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Fashion Marketing

Essay Instructions:

The attached document is the whole requirement of the assignment. The topic I have already chosen which is about Fashion Marketing.

• Critical Literature Review of a chosen marketing context

• The review should include the following elements:      

1.   produces a critical literature review of a marketing context

2.  evaluates a chosen organisation in this chosen context using secondary data

3.  makes recommendations to the organisation based on the analysis

• Word count: Maximum 2,000 words

Assessment Criteria

•  Ability to demonstrate an understanding the chosen issues / contexts and their theoretical models and concepts

•  Appropriateness of theoretical analysis (relevance of theoretical frameworks / concepts; effectiveness and quality of theoretical  analysis; evaluation and critique of essential aspects of  the work)

•  Appropriateness of application to an organisation (Justification of company choice; effectiveness of applying theories and concepts, and making appropriate recommendations to the organisation)

•  Essay structure and presentation (Cohesion of answer; use of academic English; Grammar)

•  Evidence of research and standard of referencing (range and        appropriateness of sources of information; correct use of academic referencing technique)

Essay Structure

Cover Sheet

•   Introduction of the essay – a short paragraph to the essay (it is not an introduction of company)

•   Literature review (choose one topic from the module)

•    Brief description of the company (a short paragraph)

•   Conclusion (recommendations)
•   References
 •   Evaluate the organisation of your choice

Writing Literature Review

 It is NOT just about summarising the articles and books that you

have read

• Steps:

1.    Focus on keywords – identify the keywords from the chosen topic   

2.    Use appropriate resources – find articles based on the keywords by searching reliable / good quality resources

3.    Extract key information – identify key information from the resources

4.   Compare and contrast – critically compare the information that you have gathered from different sources (analyse and synthesize)

Comparing and Contrasting

• Highlighting disparities: papers reveal inconsistencies that suggest problems with the approach or interpretation.

• Reinforcing similarities: papers confirm or replicate research, sometimes applying it in new ways or expanding its scope.

• Showing development over time: papers build on one another to develop understanding of an area of study over time

Organisation Evaluation

• Choose ONE organisation only

• Briefly introduce the company (a short paragraph)    

• How will you evaluate the organisation within the chosen context?

• Your analysis of the company in relation to the context (please use evidence to support your analysis, e.g. Mintel, Euromonitor)

• Do you feel the chosen company has done well? Yes, discuss. No, discuss.


•  Consistent referencing style throughout

•  Appropriate academic referencing style must be used

•  Harvard style

•  Jennifer (2017) – Jennifer is a first name, not surname

•  Jennifer, H. (2017) – Full names are not required in the in text


•  Hart (2017) – in text citation                 

•  Hart, J. (2017) – reference     


• Based on the analysis, make recommendations accordingly

• Make specific recommendations (not too general - e.g. the company needs to increase the marketing budget X)

• Mark down if the recommendations are not based from the previous discussion / analysis

Corporate Marketing

Theoretical development of:

• Corporate Marketing mix

• Corporate identity constructs                           

• How corporate marketing link to other concepts (e.g. CSR, branding, sustainability)

• Corporate Branding (e.g. internal branding, employees retention, recruitment)

Final Few Words…

• Do not simply summarise the lecture notes

• Compare and contrast the concepts / viewpoints / theories from academic journal articles

• Move away from the generic Marketing Mix models

• Think about what interests you in the chosen topic?

• Use the potential career path to guide your topic choice


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
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Table of Contents 1. Introduction. 2 2. Literature Review.. 2 2.1 Company Background. 5 3. Evaluating Company. 5 4. Conclusion (Recommendations) 7 References. 9 1. Introduction
Fashion marketing is an emerging concept in the global fashion industry. Fashion labels worldwide are becoming sensitive toward sustainability while performing brand communications with diversified stakeholders. Fashion marketing is not limited to the traditional marketing mix. They are, instead, leading fashion labels to integrate corporate mix in the branding strategies to position brands as sustainable and trusted among the stakeholders (Milanesi et al. 2022). The rise of Generation Z (Gen-Z) influences the marketing communication practices among fashion labels. Fashion labels follow a different communication plan to retain customers, expand into emerging marketplaces, and maintain sustainability in the corporate mix to ensure brand relevance (Sailer et al. 2022). This paper will conduct a systematic literature review on fashion marketing, focusing on different parameters, such as corporate mix, sustainability, branding, and talent retention. The investigation would apply findings while evaluating a leading fashion label to measure branding relevance and identify gaps for proposing strategic solutions.
2. Literature Review
Traditional fashion marketing and brand communication practices focused on four essential parameters: product, price, place, and promotion. Fashion labels would manufacture distinct apparel and accessories for mass customers. Brand communication would focus more on price orientation to attract customers (Strydom et al. 2022). However, fashion marketing practices have evolved rapidly since the digital era. Brands would expand their marketing mix by integrating corporate identity constructs to establish a solid relationship with the target audiences. Most fashion labels today follow a corporate mix instead of a marketing mix in their fashion marketing practices. Brands would use different factors, such as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) prospects, sustainability actions, and other contributions towards socioeconomic problems, to offer value propositions to customers (Fuxman et al. 2022). Corporate mix connects fashion labels with customers by creating a personal exchange in brand practices.
According to (Chan et al. 2022), fashion marketing experienced a paradigm shift since the COVID-19 outbreak. The emergence of digital channels and virtual interactions between fashion labels and target audiences transformed fashion marketing practices worldwide. Fashion labels align operational prospects with marketing mix to maintain brand relevance among customers (Chan et al. 2022). Camacho (2022) further explained the paradigm shifts in marketing communication by focusing on sustainability. The research found that fashion labels transformed operational practices by integrating sustainability measures, particularly in manufacturing processes and supply chain activities, to attract more customers during the pandemic. The author claimed that fashion marketing today emphasises sustainable fashion practices to connect with Gen-Z customers (Camacho 2022). Fashion marketing expanded its activities by merging corporate mix, such as operational and supply chain practices, into marketing communication to connect more with customers during a crisis.
Fashion labels promoted sustainability through marketing communication using CSR portfolios. The global fashion industry shifted corporate objectives by aligning with socioeconomic problems that emerged in the post-pandemic era. CSR involves different stakeholders on a single platform to exchange ideas and visions to solve socioeconomic problems through retail activities. The practice indicates that brands are progressing in both commercial and social activities by transforming the marketing mix into a corporate mix while interacting with stakeholders (Adapa and Yarram 2022). (Ala et al. 2022) examined luxury fashion labels in Southeast Asian markets to examine the role of sustainability and CSR in marketing communications. The study found that progressive fashion labels, particularly in the luxury segment, use CSR objectives to perform neuromarketing to build an emotional relationship with the stakeholders. The research explored that fashion marketing in the current epoch needs to focus on building healthy customer relationships. Besides, luxury fashion labels would use different activities and social contributions to connect with stakeholders through a corporate mix structure (Ala et al. 2022). Fashion marketing engages stakeholders by sharing accountabilities and expanding brand objectives to establish a sustainable relationship.
Since the pandemic, fashion brands have focused on customer buying behaviors. (Joseph 2022) explored sustainable fashion marketing by measuring the influence on the purchase decisions of Gen-Z customers. The study found that customers expect a transparent and flexible communication approach from progressive fashion brands. Fashion labels must exhibit accountability towards sustainable practices and socioeconomic challenges emerging in the post-pandemic era using a transparent communication channel. As a result, fashion brands connect through social media channels to build robust communication processes with customers. Brands would use social media channels to share changes in corporate prospects to achieve sustainability and influence purchase decisions subsequently (Joseph 2022). Fashion marketing became a complex factor for global brands by integrating corporate identity constructs into communication practices.
2.1 Company Background
Amancio Ortega and Rosalia Mera in 1975 found ZARA. The Spanish fashion brand gained immediate popularity since customers could find affordable luxury styles (Martin Roll 2022). ZARA is a part of Inditex Group (Inditex), the largest textile manufacturing and fashion Retail Company worldwide. ZARA is a leading brand of Inditex, contributing more than 70% of sales to the company. Inditex secures the following accomplishments (Forbes 2022):
* 190th position as the Top Regarded Company
* 302nd position in the Global 2000 list
* 763rd position as the World’s Best Employer
ZARA transformed the global fashion industry by introducing fast fashion culture. The company owns 2,264 stores in more than 96 countries and focuses more on market penetration. The company has more than 174,000 employees, designated at different positions and contributing to fulfilling long-term corporate objectives (Martin Roll 2022). Through virtual and physical retail activities, ZARA generated USD 32.6 billion in revenue in FY2022 (Forbes 2022).
3. Evaluating the Company
ZARA is a pioneer of fast fashion culture worldwide. ZARA initiated fast fashion culture by targeting women. Women are impulse buyers, and brands could easily attract them through trendy colours, distinct styles, and creating social insecurity through psychological marketing strategies. ZARA experienced a prime position through fast fashion culture in FY2018. Through online channels, ZARA generated 17% of sales in the women’s category. The brand introduced the sportswear category in the same fiscal period, which grew by...
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