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Culture of Experimentation and the Risks on Shutterstock

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Case study 1
Question 1: Shutterstock is empowering its employees by investing in a culture of experimentation. What are the benefits and limitation of allowing lower level employees to have a say in the strategic direction of the business?
There is an increase in employee productivity when lower-level employees are allowed to have a say in the strategic direction of the business. In other words, allowing employees to have a say in the strategic direction enables employees to develop the sense of responsibility in decision making and problem solving at the different levels of operation (Onyebuki et al., 2019, p5). Therefore, employees who are allowed to participate in the strategic planning will do their best to ensure that the plan they suggested is implemented and has worked well thus an increase in productivity. According to the case of Shutterstock, the culture of experimentation allows employees to use some of their work time to engage in developing any company related products that they may choose, which also increases on both the company and employee productivity and creativity.
On the other hand, employee empowerment helps to improve and build on the company’s creativity and innovativeness as various people in the company are empowered with authority in decision making. According to the case of Shutterstock, the experimentation instills innovative mentality in the company culture as different employees are encouraged to participate in the generation of ideas that can take the company to the next level. Creativity and innovativeness helps the company to adapt, survive, and grow in a dynamic business environment (Abuzaid, 2018, p 646). Ultimately, the company’s strategic plan will be successful once the other members of the company are involved in coming up with different relevant innovative ideas that can help in achieving the set objectives by the company and also helps it to gain a competitive advantage over its competitors.
However, involving employees in decision making can be quite challenging as it can lead to a breakdown of power in the organization as almost everyone is empowered with a chance to participate in decision making. According to the case study of Shutterstock, decision making is not limited to the highest paid person’s opinion which can lead to a problem as there is a loss of power control. Based on this case, the employer and managers will not be in control of what employees do as they have been authorized to make decisions based on their judgment (Turkmenoglu,2019, p 8). Therefore, the authority usually associated with top managers is significantly reduced in decision making which can cause conflicts in some cases as different decisions work in opposite to each other.
Empowerment of employees leads to a draw back in the accomplishment of company duties needed. Rationally, this is because empowered employees can tend to switch most of their time to accomplishing their own goals than those of the company due to the rise in their confidence levels which ends up making the employees arrogant. Additionally, arrogant employees do not want to be directed or be told what to do and may abandon their company duties which might cause low productivity (Turkmenoglu, 2019, p 8). Further still, some of the employees given power lack enough experience to utilize the authority rendered to them as they may end up using the power to relax instead of performing company duties thus low productivity.
Question 2: What risks to the organization do you identify in the initiative Shutterstock executives have taken and what actions can they take to minimize such risks? (maximum 2 risks)
There is a risk of lack of confidence, knowledge, and understanding in utilization of power by employees. In other words, most employees have less qualifications and knowledge regarding various decisions of the organization. Therefore, when all employees are involved in decision making there are higher chances that some may put forward ideas that might compromise the success of the company or even lead to conflicts among colleagues as they all have different business ideas. The lack of knowledge in decision making calls in for training of employees in decision making and leadership skills which is costly for the company as there is no transparency and accountability in the costs allocated to the training...
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