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Business & Marketing
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Marketing Planing and Projects Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

I would like you to do a Marketing research only in the part of Client overview for the Company: AllPlastics Engineering Pty Ltd https://www(dot)allplastics(dot)com(dot)au/

1. This company has a large range of products designed for architects and engineers Allplastics offers a wide variety of products primarily targeting architects and engineers.

You should do a Client Overview for (AllPlastics Engineering Pty Ltd ) which includes:

 The Ownership

 Current position and situation over the past 12 months

 Size, growth or decline, reasons

 Organisation structure.

 Products/services.

 Financial position.

 Brief overview of the current market, the marketing environment, the organization, the customers,

 And overview the competitors (Domtar plastic solutions) is one of their competitors


-another competitor is Amari Plastics


You should write Harvard reference style.

Reference should be no less than 5.

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All Plastics Engineering Pty Ltd
All Plastics Engineering Pty Ltd is a privately owned company based in Australia that specializes in the supply of plastic/polymer materials for building, industrial, and architectural applications. The various architectural and building plastics supplied by the company include acrylic materials, decorative composite panels, flute boards, acrylic mirrors, roofing sheets, among others. The engineering and industrial plastics supplied include polyethylene, Acetal, nylon, PC UV tubes and rods, polyurethane, adhesives, and many others. The company also offers services such as fabrication and machining of plastics as well as CNC profile routing. Founded more than thirty years ago, the company is among the leading players in the Australian plastic industry. The company is ISO 9001 accredited. The materials are either supplied from the company’s stock or its overseas partners (ALLPLASTICS, 2014).
The plastic industry in Australia involves the manufacturing of various plastic products and marketing them both domestically and internationally (ECONOMYWATCH, 2010). The major products manufactured by the industry include floor coverings, plastic conveyors as well as other belts, plastic hoses and tubing, synthetic rubber products, and other products. The industry has encountered difficult times in the recent past, especially due to the decline in the motor of mining activities, fall in motor vehicle manufacturing as well as fall in plastic prices. These factors are expected to lead to a 0.7% fall in revenue. However, increased demand in downstream markets, strong construction activity as well as the increase in prominence of home improvement projects are expected to lead to a growth of 0.6% by the end of 2018 and raise the revenue to $1.2 billion (Munro-Smith, 2018). The increase in imports over the last few years has helped satisfy the domestic market but has led to increased competition. The depreciation of Australian dollar, howeve...
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