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Natoinal Culture

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National Culture
The research paper is a critical evaluation of the concept of national culture. Similarly, the paper brings forth the various dimensions of national culture, the concept of culture shock and how top overcome it, various influences on national culture, effects of national culture on doing business in the global arena among other issues relating to culture.
Culture has been defined as a group’s or a society system of shared values, beliefs, norms, language that dictates the way in which a given group lives. On the same not national culture refers to those assumptions, beliefs and values that they are learned while one is a child and help differentiate one society from the other. This definition is in line with Hostede’s in which he thought of it being the software of human mind (Tayeb, 1994).
It has been noted that societies differ in varied degree along cultural dimensions, on the same note, culture do change over time due to influences such as religion, language, economic development as well as changes in social structure. Similarly, cultural differences within and without a nation do greatly affect the environment in which people work there by implicating directly as well as indirectly on business (Ohame, 1990). For this reason then, cultural understanding is an integral part in relationship building hence in doing business in this global village.
Influences on national culture
As noted previously, although national culture is learned form childhood, there are key factors that influence it. According to Ohame 1990, the four major influences on national culture include the following, dominant religion, social factors that comprise of class structure and system of education, the political system and finally economic development.
The social factor categorized as social class is dictated by income as well as wealth; this is in most case fluid and can change at any time. Additionally, hereditary or seniority systems usually limit social economic competitiveness within any given societal setting. Education system in developed countries is inclined more towards science and technical, on the other hand third world countries have education systems that are in most cases elitist and less technological and inclined more toward arts (Alexander & Seidman, 1990). This indeed greatly influences the varied kind of nation culture that we see at present.
Economic and political system effects on national culture are notable. As various countries industrialized, competitive low context behaviors tend to pass from urban regions that are developed to rural regions that are less developed. In addition, traditional way of doing business or rather economies is characterized with a culture of a nation that is less competitive, turbulence way of doing business that is much community focused. In political terms, in scenarios that the government polices and regulations limit or control influences from outside, it is evident that traditional high-context behaviors will still be the norm of that country in question. On the other hand, if government do not restrict or limit external influence, then the country’s culture will indeed change and adopt those norms and values they deem fit.
It has been held by various scholars and researchers that religion is central in defining characteristic of all societies in the world (Warner, 1981). Religion such as Christianity, Islam, Jewish, Buddhism, Hinduism and Confucianism also play an integral part in determining national culture. These religions do have economically related characteristics (Alexander & Seidman, 1990). For instance, protestant Christianity focuses and foster work ethics, creation of wealth as well as personal freedom, Islam are of the philosophy for free enterprise, right to own property privately, trustworthiness, are against collecting interest as well as keeping obligations in contracts. Similarly, Confucianism holds high moral/ethical conduct, loyalty and high degree of honesty.
Additionally, lifestyle religious associated with Islam, Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism affect every day behavior perceptions and attitudes. In Islamic, politics as well as legal, social as well as the system of education are heavily oriented towards religion. On the same note, western nations have intentionally separated politics, legal, and education system, the decision on social behavior are determined by an individual. Hinduism usually dominates social as well as economic life of it people through practice of caste system (Steinmetz, G. 1999). There preparation for the next life usually affects their assumptions, beliefs as well as values they hold.
It is worth noting that religion does impact on high-context behavior as well as low-context behaviors. In terms of high-context behavior, religion emphasizes trustworthiness, social stability, interpersonal sociability, formality unity, and life that is not oriented to material things. It has been thought that religion effect on high context behavior emphasizes on spirituality hence provide a case in which change is very difficult to be embraced.
In the context of low context behavior, for instance, Christianity is viewed as not clashing with very competitive political as well as economic values/systems. Similarly, social class system on the basis of income and wealth are just incentives that help nurture and expand economy and move the society in an upper hierarchical level. Hard work is rewarded while laziness is punished (Ohame, 1990).
Dimension of culture and management practices
According to Geert Hofsted model of national culture, there are five dimension of culture that are linked to today management practices in the world of business. It is worth noting that other studies have come up with the same dimensions as those brought forth by Hofstede. The dimensions include the following;
Individualism vs. collectivism
This is a case where identity is a resultant from self or collectivity. Individualism calls for persons to come up and show their personal attributes and similarly choose those to associate with, hence loosely coupled. People are to look after themselves as well as their families. In management, individualism is depicted by autonomy, personal responsibility for results and so on. On the other hand, collectivism is where people in the society move as one. This can be shown in business world when an organization adopts innovation and so on, this usually increases the well being of the entire group (Ohame, 1990).
Masculinity and femininity
The masculine culture is associated with assertiveness, doing and acquiring, ambition, as well as accumulation of wealth. Achievement is valued in this kind of dimension while failure is not tolerated. In terms of management, this dimension is clearly depicted by worth based prospects characterized by huge salaries, chances to advance, rewarding, and a country that typically demonstrate this is USA. In feminine cultures, the qualities of life as well as the relationship are highly valued; countries that depict this culture include Denmark, Sweden among other Nordic nations (Warner, 1981).
Uncertainty avoidance
This has been thought as the degree of need to avoid uncertainty about the future. In cases where a group of person have a strong uncertainty avoidance, there is preference on explicit rules and adopt structured system. In the same context, organizations tend to avoid future uncertainty by drafting plans, laying down procedures and guidelines in running its day to day activities (Tayeb, 1994). Employees turnover in such organization is very low compared to one in which avoidance culture is weak.
Long-term vs. short term orientation
This refers to the significance persons of a given region attach to either the ancient times or currently. It is noted that long-term oriented culture is associated with patience, respect for older persons in the society, obedience, as well as perseverance. These actions are seen to affect the future. On the other hand, short-term orientation the people value perceptions, actions and attitude that are affected by the past or the present (Steinmetz, G. 1999). On the same line, there are management practices that are consistent with this dimension; for instance, long-term employment as well as problem solving in the context for long-term.
Power distance
It has been accepted and agreed that power opt to be given and exercised from somewhere, the big question is the how far is the distance of that power. In societies that power distance is small, the association is warm and democracy prevail, employees are comfortable to associate with the management and can question decisions made. In cases where power distance is large, those ruled are under autocratic or dictatorship so to speak (Alexander & Seidman, 1990).
Culture shock
Currently, there is free movement of goods, services, capital as well as labor; all these has been enhanced by globalization coupled with new technology and has turned out to be the driving force in the entire world’s economy. Companies operating in the global environment has turned out to employing people from countries other that the one the business is situated. It has been noted that most expatriates face a myriad of challenges once they take assigned duties in a foreign country due to cultural differences.
According to Adler (2008), “culture shock is chiefly a set of emotional reactions to the loss of perceptual reinforcements from one’s own culture, to new culture stimuli which have little or no meaning and to the misunderstanding of new and diverse experiences”. Those affected feel helpless, irritable as well as the fear of being cheated, injured, disregarded, boredom, home sickness, excessive sleep, withdrawal and hostility.
It is worth noting that the phenomenon is normal but unpleasant in most cases, nonetheless, culture shock do have positive implications. These include; improves ones learning experience, enhance self-efficacy and increase intercultural understanding Triandis, H. C. 1993).
In the context of positively impacting on learning experience, the affected person desire to go to a different place having different culture than one he/she is used to will help them to be in a different environment and get to learn new things. Secondly, when engaging in the efforts of trying to counter culture shock or getting prepared to adapt, this makes one to seek for knowledge, skill as well as changing attitude. All these positively impact on ones ability hence being effective.
It also increase ones intercultural understanding, if they actively mingle with the host, one learn a lot of things from the other and vice versa (Oberg, 2009). This in the long ran creates mutual understanding between the individual and can translate to peace and harmony in various involved cultures or countries. Self efficacy is attained by for instance knowing cultur...
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