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Starting a new business in the uk

Essay Instructions:
This essay should completed in the form of a report and also there is a file have an information that provide for this report in the attachments. =================== Please follow the points to complete the report. You are setting up a business venture of your choice, which will be based in the UK. You are required to investigate the practical implications of the UK legal system in relation to your chosen venture. The report needs to include: 1) A brief description of the type of venture you are proposing to set up. Consider here, its ownership status, products and/or services and structure. 2) A description of how you would legally set up this particular type of venture. This section should include a brief description of the UK legal system and then include relevant discussion of the legal implications of setting up the specific type of business organisation you have selected. 3) A description of how the UK taxation system would affect your venture. Explain here, how the UK taxation system works generally, and then the implications for your specific type of business organisation. 4) How you will run your venture to ensure that you are protecting the legal rights of the consumer once you start trading. Consider here specific aspects of legislation that must be adhered to as well as providing examples of good practice, relevant to your chosen venture. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are the suggestions that the tutor gave. When you are completing assignment 1, it may be worth considering the following in terms of structure and content (Please note word counts are just suggestions, it is your choice how much emphasis you place on each section, just remember to add a final word count at the bottom): Introduction: Just outline the purpose of your assignment and the objectives (the content which you will be covering) of the assignment (Word Count up to 100 words) Part 1: Introduce your business in detail: try to describe how it will run, the products and services that you are offering, its name, location, etc. When you discuss ownership status, justify why you have selected a particular ownership type, instead of other options available to you. Word count (Approx 400-500 Words) Part 2: In this section describe initially how you would legally set up your business (refer to week 2 lecture), also describe what would be considered good practices when setting up your business, think about having a business plan, or partnership agreement for example, and mention what might be included in these documents. In the second part of this task, mention how your business will fit within the UK legal system if it should run in to any problems, perhaps give a few examples and then mention which court system these issues may be heard in, also mention the appeals process/structure should there be a remedy which is not acceptable to all parties (see week 1 for all this detail). (Word count 600-700 words) Part 3: Consider here with examples how your chosen venture would be affected by the taxation system (refer to week 4 Guest Lecture), consider also NI and VAT (if applicable) as well as tax, include rates and registration processes as well as how to ensure you are complying with tax law each year your business is running and what to do should you cease trading. (Word Count Approx 500-650). Part 4: Consider here specific legislation that you should adhere to, to ensure you are protecting the rights of your customers, pick laws that are relevant to your chosen venture, and provide examples to underpin your understanding of practical application. Also consider more widely any examples you can think of, of good practice, when dealing with and preserving the rights of customers. (Word Count Approx 700-750). Conclude: Perhaps just summarise the importance of the law affecting businesses throughout the UK. (Up to 75 words) based on Establishing_a_legitimate_business_enterprise_in_the_UK.docx
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Vision Business Institute- Starting a new business in the uk
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Word count: 2500
Table of contents…………………………………………………………………….page
1.0 Introduction…….………………………………………………………….…….3
1.1 Objectives…………………………………………………………………….….3
1.2 Mission………………………………………………………………….…..…..4
2.0 Management structure and ownership……………………………………...4
2.1 Company budget………………………………………………………………5
2.2 Company products…………………………………………………………….5
2.3 Technology……………………………………………………………………..5
3.0 Market analysis……………………………………………………………..….6
3.1 Analysis of UK legal system……………………………………………….…6
3.2 Analysis of UK taxation laws………………………..………….……..…..….9
3.3 Legal implications…………………………………………….……………….11
3.4 Business strategies……………………………………………..…..………...11
4.0 Financial plan……………………………………………….…………………11
5.0 conclusions……………………………………………………………...……..12
6.0 References…………………………………………………………………….14
This paper reviews laws and regulations regarding establishment of anew company in the UK, Vision Business Institute, (VBI). It will provide E- learning business trainings and consultancy services to individuals, corporate entities, financial institutions and government agencies in the UK by exploiting technological advancement to global demands. The office will be located in East London and will consist of internet and infrastructures to be used by clients and the public.
Adequate funding has been provided for the infrastructure and technological development in the new location. Trainings and consultancy services will be offered through online via the internet and company websites, telephone conferencing and seminars. The institute’s programs are aimed to benefit companies, individuals and government agencies seeking the e-learning services in business trainings. It will provide a more flexible and efficient e- learning environment to its clients which will be accessed from anywhere by mere PC connected to the internet.
1.1 Objectives
>The institute undertakes to offer quality trainings and consultancy services to the UK citizens, corporate bodies and government agencies through e-learning programs.
> The institute undertakes to comply with all legal requirements of the United Kingdom and protect the rights of consumers.

1.2 Mission statement
Vision business institute undertakes to be the leading provider of quality e-learning business trainings and consultancy services to its clients in the UK and other parts of the world using high quality technology and comply with relevant laws and regulations.
2.0 Ownership and management structure
>Approximately 50% of the shares are owned by the institute founder,
>20% of the shares are owned by London School
>30% is owned by the public.
The company is will trade as VBI international in the London stock exchange. Public ownership helps to enhance accountability of the business. The company has plans to give some shares to its management as a way of motivating them. However 50% ownership by the founder is meant to give the founder controlling powers to influence decision making process toward achieving the original vision and mission of VBI.
The management structure
This being a technology intensive business has adopted the flat management structure in line with the findings of Milana, (2010) which creates flexibility between the business and its employees, (Stubbs, 2006).
2.1 Company budget
Significant expenditures will go to acquisition and marketing to help promote the business and make it successful. There are further plans to invest in sales and marketing in the next 12 months to help build the brand name to attain the sales and financial objectives of the institute. The huge capital expenditure is meant to help develop new technological systems for the institution and widen course products and services through internet and e-learning.
2.2 Company products
Vision business institute will offer a variety of internet based educational products for individuals and corporate firms. It will offer business trainings and consultancy services to corporations, government agencies and community organizations as well as distance learning and certification.
Institutes students can access courseware online via the pc connected to the internet. On completion of the course, the student will receive credit or certification. It will also offer training through the media and classroom training, via diskette, CD-ROM and printed formats to the public and its customers. The success will depend on the use of high technology in online and internet infrastructure and continue to innovate and diversify its products and services away from traditional form of class trainings, (Wan-Tzu et al, 2011).
2.3 Technology
Various key strategic technology partners have been identified and will be integrated to provide customers with excellent quality and efficient education, (Tonci & Pero, 2011).The institute will develop and install infrastructures such as hardware, software, content and technology which can be accessed 24/7 by the clients from anywhere with a pc and internet connection. Standard internet technologies such as Java and HTML have been incorporated into the content delivery system to facilitate smooth delivery of content to customers via the web browsers, (Orlikowski, 1992).
There is a high degree of interaction and collaboration among the peers, tutors and participants through the messaging software, chat rooms, e-mail and discussion boards. Comprehensive testing and assessment will be offered through the system by taking the form of multiple choice, multiple answer questions, tutor scored and commented exercises (Dirckinck, 2004). The institute’s strategy is to remain with flexibility to quickly adapt to the changing technologies and demands. The success of e-learning also depends on the perception as suggested by McVeigh, (2009).
3.0 Market analysis
The demand for business training has been on the rise in the global markets.The success of e-learning depends on four main factors:
Preparation for e-learning
Learning at work
Learning at home
Learner preferences, for instance conferences, print based learning materials, use of computer discs, telephone conference calls and online learning.
3.1 Analysis of UK legal system
Legal obligations and registration process
The company act 2006 of UK, the insolvency act of 1986, corporate governance code and European Union directives governs corporations formed and operating in the UK. According to this acts, company directors should abide by the powers invested upon them by the shareholders as stipulated in the memorandum and articles of associations.
Registration of Plc Company in the UK is handled by companies house. A plc company is required to have a minimum of two directors aged below seventy years or above sixteen years unless they are appointed or reappointed by the resolution of company general meeting. Director should not have been disqualified by a court of law from holding any office or declared bankrupt. The law also restricts the work of directors who are not citizens of UK which may exclude them from being directors. The law also stipulates the requirements for the appointments of company secretaries.
In terms of share capital, memorandum of association must clearly show the names of shareholders and their number of shares. The law sets minimum value of share capital allotment for a limited company at 50,000 British pounds of which 25% must be paid up before it can start business. in order to increase share capital, ordinary resolution must be passed or even extraordinary resolution if stated so in their articles of association. Companies may have different types of shares as it may wish, which are divided into five broad categories: redeemable, preference, ordinary, cumulative ...
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