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HRM Engaging Employees: Managing the Human Resource in the 21st Century

Essay Instructions:

Please read the instructions in the PDF file "B203B_TMA_WR.pdf".
Sources: We are expected to use E-library sources to support our answers. A minimum of 3 sources is required. Failing to do so could result in the deduction of up to 4 marks of our total TMA mark. I will attach the following three E-Library Sources:
1-Human Resource Management.pdf
2-Managing the Human Resource in the 21st century.pdf
3-The Future of Employee Engagement.pdf
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Employee Engagement
Employee engagement is a major factor that is deep rooted in trust, and integrity between an organization or a business and its employees. An approach fuels a business success when carefully employed. It can be measured depending on the emotional attachment an employee has towards their workplace. The plus side of employee engagement is it creates room for nurturing.
For a long time, employee engagement and employee satisfaction are two terms that bring a lot of confusion in the HR industry. The two words are important in providing valuable and actionable insights into the workforce (Evans, 2015 pg 23). Employee engagement refers to the part of the emotional connection of an employee to an organization. It involves an employees’ commitment to doing his or her work as measured by the amount of discretionary effort they input on behalf of their employer (Evans, 2015 pg 25). A highly engaged employee gives their all in delivering their core responsibilities to ensure the organization moves forward. Employee satisfaction on the other hand refers to the feelings of an employee towards their jobs in general including the compensation they get, their benefits, career development and their work environment. An organization can have satisfied employees that are not engaged fully; an employee can show up to work on time but not show a lot of initiative to put more effort in ensuring the success of an organization. Employee satisfaction can retain an employee in an organization, but it cannot guarantee productivity from them. Employee engagement promotes increased productivity in an organization (Evans, 2015 pg 35).
Employee engagement has its drives foundation embedded in engagement factors. The factors include Autonomy, Impact Growth, and Connection while employee satisfaction is the basis for employee engagement growth (Senyucel, 2009 pg 53).
Employee engagement comes with a lot of benefits that cuts across different levels right from the employee to the organization. The first benefit is employee Satisfaction. Time and again research have shown that engaged employees have higher satisfaction levels. They invest their efforts to achieve the success of business and show the much-needed loyalty. Engaged employees feel a deep connection to their firm and will always strive to make it better (Senyucel, 2009 pg 58). Another benefit of having engaged employees is they Increase productivity. Engaged employees are most likely to be the top performers who commit to giving the extra push to achieve a business or organization’s success. An engaged employee is rarely absent and will always have increased productivity. Employee’s engagement is directly proportional to increased productivity. Engaged employees have a high affinity of retention in an organization. The more engaged employees are more likely to get retained because of their loyalty and good productivity. Their value ensures that the team will put in more efforts in ensuring they get retained. Engaged employees also attract new recruits. Their success will attract new hires. Engaged employees tend to spark innovation. Their high level of passion and dedication to their jobs gives them the extra edge of creating new products, processes, and services. Engagement of employees tends to reflect on profit margins (Senyucel, 2009 pg 63). A company with engaged employees usually has higher profit rates. The higher profit rat...
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