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Control vs. Power vs. Influence in the Great Debate on Organizational Success

Essay Instructions:

Write an essay on ONE of the following topics:

1. How does organisational culture impact on an organisation’s performance?

2. Discuss the role of stakeholders in an organisation.

3. Choose ONE of the following laws and explain why it is so important in the workplace?

a. The Equality Act

b. The General Data Protection Act

c. The Health and Safety at Work Act

4. Which is most important in an organisation? Control, power, or influence?

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Control vs. Power vs. Influence in the Great Debate on Organizational Success
I. Introduction
Control, power, and influence are three essential elements in any organization. Control refers to the processes and systems put in place to regulate and guide the behavior of individuals and groups within the organization. It involves establishing rules, procedures, and policies to ensure that everyone within the organization works towards a common goal. On the other hand, power refers to the ability to make decisions and allocate resources within the organization. Individuals or groups can hold power Influence, meanwhile, is the ability to shape the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of others through persuasion and other forms of non-coercive means. This approach can motivate and inspire others within the organization, which is often an essential factor in leadership. Overall, control, power, and influence are all critical factors in the functioning and success of any organization. (Jones and George, 2018, 17).
Control, power, and influence are key factors that shape organizational culture and outcomes. An imbalance of these forces can have negative consequences for an organization. This essay aims to provide a balanced understanding of their roles and the importance of finding a healthy balance between them (Jones and George, 2018, 17). All three are necessary for an organization to function effectively, but it is the balance between them that determines the overall health and success of the organization.
II. Control in organizations
Control in organizations refers to the various mechanisms and processes put in place to regulate and guide the actions and behaviors of employees. One example of an organization that practices control is BBC Corporation (Stead, 2022). This large multinational company has implemented strict policies and procedures and informal supervision and monitoring methods to ensure that all employees follow expected behaviors and actions. These guidelines provide a framework for decision-making and problem-solving and help to ensure proper work management by providing clear guidance on approaching various tasks and situations (Cohen and Bradford, 2017, 35). BBC Corporation’s strong focus on control and regulation helps ensure that all employees work towards the company’s common goal.
Another example of control in organizations is the use of monitoring and supervision. This strategy can take many forms, such as performance evaluations, check-ins with managers, or tracking software to monitor employee productivity. The goal of monitoring and supervision is to ensure quality work, and it can provide opportunities for feedback and improvement. By regularly checking in with employees and evaluating their performance, managers can identify areas where additional support or guidance is required (Cohen and Bradford, 2017, 35). They can also use this information to provide feedback and coaching, helping employees to grow and develop in their roles.
According to the “Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,” limiting rising temperatures to 1.5°C over before industrial period levels is essential to avert the worst effects of climate change. This goal must be achieved to combat the detrimental impacts of climate change, such as increasing sea levels, more severe and frequent weather events, and harm to ecosystems. It is essential to have effective monitoring and supervision in place to achieve the temperature maintenance goal. Administrative control helps ensure that the necessary actions and measures are implemented effectively and efficiently (Quinn et al., 2020, 28). It is essential to have systems in place to track progress and make any adjustments required to stay on track toward meeting the Paris Treaty’s goals. Overall, monitoring and supervision are vital in addressing climate change and protecting the planet for future generations.
While control can be an essential aspect of organizational effectiveness, it is also important to consider the potential drawbacks of excessive control(Cohen and Bradford, 2017, 32). For example, overly strict policies and procedures may stifle creativity and innovation, as employees may feel unable to deviate from established protocols. Similarly, excessive monitoring and supervision can lead to demoralization. Additionally, micromanagement among employees can negatively impact morale and motivation . Organizations must strike a balance between the benefits of control and the potential drawbacks of excessive power(Cohen and Bradford, 2017, 38). Organizations can ensure efficiency and effectiveness by finding a healthy balance while fostering a positive and supportive work environment.
III. Power in organizations
Power in organizations refers to an individual or group’s ability to shape or influence others’ actions and decisions, including making decisions and accessing resources. One example of a company that practices power this way is Amazon, a global retail giant with a complex power structure. The company’s CEO, Jeff Bezos, has significant decision-making authority and access to resources, allowing him to shape the company’s direction. In addition, department managers at Amazon also have the power to shape their teams and projects through their access to resources and decision-making authority (Gaster, 2021). These individuals and groups exercise their influence in several ways, such as by making decisions and accessing resources. Power shapes how organizations carry out work and make decisions, making it essential for success and effectiveness (Quinn et al., 2020, 41).
The role of power in shaping organizational outcomes is evident. Those with control can significantly impact an organization’s direction, goals, resource allocation, and decision-making processes. However, it is also essential to consider the pot...
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