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Developing yourself as an effective HR practitioner (4DEP)

Essay Instructions:

Develop and maintain a personal development e-portfolio ……….

This assessment activity is completed in 3 stages over the duration of the programme.  Assessment 14 – taking your learning forward, is concerned with the end of your journey: where you are now, and how you will plan to develop further in the future.

 (NB- Assessment 2 is where you will have previously set out your position at the Start of your Journey, and you should have been reflecting on your learning via your learning blog throughout the course of the programme)

Assessment Brief 


Stage 3 – Taking my leaning forward


At the end of the programme, (following WS9) you should produce a final reflective statement on your overall development as an HR practitioner.  The statement should address the following questions:

  • What are the major skills knowledge and behaviour that you have developed over the course of the programme? And how does your development compare with what you originally planned (within your PDP)?
  • How will you take your learning forward into your role?  What can you contribute to improve service delivery in your organisation?
  • What are your learning points/development goals for the future? Consider: are you are ready to apply for membership upgrade, and if not, how will you need to focus your development against the associate membership criteria?

This final statement should be completed as a final learning blog entry, and should be supported by the following attachment:

A revised and updated copy of your personal development plan, representing how you would like to plan your professional development for the next 12 months.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Developing yourself as an effective HR practitioner (4DEP)
Course title:
Taking my learning forward
This paper provides a final reflective statement on my overall development as a Human Resources (HR) practitioner. This statement addresses the key skills as well as behaviour that I have developed over the course of the programme, and how my development compares with what I originally planned. Moreover, this statement also provides a description of how I will take my learning forward into my role and what I can contribute to improve service delivery within my organization. Lastly, this statement describes my learning points and development goals for the future.
Major skills, knowledge and behaviour developed during the programme
Through this programme, I have attained skills which will enable me to assist government, industry and businesses in improving their productivity by way of improving HR management. I have been able to develop knowledge and skills in key areas including Human Resource Management; Human Resource Selection; Compensation; Performance Management; Legal Issues in HR; Diversity Issues; as well as Labour Relations. (i) Human Resource Management (HRM): in this area, I have developed skills and knowledge for describing trends in the composition of labour-force and the way in which these trends impact HRM practice. I have acquired skills and knowledge that will enable me to strategically plan for the personnel required to attain the objectives and goals of an organization. Moreover, I have gained skills and knowledge on the process of job analysis and its significance as a foundation for HRM practice, and the way that legislation impacts HRM practice. I have also obtained skills and knowledge regarding the methods that can be employed in the selection and placement of staff members. Other skills developed include skills for developing and evaluating employee training program. (ii) Human Resource Selection: I have developed knowledge and skills for: assessing the legal implications of the process of employee selection; interpreting selection test scores; assessing the issues and merits linked to different methodologies of selection; as well as critiquing and evaluating the selection process of any organization.
(iii) Compensation: I have developed skills and knowledge for: conducting job analysis interviews and for developing job descriptions; differentiating between the pay of job incumbents and worth of jobs; distinguishing between external and internal equity; and assessing jobs on the aspects of converting point scores of job appraisal to salaries. Moreover, I have developed skills and knowledge for assessing worker compensation data, job attributes, employee demographics, plus other consequential HRs data with the use of suitable statistical methods. (iv) Performance Management: I have gained skills and knowledge on organizational strategic planning, performance management, as well as succession planning. In addition, I have developed knowledge for measuring results and behaviours of workers; and for implementing a performance management system. I have also developed knowledge and skills on the concepts of employee development and performance management; and I have learned the advantages of reward systems for the management of team performance. Furthermore, I have developed knowledge and skills for designing a training program with the use of a useful framework for assessing the organization’s training needs, devising a training programme, as well as assessing results of training.
(v) Legal Issues in HR: I have developed skills and knowledge about employment law; the legal principles which apply to various place-of-work issues; and knowledge that are vital for a human resources manager to confront legal issues arising within the place of work. (vi) Diversity Issues: I have developed knowledge and skills on legislation and laws associated with diversity issues, as well as knowledge and skills that are vital for embracing and managing diversity. In addition, I have been able to develop skills and knowledge on how to assess issues that face dissimilar sorts of diversity for instance national culture, age, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, physical ability and gender. (vii) Labour Relations: As a result of this program, I developed knowledge on how employers and unions get together to organize, negotiate, and resolve disputes. I have developed skills and knowledge that can be employed in settling rights disputes, and have also gained knowledge for assessing the system used to organize a place of work. The development of the aforesaid skills, knowledge and behaviour is in line with what I had initially planned, and this essentially implies that I have been able to attain my goals and objectives as regards to this programme thus far.
How I will take my learning forward
I will take my learning forward into my role by applying the skills and knowledge which I have developed into my post in the company. In essence, I will utilize the developed skills and knowledge in applying the practices and policies of the primary areas of HRM which include compensation, training, as well as staffing. I will obtain salary survey data and properly devise a pay structure for the organization with apt, proper pay grades and pay ranges. I will also align the human resource systems of the organization with the company’s strategic busin...
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