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Individuals, Groups, Organization Interplay Business & Marketing Essay

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An organisation’s effectiveness depends on the successful interplay of individuals, groups, and the organisation as a whole

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Individuals, Groups, and the Organization Interplay
At the heart of the success is the integration of the individual, the group, and the organization. These are the main elements of the company, and they constantly interact regardless of the tasks that are involved. This can be considered to be a hierarchy in the sense that, from the individual comes to the personal abilities and personality relative to the company goals. Then comes the group within which the individual works as they interact with the rest of the individuals at the company. There are different group dynamics, and quite some theories have been developed in a way to try and establish the relations that are formed between the team members and the effectiveness with which they can work at any given time. This is a crucial area of study, especially for companies given that the different individuals represent the different talents within the pool. There is also the organizational element, and this relates to the way the individuals and the groups can interact with the objectives of the company. Elements such as leadership play a major role when it comes to the ability of the individual to bring out their best abilities and talents. More important, the way that the individuals can interact within the groups is largely associated with the organization. For example, where the structure allows, the leaders may use a transformational approach. This will have a different element compared to the transactional. As such, the individual, group and the organization are all elements that determine the success of the said organization. Each of the three is a complex element and has profound impacts on the growth and success of an organization. This paper sets out to determine the impact that each of the three elements has on the success of an organization, by evaluating the various characteristics and associated theories that define them.
The individual is the basic unit of any given organization. For the individual, all the other elements are built on such as the groups and then the entire organization. As such, the selection of the individual plays a crucial role. It is for this reason that the human resources departments give considerable effort in finding the right candidate for the positions that they need to feel at any given organization. Different individuals have different talents, and their abilities will bring about varying results concerning the challenges that the organization is facing.
Ideally, when considering the different ways that individuals differ, several elements come up. These are background factors, and depending on where the individual is from, they are likely to exhibit certain characteristics. The kind of background that an individual has had determines quite some elements, including their approach towards challenges and even how they relate to others within the larger community. One other way that individuals are going to differ is in their intelligence or abilities that they have and can apply. Different individuals have different abilities and these set them apart. It is crucial for an organization to make sure that they get as many diverse individuals about their abilities or levels of intelligence. This is a key element when it comes to handling the different challenges that the organization is going to be faced with. At the same time, when it comes to the formation of the groups, this is a crucial element and one that is going to show as part of the group success or failure and not just at the individual level. Most important, is the ability to understand and appreciate these differences and them understand ways of applying them. It is interesting to note that intelligence is one of the elements that have been widely studied.
Several tests exist to this date, all of which are geared towards assisting in establishing the intelligence of an individual. The Two-Factor Theory of Intelligence, for example, indicates that the scores of intelligence tests tend to be positively related to one another. According to the theory, two factors are associated with intelligence, and these are specific abilities and the general intelligence. The Triarchic Theory of intelligence, on the other hand, brings out a different approach to looking at and evaluating intelligence among individuals. Developed in 1985, the theory is based largely on the Spearman’s model, but this one evaluates three main facets which include the analytical abilities, creative and the practical ones. Each of the facets, in theory, is crucial when it comes to explaining the level of intelligence that an individual has been able to achieve. There are also models that are built around the element of emotional intelligence. This is a concept that has gained much traction in the recent years where most of the human resources test their staff on emotional intelligence. It is s test that is largely associated with the way that people react to different situations, and this means that higher scores are preferable. Emotional intelligence over the years has been highly rated, surpassing general intelligence and specific intelligence by quite a margin. Emotional intelligence is associated with self-perceived abilities, controlling emotions of oneself and relative to others’ emotions.
There are some dimensions associated with emotional intelligence, and these are relationship management, empathy, motivation, self-management, and self-awareness. This is a characteristic of the staff that has been associated with increased performance. Ideally, for the staff at the individual level, ...
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