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Influence of Cultural Dimension on Creativity and Innovation

Essay Instructions:

This assignment is an individual assignment. This assignment requires you to prepare an essay of 1500 words on one of the following topics.


  1. Within the theoretical framework explaining that creativity and innovation are a product of person-environment interactions (Kwan et al., 2018, p. 167), some empirical studies arguably concluded that certain Hofstede (2011)’s dimensions of national culture influence an individual’s creativity and innovation.

(a)  Using two big names in the world of innovation, Jack Ma and Jeff Beszos as reference to the Eastern and Western cultures, explain how dimensions of national cultures can affect a person’s creativity/innovation. OR

(b)  Using Aliko Dangote or any other Forbe-listed African entrepreneur as reference to national cultures in Africa, explain how the convergence of Western and Eastern cultures can shape a person’s creativity/innovation.

Hofstede, G. (2011). Dimensionalizing cultures: The Hofstede Model in context. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, 2(1), 2307–0919. http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/orpc/vol2/iss1/8

Kwan, L. Y. Y., Leung, A. K. -y., & Liou, S. (2018). Culture, creativity, and innovation. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 49(2), 165–170. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022022117753306

  1. Define the concept of crowd Sourcing. Choose and define one or more crowd sourcing models and apply them to a business case study of your choice - analyse the successes and failures of its incorporation. Advise on future crowdsourcing method opportunities for your chosen case study and justify why these methods should be incorporated. 
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1.0 Introduction
Innovation and creativity are critical for economic growth and competitiveness in today's globalized world. Many factors influence innovation, including organizational structure, leadership style, education, and culture. Culture plays an essential role in innovation because it shapes individuals' values, attitudes, and behavior (Gip et al. 2022). Two business personalities that can be used to inform a case study exploring how national culture influences creativity and innovation are Jack Ma and Jeff Bezos, as references for Eastern and Western cultures, respectively. Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, is one of the most successful entrepreneurs in China, while Jeff Bezos is the founder of Amazon and one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the United States. Culture influences creativity and innovation in significant ways and organizations should also be willing to adapt their leadership styles and organizational structures to accommodate cultural differences.
2.0 Theoretical Background
The conception of creativity in Western and Eastern cultures differs in several ways. In Western culture, creativity is often associated with originality, individuality, and self-expression. Creativity is often seen as a product of the unique talents and abilities of an individual and is highly valued as a means of achieving success and recognition (Werner et al. 2011)). In contrast, in Eastern culture, creativity is often viewed as a collective process that emerges from the collaboration and sharing of ideas within a community. Creativity is seen as a means of solving practical problems and contributing to the betterment of society, rather than as a means of individual self-expression or personal gain (Hempel and Sue-Chan 2010). In Eastern culture, creativity is often valued for its ability to promote harmony and balance within society, rather than as a means of achieving individual recognition or fame (Shao et al., 2019).
One theory that can be used to understand the difference in conceptualization between the two cultures is Geert Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory. Geert Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory can be used to understand the differences in the conceptualization of creativity between Western and Eastern cultures. Hofstede's theory suggests that cultural values and beliefs can be classified into various dimensions, with the values held by different lying across the various dimensions (Hofstede 2011). It provides a useful framework for understanding the differences in the conceptualization of creativity between Western and Eastern cultures. The theory can provide insights into Jack Ma and Jeff Bezos's approach to innovation.
3.0 Jack Ma
As a prominent figure in the world of innovation from an Eastern culture, Jack Ma provides an interesting case study for understanding how dimensions of national cultures can affect a person's creativity and innovation. One way in which culture may influence creativity is through individualism vs collectivism. In many Eastern cultures, including China where Jack Ma is from, collectivism is prioritized over individualism. This means that there is a greater emphasis on working together as a team and achieving common goals, rather than on individual achievement and recognition (Goncalo and Staw 2006). This can be seen in Jack Ma's approach to innovation, as he has often emphasized the importance of collaboration and teamwork in achieving success, rather than individual talent or innovation. In most of his public speeches, Jack Ma always emphasizes the need for creative endeavors to benefit society. Even when Jack Ma was starting Alibaba, he raised the capital required for the investment by pitching to the investors that he was starting a company that would help Chinese companies gain global connections (Allen 2014). To this end, it is evident that Jack Ma’s creativity borrows heavily from a collectivist view of the world.
The collectivist influence on Jack Ma is also evident from his commitment to social betterment. After relinquishing his position as the Chief Executive of Alibaba, Jack Ma has focused his efforts on establishing a legacy as evidenced by his commitment to donating billions of dollars to environmental, educational, and medical projects that will benefit society. Allen (2014) reports that Jack Ma gave equity to the various high school students who were a part of the company in the early days to make sure that he shared his success. In the long-term view of the company, Jack Ma shared his hopes that the company would change how China operates and have an influence on the establishment of strong institutions in the country. To this end, Ma’s innovation is driven by the collectivist desire to improve society.
Long-term vs short-term orientation is another dimension of national culture that can affect creativity and innovation. In many Eastern cultures, including China, there is a strong emphasis on long-term orientation, valuing tradition, perseverance, and thrift. This can lead to a focus on incremental improvements and continuous refinement over time, rather than rapid innovation or commercial success (Kyvik et al. 2012). Jack Ma's approach to innovation reflects this cultural orientation, as he has often emphasized the importance of persistence and long-term planning in achieving success. For example, he famously faced rejection over 30 times before securing funding for Alibaba and has emphasized the importance of a long-term vision for the company's success.
Power distance is another major dimension that influences creativity. In many Eastern cultures, including China, there is a high tolerance for hierarchy and authority, which can lead to a reluctance to challenge established norms or authority figures. This can have implications for creativity and innovation, as individuals may be less likely to question existing practices or propose new ideas (Zha et al. 2006). However, Jack Ma has been known for his entrepreneurial spirit and willingness to challenge the status quo, even in the face of established authority figures. This suggests that he has been able to navi...
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