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MKT315 Environmental Sustainability In Marketing Practices

Essay Instructions:

I will upload some documents about this article, including the paper requirements and the UK rating criteria, please write according to the British rating standard, this article should reach the British rating of 60 points or so. Since there are only 24 hours, please strive for a quick completion, of course, the quality is better. If there is anything you don't understand, please don't hesitate to contact me immediately!


ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES (PBS Undergraduate Grade Descriptors 2015-16)


First Class (1st): 70-100%

For marks of 85% or above the work will be outstanding, answering the question directly, using exceptionally mature judgment and skilful argument. Your work will demonstrate comprehensive, relevant and accurate coverage, clearly informed by a wide variety of appropriate literature, a clear understanding of advanced concepts, effective choice and use of analytical approaches and perceptive critical thinking, as well as skilful and highly sophisticated communication.

Work achieving marks from 70-84% may be considered excellent: it will be critical and analytical at all times, answering the question directly, establishing a coherent set of arguments clearly informed by a range of appropriate literature which is skilfully employed. It will be fluent and articulate as well as clearly and persuasively addressing the relevant issues.


Upper Second Class (2.1): 60-69%

In the 2.1 class the work may be generally described as very good. You will demonstrate high levels of competence and appreciation of the task as well as mature communication skills. Work will be well written, clearly articulated and effectively structured and presented. There will be evidence of a very good understanding of the issues and a well-reasoned attempt to answer the question accurately and appropriately, capturing relevant issues and debates. There will be evidence of a good range of reading and the work will draw on relevant sources incorporated appropriately to inform a clear set of arguments.


Lower Second Class (2.2): 50-59%

The standard of work in the 2.2 class is good. Essentially you will have understood the question or task and addressed it competently. For example, relevant theory, knowledge or models will be identified and explained and applied if relevant. However, the ways in which the material is used (analysis or synthesis, for example) will be lacking, perhaps by not explaining the relevance or not applying theory to the question clearly, accurately or effectively. You may also need to improve the quality of your communication skills.


Pass-Third Class (3rd): 40-49%

Work in this category is satisfactory, but towards the lower end of the marks it will only just be satisfactory. This could also be described as a ‘basic’ answer. For example, a third class answer would show some appreciation of the question set and applicable theory or models, but would be flawed in that it may not address all the issues fully or accurately, or may omit some key principles or apply them inappropriately/inaccurately. There may also be some problems in respect of the quality of your communication skills.


Fail: marks below 39%

A grade within the range 30-39% means that you did not pass the assessment. In other words, you will not have addressed the question or task in a manner that demonstrates you have adequate knowledge and understanding of the issues raised and relevant theory/ principles. Your communication and organisation of your work may require serious attention. Marks below 30%, i.e. 0-29%, represent a clear fail, which means that you are likely to have made some basic errors in your discussion, have not structured a clear argument, and/ or you have misunderstood or failed to incorporate appropriate information or evidence, and your work may be poorly organised and lack structure and clarity. If you have received a mark below 40%, you should make an appointment to discuss this assessment with your tutor as soon as possible.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
In the existing epoch, the respective roles of environmental compliances and sustainable business practices for leading consumer brands became highly essential in determining the ethical and responsible performances of a business. While regulatory authorities are becoming highly conscious towards the sustainability of environment by imposing restrictions on plastic use, consumers are participating equally and proactively in influencing the brands to shape the practices by making relevant changes in packaging (Ghosh and Shah, 2015). As a result, brands are gradually pressurized by society for delivering the best outcome for optimizing the provisions related to both, business and society collectively.
The globally leading brands in the beverage industry are subject of such accusations. Focusing on Coca-Cola (Coke), the largest food and beverage manufacturers in the world, are criticized for using only 7% of the recyclable plastic materials in the bottles. In order to mitigate the criticisms, Coke tends to export the bottles to manufacturers in third-world countries that utilize the commodity in making synthetic fabrics for clothing and apparels (Wong, 2017). According to Elmore (2017), Coke produced more than 100 billion plastic bottles in the fiscal year 2016, which is a considerable concern for water and air pollution for the environmentalist, which functions primarily on speculations.
Need for a Change
The principle facets of marketing are evolving rapidly due to integrated use of information technology (IT) and process transparencies. Today, brands are highly focused on regulating sustainable marketing practices for maintaining the position in the industry and retaining the customer base subsequently for a longitudinal span (Homburg, Jozic and Kuehnl, 2017). The leading consumer brands worldwide are expected to exhibit social responsibility towards the buyers, environment, and related stakeholders of the society (Ingenbleek, Meulenberg and Van Trijp, 2015). In the case of beverage industries, the exhibition is necessarily required for making relevant changes in the packaging materials for mitigating the adverse influences on the aquamarine life and wildlife (Demartini et al., 2018).
Hence, the transparencies and knowledge rationalized by IT developments followed by a simultaneous liability of brands towards the environment have triggered a need for change, which is the adaptation of green marketing. Brands, operating particularly in the food and beverage industry, are expected to integrate the principle elements of green marketing. The packaging of proposed products should be environmental friendly in nature or manufacturing processes must remain under sustainable regulation for complying with the green marketing principles (Dangelico and Vocalelli, 2017). In the case of Coke, the essence of green marketing is absent since the product packaging is not fit for recycling. Besides, the disposal practices of the company are another performance gap, requiring strategies for sustaining the industrial position and brand image among the stakeholder audiences worldwide.
Recommended Strategies – Action Plan


Strategy 1

The Triple Bottom Line (TBL) Strategy

The TBL approach includes the consideration of people, planet and purpose in the business practices. The approach allows the businesses to care about stakeholders, environment and economic value of a brand respectively, which optimizes the marketing presence simultaneously (Wilson, 2015). In the case of Coke, the adaptation of the TBL strategy would assist in overcoming the challenges related to environmental footprints. The company would require making changes in marketing mix elements, except for the product.
Through TBL strategy, Coke can institute a change in packaging primarily by shifting from non-recycling plastics. By making transitions in packaging, the company could mitigate the cost of production, which would require modifications in prices followed by the promotional campaigns subsequently. The collective shift in marketing mix elements caused by the TBL strategy would ensure that Coke is not having adverse effects over the environment. Besides, the company could strengthen the brand position by contributing positively towards ecology and society. Hence, TBL is the first proposition to Coke.

Strategy 2

Ethical Sourcing Practices (ESP) Strategy

Arguably, the principles of Marketing and Supply Chain Management (SCM) hold a direct association, particularly in the scenario of sustainable packaging that appears friendly towards the environment. Hence, brands must focus on Ethical Sourcing Practices (ESP) for reducing environmental footprints s...
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