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Digital Strategy and Transformation of AstraZeneca Pharmaceutical Company

Essay Instructions:

Justification and rationale of the chosen company. (10%)• Evaluation and discussion on the digital disruption facing the industry sector of the chosen company. (15%)• Critical analysis and discussion of the digital transformation strategy of the chosen company. (25%)• Examination and discussion of the digital technologies and innovation implemented by the chosen company. (20%)• Identify and justify future emerging technologies for the future transformation of the chosen company. (20%)• Conclusion and recommendations for the company and/ or industry sector (10%)Your research must be based on a critical analysis of your chosen company against a theoretical framework which is a distillation of the elements you have synthesised from your review of relevant literature and empirical evidence. You are expected to provide convincing evidence derived from secondary sources in your review, analysis and discussion. You must use wide range of references, including academic and up-to-date references as the research is dealing with contemporary digital issues. Reference style must follow Harvard Reference Systems, e.g. EJIS style (European Journal of Information Systems)

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Digital Strategy and Transformation of AstraZeneca Pharmaceutical Company
AstraZeneca is a multinational pharmaceutical company that has been in operation for over 100 years. AstraZeneca specializes in inventing, developing, and selling prescription drugs for various therapeutic conditions, including cardiovascular, oncology, respiratory, and immunology (Alajmi et al., 2023). On the other hand, digital transformation is important for pharmaceutical companies to remain competitive in today's rapidly evolving healthcare industry. Implementing digital technologies and strategies can help pharmaceutical companies drive innovation, improve patient outcomes, enhance operational efficiency, and reduce costs. AstraZeneca has undergone a significant digital transformation in recent years to enhance and stay competitive in the rapidly evolving pharmaceutical industry. AstraZeneca's digital transformation objectives align with its overall business strategy as the company has set goals to utilize digital technologies suitable for innovation and enhancing patient outcomes. For example, AstraZeneca's Digital Health Innovation Lab focuses on developing digital solutions to improve patient outcomes and healthcare delivery (Teo, 2023). Additionally, the company has implemented digital initiatives to improve clinical trial efficiency and accelerate drug development.
AstraZeneca has invested in advanced digital infrastructure to enable its digital strategy and transformation. AstraZeneca applies several technologies to enhance its digital initiatives, including cloud computing, big data filtration, artificial intelligence, and mechanized learning (Alajmi et al., 2023). These technologies enable AstraZeneca to efficiently manage and analyze large datasets, develop personalized treatments, and accelerate the drug development process. AstraZeneca also applies digital technologies to improve the customer experience. For example, the company has implemented patient-centred digital initiatives, such as patient portals and mobile applications, to improve patient engagement and consistency in treatment plans. Additionally, AstraZeneca has implemented digital initiatives to improve healthcare professional interactions, such as virtual advisory boards and telemedicine.
Data and analytics are major components of AstraZeneca's digital strategy and transformation. The company uses advanced analytics to identify new drug targets, accelerate drug development, and enhance decision-making (Alajmi et al., 2023). Additionally, the organization has invested in data platforms that allow for real-time monitoring of clinical trials, enabling the company to identify safety issues and adjust trial protocols as needed quickly.
Innovation is another key aspect of AstraZeneca's digital strategy and transformation. The company has implemented initiatives encouraging innovation, such as hackathons and startup partnerships. Additionally, AstraZeneca has developed an open innovation platform, AZ Exchange, that allows external partners to collaborate with the company on drug development and digital health initiatives (Sadiku et al., 2023). Talent and culture are other significant elements of AstraZeneca's digital transformation. The company has established a digital talent strategy to attract and retain top digital talent. Additionally, AstraZeneca has implemented initiatives to create a digital culture, such as digital skills training programs and a digital-first mindset. Cybersecurity and risk management are essential for AstraZeneca's digital strategy and transformation. The company has implemented strict cybersecurity measures to protect its digital infrastructure and risk management processes to identify and lessen digital risks.
Justification and Rationale of AstraZeneca
AstraZeneca is a good example of an FTSE 350 organization facing a key digital revolution in the past few years. The pharmaceutical institution uses the digital revolution to encourage innovation and enhance patient outcomes, making it an interesting case study to evaluate. Nonetheless, AstraZeneca is a leading pharmaceutical company that operates in a highly regulated industry, which presents unique challenges for digital transformation. The company's ability to navigate these challenges while achieving its digital transformation goals can provide valuable insights for other companies operating in similar industries.
Evaluation and Discussion on the Digital Disruption Facing the Industry Sector of Pharmaceuticals
The pharmaceutical industry is undergoing a significant digital interruption caused by increasing competition, evolving patient expectations, and constant technological advancements. AstraZeneca, a leading pharmaceutical company, is not immune to these challenges and has adapted its digital strategy and transformation efforts to stay ahead of the curve.
One major digital challenge facing the pharmaceutical industry is the rise of digital health technologies. Digital health technologies, such as wearables, mobile applications, and telemedicine, are changing how healthcare is delivered and managed (Shetty et al., 2023). These technologies enable patients to take a more active role in their healthcare, provide healthcare professionals with real-time data, and can improve patient outcomes. AstraZeneca has welcomed digital health technologies by establishing digital initiatives to apply these technologies in improving patient outcomes. Another digital disruption facing the pharmaceutical industry is the increasing demand for personalized medicine. Advances in genomics and big data analytics enable the development of personalized treatments tailored to individual patients (Shetty et al., 2023). This advancement represents a significant shift from the traditional one-size-fits-all approach to healthcare. AstraZeneca has responded to this transformation by implementing initiatives to develop personalized treatments, exploiting technologies such as artificial intelligence and analyzing extensive data.
The increasing availability of real-world data is another digital revolution facing the pharmaceutical industry. Real-world data is generated from several sources, such as claims data, social media and electronic health reports. This data can provide valuable insights into patient outcomes, drug efficiency, and safety. AstraZeneca has adopted real-world data by establishing initiatives to use this information in enhancing drug development and clinical decision-making. Finally, cybersecurity and data privacy are major digital transformations facing the pharmaceutical industry. The increasing use of digital technologies, such as cloud computing and mobile applications, has created new vulnerabilities and risks related to data security and privacy (Kalamkar and Prasad, 2023). AstraZeneca has identified the importance of cybersecurity and risk management and has embraced cybersecurity measures and risk management processes to protect its digital infrastructure and data.
The pharmaceutical industry is undergoing significant digital revolutions caused by the rise of digital health technologies, the increasing demand for personalized medicine, the availability of real-world data, and cybersecurity and data privacy risks. However, AstraZeneca has adapted its digital strategy and transformation efforts to address these disruptions and stay ahead of the competition.
Critical Analysis and Discussion of the Digital Transformation Strategy of AstraZeneca
AstraZeneca has spotted the importance of the digital revolution and has applied several programs to utilize digital technologies to enhance its operational efficiency. A critical analysis of AstraZeneca's digital transformation strategy reveals the following strengths and weaknesses. One strength is embracing Digital Health Technologies. AstraZeneca has funded several initiatives to apply these technologies to improve patient outcomes. For example, AstraZeneca has partnered with digital health companies to develop digital responses that help patients manage their health, such as mobile applications.
The second strength is investing in Artificial Intelligence. AstraZeneca has established an artificial intelligence centre of excellence to develop and implement AI solutions in drug discovery, clinical trials, and other areas (Tran et al., 2023). Lastly, AstraZeneca uses factual data. In response, AstraZeneca has established strategies to utilize this data to inform drug development teams and clinical decision-making. For example, AstraZeneca has partnered with healthcare organizations to access real-world data to improve patient outcomes.
The first weakness is the limited focus on Blockchain. AstraZeneca is yet to fully embrace blockchain technology, which has significant potential to transform the pharmaceutical industry. Blockchain can improve supply chain transparency, reduce counterfeiting, and enhance data security and privacy (Kaur et al., 2023). The second shortcoming of this organization is its narrow focus on customer experience. While AstraZeneca has implemented several initiat...
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