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Individual Critical Event Evaluation Report

Essay Instructions:

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Do this through the group report.
There’s an example of the individual formal report.

Be presented in a professional manor in formal report format (Numerical sections, Executive Summary, contents, appendices - to support your planning decisions)
Provide a highly detailed account of how your event performed live- compared with your original ideas and concepts from AS1. Feasibility study
Compare critically all sections of your feasibility study:Introduction (setting out Main Aims), Background to the Event, Administration, Risk, Finance, Operations, Marketing, Design, evaluation & review process)
Be accurately Harvard referenced throughout with a minimum of 20 references
Be submitted Online only.
Be 2000 words in length (+/- 10%)
Include appendices to document the changes which occurred from AS1. to live event (i.e. Venue/ suppliers/ marketing/ finance)
Include a personal ‘Event Log/ diary’ appendix which accurately reflects key decisions in the event production and reflects critically upon yourself as an event planner and your performance in the production of the event.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Individual Critical Event Evaluation Report
Executive Summary
As required by the module, we were to create events in groups, execute them and evaluate them before writing reports on the same. Our group elected to conduct a charity event and the money that would be collected was to be remitted to Cancer Research UK. We conducted the event at the Challney High School for Boys on 27 March 2022 and most of the things went according to plan. This report will highlight what worked well for the whole event from the preparation stages, on the event day and after. It will rely on relevant theoretical propositions and other material that may be found important. Towards the end, the findings of the evaluation that followed will be provided.
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc99653656 \h 4Critical Comparison PAGEREF _Toc99653657 \h 4Introduction on Feasibility PAGEREF _Toc99653658 \h 4Background to the Event PAGEREF _Toc99653659 \h 4Administration PAGEREF _Toc99653660 \h 5Risk PAGEREF _Toc99653661 \h 5Finance PAGEREF _Toc99653662 \h 5Operations PAGEREF _Toc99653663 \h 6Marketing PAGEREF _Toc99653664 \h 6Design PAGEREF _Toc99653665 \h 6Evaluation and Review Process PAGEREF _Toc99653666 \h 7Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc99653667 \h 7References PAGEREF _Toc99653668 \h 7
Events have gained unprecedented importance in the contemporary world. They help societies in raising sensitivity over issues that might have been overlooked and also raise funds for noble courses. One of the activities of the current module was to write a feasibility report about an event, conduct the event and later write a report on the same event after carrying out an evaluation of the report. The first two activities have been completed and the purpose of this paper is to write a report on the event that took place on the 27th March 2022. The paper entails a critical comparison of what was projected against the actual occurrences of that day. It will therefore mirror the feasibility report against the activities of that day.
Critical Comparison
Introduction on Feasibility
Our group noted to start with assessing feasibility for our mission and I must say that that contributed hugely to the success of our endeavors. Feasibility assessments helps a group gauge what is achievable given the resources available and from there, the group can set up a roadmap of milestones to be achieved in line with the core strategy of the group (Saqib et al, 2019, p. 15). As the event planner, I ensured to onboard all stakeholders such that we come up with a comprehensive and holistic plan on whatever we were going to do and they gave helpful contributions. Our core aim was to carry out a charity event whose proceeds were to be donated to Cancer Research UK and this was done on 27th April 2022 and further information on aims, benefits and optimal outcomes may be founder in Appendix A. The group participated in setting up SMART objectives and when we made the mistake of not setting up a target of the amount to be achieved, we managed to raise a whopping 655.69 pounds. The mission was basically to bring the community together for a worthy course while making businesses in the community conduct some corporate social responsibility (CSR). According to Walker and Dyck (2014, p. 47), businesses benefit from the communities and CSR is a strategic way of making them give back to the same communities.
Background to the Event
After inclusive consultations with all the group members, it was agreed that the event be held on the afternoon of the 27th March 2022 since it was a Sunday. This is because the event was targeting the masses and most adults are always off from work and children also free. This was strategic to maximize the collections. We arrived on Challney High School as the event venue due to its affordability in line with our budget since we wanted to reduce costs as much as we could for the charity. Throughout the preparation period, regular communication was maintained with CRUK to ensure that our plans were in tandem with their operationalization as may be seen in Appendix B and that helped in keeping mutually beneficial rapport with them. This report would like to extend special thanks to Community Hire for maintaining maximum security amid terrorist threats and the day unfolded with no major security incidences.
We had targeted Luton area as a densely populated township that would provide the much needed high attendance for our course and although the numbers did not meet our expectations, they helped us achieve significant success. We were out to generally reinforce CRUK’s objectives. The organization is a charity that raises funds for use to fight cancer across the UK and their belief is that all their activities in the fight against cancer are dependent on the willingness among the citizens to take part and give what they can. They acknowledge that the UK people and even foreigners have readily accepted to support their course and prior to our event, they had reported a remarkable increase in the number of cancer survivors across the UK (Rampling et al, 2022, p. 102). At the core of our plans was the intent to cash in from any available opportunity that came with the event and we targeted all attendees including organisations, children and adults. This played a great part in maximizing our collections and all attendees were to pay at least 1 pound except infants.
Administration for any form of event is critical to the success of any organization and an organization cannot achieve its goals with shambolic administration even when the plans are fit for its endeavors (Jin et al, 2012, p. 25). We ensured brevity for our administration to avoid complexities that would compromise process and that helped all members to understand their roles and execute them well. As the administrator, I required that everyone arrived at the venue at midday, 1 hour before the event started, such that we set up the venue early enough and I had issued them with the necessary documents in time. I however regret for not delegating some roles to the others since that made me burnout midway and I caused some unnecessary lapses too. I ensured that all activities follow the most appropriate approaches right from the time of the preparations and decisions such as holding the event before Ramadan, choosing a date when food would be readily available among others influenced outcomes greatly.
Managing risks for all kinds of missions is one of the key determinants for success according to Frigo and Anderson (2011, p. 103). It reduces the chances of loss through damages, court fines, loss of clientele and others and helps in boosting revenues for any form of an organization (Munir et al, 2020, p. 72). Community Hire was on point by ensuring that no harmful entrant made it to the venue and the attendees had relative peace of mind. Some actually stayed longer after the 4 pm deadline. All forms of risks were addressed and one of the group members was tasked with ensuring that all the foods available were harmless. Another group member ensured that the playing infrastructures for children were fit for purpose and that they were utilized the right way. Any event planner must always conduct thorough risk assessment before concluding to go ahead with the event. Before setting up the venue, we exhaustively checked all the items and equipment for all risks and that made our event very safe.
Our aim was to raise the highest amount of money possible for CRUK and as the event planner, I came up with all available ways that we could use to cut on costs for a high surplus. In the words of Henttu (2016, p. 7), an event manager must budget for everything before spending such that the event does not end up in losses and the core aims are not achieved. We ensured not to be extravagant and that is why we switched from Dallow Community Centre which is expensive and chose Challney High School. We liaised with the local business community for support (see appendix B) and that went a long way in helping us realize the high surplus that we got. I generally ensured to seal all loopholes that could make us incur losses and that made our e...
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