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Management Theory and Practice

Essay Instructions:

Hello writer, please read clearly and understand content on material I given you. Subject area relating management.


• The assignment is marked as an integrated whole

• It is insufficient to use only one Case as an example.

• An example used in Part 1 should not be used again in Parts 2 & 3.

• Must have citations on assignment

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Management Theory and Practice
Part 1
Decision making and management
The vast of management literature has illustrated decision making as the primary rational technical process. This view is limited and fails to encompass the broader perspective of the decision making process which is an important area to understand especially in management and organizations. There are some underlying factors that ensure the effectiveness of the decision making process which include the ability of an individual to focus on what is important in a given situation through a logical and consistent approach. This allows the integration of objective and subjective thoughts as well as blending of both analytical and intuitive thinking. Another factor involves the gathering and analysis of all available information in resolving a particular problem in order to make an informed opinion. The approach is also straightforward, reliable, resilient, and easy to use. Additionally, the scope of the decision making process is elaborate and entails management control, strategic planning, and operational control in an organization through strategic decisions are established (Nutt & Wilson, 2011). Strategic decisions impact on an organizations objective, goals and policies because it involves critical decisions that influence the relationship between an organization and its surrounding or even its employees. Decision should therefore be clearly stated with alternatives and an appropriate decision making criteria established through an intelligent design, choices and implementations to ensure effectiveness in a given organization.
Managers, leaders and individuals encounter issues that demand solution and therefore they have to make efficient and effective decisions overcome them. Some situations may be complex and perplexing especially during critical moments but bold decisions have to be made if leaders, managers, and even individuals have to succeed on a given situation. However, the approaches individuals use to arrive at some decisions determine the outcomes of a given situation. Most decisions involve the recognition of a particular need, the decision or will to change and the conscious commitment to implement the decision to change. In a highly dynamic world particularly the business world, managers have to make decisions to build successful organizations that remain sustainable in the face of uncertainty and competition. Decision making in its wider perspective therefore integrates many elements and perspectives that enhance making of routine or none routine decisions and objective or bounded rationality decisions during times of risk, uncertainty as well as certainty.
Globalization for instance is a force that has permeated all nations globally and Asia is not an exceptional and decision making has been a critical factor towards improved management in key organizations (Adlrich, 2011). Globalizations has greatly changed the way organizations function and make critical decisions as well as the management practices in an attempt to meet and apply global standards that increase efficiency and effectiveness. The extent to which globalization impacts on a country is influenced by factors such as culture, religion, and social systems among others.Asian countries are characterized by complex political, legal, cultural, and religious systems that have led to the slow pace in embracing globalization in its organizations and management. However, the Asian countries have had reforms over the years to ensure the social, economic, and political systems are aligned to the global standards in order to promote managerial effectiveness and competitive business internationally. These efforts are also aimed at enhancing mutual understanding with other nations internationally in order to improve their economies as well as other important sectors and organizations that require modern decision making approaches to thrive in the global economy.
The impacts of decision making on organizations and management in Asia have therefore been experienced across different sectors of the economy especially in an attempt to meet the challenges of increased need for high technologies and professional expatriates in key sectors of the economy in Asian countries. Most organizations and management systems have changed their policies to allow implementation of globalized decision making processes that are more accommodating and efficient. Additionally, Asia has had significant reforms on management embracing total quality management especially in the management of its key sectors to promote performance and productivity. This has been necessitated by the political, economic, social, and global factors that are key contributors of organization management. The increased interdependent and interconnectedness of the world has seen Asia being influenced by Western forces towards embracing holistic decision making approaches towards improved management and leadership in organizations (Dessler, 2008).
Most organizations in Asia have had a conservative culture protecting women through gender segregation which was promoted by religious beliefs. These rigid religious beliefs impact their influences in most organizations decision making as well as management especially in the enforcement of dress code manifest in Muslim women. Most organizations have therefore embraced reforms in decision making processes adopting more friendly and accommodative policies that allow global values and enhance interactions among the citizens and foreigners.This has encouraged modernization in decision making in Asian organizations allowing technological innovations in order to effectively manage critical sectors and infrastructure as well as information systems that remain important factors of promoting managerial effectiveness at all levels.
Additionally, most organizations fail to recognize the broader context of decision making and the possibility achieving unified markets and technologies in their respective organizations. Effective decision making therefore becomes an issue as opposed to a strength that could potentially transform organizations and management for the better. However, modernization programs in Asia have expanded the possibility of market growth through improved decision making and increased international relations. Most top management personnel in Asia sought effective managerial practices as an opportunity in developing successful organizations that
Additionally, most organizations have experienced rapid, new and unique influences from other nations necessitating appropriate changes in decision making policies in order to integrate all the elements of decision making to ensure management and operations of key positions in the different organizations are effective. It is therefore evident that managerial effectiveness is fundamental in organizations and management consequently improving the overall performance of organizations. The adoption of appropriate decision making processes not on only allows progress in organizations but also facilitates operations in the main managerial functions allowing organizations to make appropriate and viable decisions that lead to accomplishment of set goals.
In conclusion, effective decision making programs will give an organizations management the necessary tools to run its day-to-day operations effectively and improve its overall performance. The employee’s and the organizational goals will be met if the human resource will be adequately motivated, trained in key areas of customer service delivery and managed appropriately through effective, viable, and rational decisions. (Nutt & Wilson, 2010). The employees should also be empowered and be engaged in decision making to establish their needs and give them an opportunity to contribute in the achievement of the entire organizational goals and objectives as well as their personal goals. Performance appraisals are also an important aspect of human resource development and it serves to improve employee’s motivation. Through the framework of human resource development, any organization can develop key competencies of their employees to produce a superior and diverse workforce that can deliver services to customers with efficiency. This is only effective through the recognition and consideration of the broader context in the decision making processes in an organization that offers a holistic approach towards management (Tomekova, 2011).
Part 2
Diversity and organizations performance
Diversity entails the difference between individuals in the workplace that are acknowledged, celebrated, understood, accepting and valued regardless of the employees gender, age, skills, and sexual orientation among other aspects. Management includes the ability to plan, coordinate, direct, organize, control and evaluate employees towards the achievement of an organization’s goals. The establishment of a diverse workforce in organizations is a very important aspect that allows innovation and change to survive in a highly dynamic world today. Organization performance is the extent to which an organization is able to accomplish its objectives effectively and diversity is a key element towards improved organizational performance. Change is an important aspect in management and leadership (Gupta, 2013). A diverse workforce makes managers and organizational leader adapts to different situations to effectively predict the future and align their follower’s towards the achievement of a particular goal through constant inspiration and innovation despite diversity challenges along the way. A diverse workforce has numerous benefits that include the ability to gather unique, accurate, balanced and timely information aimed at decision making and dealing with the right issues, using the right people as well as at the right time. Management in a diverse work environment understands the importance of awareness and adjustments in an organization while at the same time exercising resiliency to accommodate and respond to any unprecedented dynamics that may arise from diversity.
Managers and organizational leaders for instance in the Asian countries are able to determine the extent to which diversity in the workplace may bring some difficulties in order to plan and ensure the forces of diversity contribute positively to an organization. Another benefit of diverse workforce is the ability to understand and identify with other peoples issues and how well they can cope with change when diversity integrated in the workplace. In Kenya for instance, Safaricom is the largest telecommunication company that has embraced diversity towards improved organizational performance (Kinyanjui, 2013). This company has proved that a diverse workforce is able to make decisions that are based on reality free from other influences such as gut feelings but through combined efforts and brainstorming improving the overall decision making process in an organization. Safaricom empowers its employees through involved in decision making and challenging assignments that allow the diverse human capital to work effectively to achieve their goals as well as those of the company. Most organizations have developed policies that promote international trade and direct foreign investment to ensure diversity incorporated in key organizations that are significant economically. Additionally, the markets have also been liberalized to facilitate investment where foreigners can carry out businesses with little restrictions. For example, acquiring of travel visas and business permits has greatly improved in the Asian countries to allow diversity and also allow experts to join the human resource capital in these nations. Diversity and inclusion in Asian companies has been a critical process that has seen the engagement of management personnel in their efforts to ensure diversity policies have been effectively implemented towards improved organization performance. For instance, the Global Investment Bank Goldman Sachs in Asia has successfully promoted, strengthened and retained a diverse workforce through effective management strategies.
Considering the numerous benefits that accrue from inclusion of diversity in the workplace, it is therefore evident that the management of an organization should not overlook diversity. Indeed, it should undertake careful consideration of an acceptable need for diversity supported by a viable vision of choosing a different course of action through diversity to improve organization performance. Decision making is an important element that determines an organizations performance in its core activities and is applicable in all the management functions such as planning among others. Decision making is the ability of an individual to make conscious choices when faced with two or more alternatives that are all rational. The decision making process can be enhanced in an organization through diversity which is the acknowledgement, accepting, valuing, celebrating and understanding the differences manifest among people in terms of gender, age, race, class, and physical abilities (Philips, 2014).
Diversity in an organization can potentially contribute to better decision making consequently leading to improved organizational performance. Increasing the diversity of an organizations work teams in terms of ethnicity, skills, race, sex, and national origin among other aspects can greatly impact positively on the overall decision making process. Diversity influences the functioning of teams, the individual members who form the team and their organization in general. Most organizations today recognize and acknowledge the rapid changes that have emanated from globalization that demand that organization adapt to accommodate such changes and ensure their survival in a competitive global environment. Diversity can therefore be incorporated in decision making through diverse work force which encompasses gender diversity, domestic cultural diversity, and age diversity. Organizations have also changed to new forms to embrace diversity and this is seen in global operations and inter-organizational alliances. Aspects of diversity that have contributed to improved decision making and improved organization performance have been explored below.
Gender diversity has increasing become manifest in the modern workforce whereby the number of women has increased over the years. This is particularly evident in the Asian countries which have experienced very few numbers of women in their workforce due to their conservative culture. The role of women particularly in top management in organization has received much attention to establish how gender diversity can positively influence organizational performance. Most Asian countries have recognized the need to include women in the workforce in order improve the overall functioning of organizations and tap on women abilities and skills that are important contributions in the decision making process (Gupta, 2013).
The inclusion of diversity in an organization serves as a motivational tool towards attracting and retaining the most talented employees to increase the competitiveness of an organization. Organizations that effectively manage a diverse workforce benefit from innovative ideas, opinions, and perspectives that improve the overall performance of a particular organization. Besides, a diverse workforce in top management of organizations promotes the generation of quality decisions that consequently ensure suppo...
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