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Economic Environment USA vs. China

Essay Instructions:

Font - Times New Roman Justified

Font Size - 12

Line Spacing - 1.5

Page Numbers

Numbered Sections

1. INTRODUCTION – introduce the 'problem' - will do

2. 'MAIN BODY' - numbered subsections of core topics, analysis, and evaluation

3. CONCLUSION - 'sharp summary' - has done

4. Bibliography

Write in third person

Title: BUSI-1695 Report: (lecture topic) and (case study) e.g. BUSI-1695 Report: Economic Environment

Introduction: set out the direction of the report

Main body: (subdivided with titles that are specific to the different paragraphs of each business element). This should cover key definitions, theories and relevant content from the lecture topic and link to the case study where possible.

Conclusion: summarise your main arguments from the report.

References: Aim for at least 10 academic references, of which half should be from academic journal articles.

Examples of topic areas you may wish to include:

Core topics: Economic measures e.g. GDP, PPP, MER; US as major global power, emergence of BRICS + Rise of China

Rise of China - show how global power dynamics have changed based on economic indicators

USA + the West vs. Emerging economies

What is the predicted power shift moving forward?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Economic Environment USA Vs. China

Author’s Name

The Institutional Affiliation

Course Number and Name

Instructor Name

Assignment Due Date

1.0 Introduction

The economic environment in the United States and China countries has gained significant importance for analysis and debate. The comparative analysis of both economies in this paper reflects the shifting dynamics while exploring factors such as GDP and the emergence of BRICS. The major aspect addressed in the paper is the transformation of power structures across the globe because China’s economy has faced challenges with the dominant position of the U.S. The implications of the power shift have been analysed in the paper to predict the economic environment for the economies.

2.0 Discussion on Economic Measures

The economic measures discussed in this report include gross domestic product, purchasing power parity, and market exchange rate. These measures analyse the economic situation of two comparative economies.

2.1 Gross Domestic Product

The U.S., the dominant economy globally, boasts the largest nominal GDP. This is so because the diversified and advanced economy includes industries from technology to manufacturing (Bergsten, 2022). On the other hand, China has reflected its growth over the past few years. This is 

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