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F.W. Taylor’s Theory Analysis Marketing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

To what extent is F.W. Taylor's theory of scientific management relevant to the modern business world? Your answer should include an analysis of the extent of the theory's relevance to at least two contemporary businesses.
The essay should be around 1,000 words in length.
1. Describe, explain and interpret business terms and concepts
2. Use business theory to explain and analyse business situations and issues
Construct business arguments using valid evidence to make judgements
Communicate business understanding verbally and in writing
Guidelines for approaching each assessment
Your essay must:
make judgements relating to the original title
support judgements with evidence from academic tests
use the Harvard referencing system to credit the ideas and work of others

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F.W. Taylor’s Theory Analysis
Entrepreneurs have been managing businesses based on certain established principles such as standardization and employee training as well as minimization of costs through high efficiency. Most of these principles are drawn from the theory of scientific management that was developed by an American inventor and engineer Fredrick Taylor. The theory of scientific management is currently applied in almost all the modern manufacturing firms as well as service industries. The theory is applied in production planning, quality control, production design and cost accounting among others. To demonstrate these applications, the paper examines Taylor’s theory in light of contemporary businesses where the principles embedded in the theory are evident and its relevancy to McDonalds and Ford Motors.
In general terms, Taylor’s theory of scientific management refers to the application of industrial engineering principles in establishing a system where wastes are minimal, enhanced improvements in the method and process of production and the distribution of goods is fairly distributed (Scott and Davis, 2015). All these upgrades are intended to serve the interests of the employers, employees, customers and the society at large.
Taylor’s theory can be split into four major principles. One is replacing working by the ‘rule of thumb.’ It implies replacing the common sense with scientific methods in studying work so as to establish the most efficient way to undertake tasks. The second principle is that employees should not just be assigned any job or task, rather, match the employee’s capabilities and motivation with a job and train them so as to realize the highest efficiency and productivity from the employees (Selviaridis, K. and Norrman,2014). The third principle states that workers performance should be monitored thro provision of instructions and supervision of work to make sure that workers are using the most efficient ways in production and delivery of services (Scott and Davis, 2015). The fourth principle is that work should be equally distributed among the managers and workers where managers are tasked with planning of work through scientific techniques while employees are involved in performing tasks that have been scientifically planned by the managers
From the main principles making up the Taylor’s theory, it is evident that the core of the theory is efficiency in workplace. Taylor did some experiments to establish ways for improving efficiency at workplace. Through one of the workplace experiment, he designed a shovel that would see workers shovel for several hours and increase productivity. He later realized that well designed tools could increase efficiency. The knowledge of highly designed products is applied in most of the engineering firms in developing equipment that are highly efficient at workplace to increase productivity. A firm that produces highly efficient equipment would gain a competitiv...
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