures. The internet serves to replace the traditional means of marketing. Some of the limitations of the ancient marketing strategies such as accessibility by few customers, high costs of publishing magazines and the difficulties in the distribution of marketing fliers have been replaced by efficient means. For instance, an advertisement in various digital platforms, including the ‘Tencent’ reaches a vast pool of consumers within a short time (Dan 2013).
Internet Networking as a Marketing Basis
Having comprehensively addressed the internet as a marketing tool, a question on whether the platform fosters networking between consumers and organizations arises. Also, the extent to which the network affects the relations between the business organizations and firms arise. Through various articles, the vitality of the internet platforms as a networking basis is comprehensively addressed.
Keillor (2007) defines the internet platform as the integration of computer communication systems and the digital media. Such integration is meant to utilize new approaches, methods as well as new concepts in the implementation of the company's ideas and goals focusing on attracting consumers (Keillor, 2007). Important aspects that are satisfactorily addressed by the integration systems include completion of the product pricing, promotions, and distribution. The fact that the operations are based on the use of the internet and that business settings can establish direct connections with consumers proves the significance of internet marketing in the marketing of products, as well as the provision of services to the consumers (Keillor, 2007).
Internet marketing, also regarded as E-Marketing by Schibrowsky et al. (2007), refers to the collaborative nature of digital information as well as online media to aid the organizational realization of marketing goals. Internet networking is defined as a marketing platform that is meant to achieve the organizational marketing strategies through utilization of the diverse functions of the internet. For instance, it entails the use of the computer communication systems and the interactive nature of the digital and social media platforms (Schibrowsky et al., 2007). Since it is based on network technologies, it entails direct organizational marketing that puts more emphasis on decentralized marketing systems and designs that are consumer-oriented.
Achrol and Kotler (1999) present a comprehensive aspect of the internet as a networking platform for marketing purposes. It is argued that the internet provides a new marketing platform and that it refers to a marketing method that a business setting or marketers utilize to enhance communications with consumers, with an objective of realizing marketing goals. The important diverse functions of the internet include the significance of computer network systems in linking business firms with consumers, the importance of the efficiency of computer communications systems as well as the digital collaborative media platforms (Achrol and Kotler 1999).
Omar et al. (2011) postulate that internet marketing utilizes networking in the implementation of marketing plans in new ways, methods as well as concepts. For instance, the realization of individual and organizational transactions can be more efficient through internet marketing. Lagrosen (2005) comprehensively captures internet networking as a tool that is based on utilization of the internet and information technology in the realization of diverse marketing activities that organizations wish to accomplish. For instance, it supports direct communication channels with the consumers, supports advertisements and also aids delivery of products since tracking of products is a possibility (Lagrosen, 2005). Thus, the entire processes rely on the network technology.
The various articles depict the internet as an essential setting for organizational networking with consumers. The most important aspect is the provision of direct communication channels with the consumers, it also offers an efficient platform for addressing various consumer concerns. The internet is a useful marketing tool, thus gives it an upper hand of creating suitable communication channels. Various networking platforms such as communications on digital platforms and the private emails enhance business operations. The articles thus highlight the internet as an important platform for networking. Arguments raised by the various authors affirm the claims.
A network-based form of marketing is characterized by information symmetry, a super space-time, real-time interactions and integrated forms of marketing. Successful networking provides 24-hour operations in a day; it implies that service to consumers and the communications are never interrupted. It also advocates for the provision of quality services that would attract more consumers while retaining the regular customers. A study carried out by Liu and Arnett (2000) highlight some of the significant aspects of successful networking. It is depicted that priority in the realization of successful internet networking should be based on proper information, service quality, and appropriate systems of operations, implying that the systems should be easy to use and operate and should build confidence among the consumers (Liu and Arnett 2000).
The duo postulates that some of the admirable characteristics of successful networking include attractiveness, trust, and realization of consumer satisfaction. Attractiveness should be realized in the pre-sale stages. At the pre-sale stage, businesses aim to attract the attention of customers through diverse actions, including advertisements, public relations as well as promotions. Trust should be built at the online stage.
It is crucial in establishing confidence and earning trust from the consumers through the successful online ordering of products, successful payments and satisfactory experiences that are highly valued by customers (Liu and Arnett 2000). Establishment of consumer satisfaction is realized after-sale stage. The primary objective is to create custom services that address the consumer’s problems with lots of vigor and offers sound resolutions. At this stage, if the website is subject to meet the requirements of the customers and can as well be relied on in giving consumers a pleasurable experience that ensures satisfaction to the customer’s needs.
Once the appropriate characteristics are put in place, advantages of the networking systems are subject to be realized. The first illustrated advantage is that the internet networking platform is important in helping organizations achieve improved marketing systems that capture more consumers. Through the platforms, business firms communicate with consumers with lots of ease and advertisements reach a significant portion of the target market. The other advantage of networking is the fact that the internet networking gives access to the exploration of the international markets. Since accessibility to the internet goes beyond the borders of a nation, business firms are subject to utilize the networking in exploring market opportunities beyond the limits of a nation (Feng et al., 2004). For instance, China being a superior nation in the field of manufacturing, firms are subject to explore markets in other countries through networking. It also aids the means through which products can be delivered due to the ease of tracking the products.
Another significance of internet networking is the reduction of the costs of the inventory. Such an advantage is realized due to the shortened production cycles. Organizational competitions regarding the acquisition of new consumers and explorations into new markets within and beyond the boundaries of a nation have been changed by internet networking. Among the strengths of internet networking that Feng et al. (2004) illustrate the fact that the internet marketing has changed the competitive image in the business settings. Further, they argue that internet networking has brought about lots of changes to the internal structure of the enterprises and the industry has undergone lots of transformations due to the advancing technologies (Feng et al., 2004). For instance, when compared with the traditional marketing strategie...
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