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Artificial Intelligence(AI) as a potential emergent technology for the enterprise

Essay Instructions:
1. at least 25 references, please strictly follow the Havard reference form and indicate the source in the reference list at the end of the paper 2. At least 4 charts must be included 3. Please complete the paper according to the structure provided. I will give you two sample essays along with the structure 4.In addition to an overall introduction and analysis of AI technology, please select a specific industry to describe the development and utilization of AI. For example, the current status and application of AI technology in the healthcare industry and its potential. 5. Word count does not include reference list or table of contents 6.turnitin check rate is less than 17%
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Artificial Intelligence as Potential Emergent Technology for Enterprise By Your Name Course and Section Professor’s Name April 30, 2024 Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc165595411 \h 2AI as an Emerging Technology in Healthcare PAGEREF _Toc165595412 \h 4Improving Citizen Engagement PAGEREF _Toc165595413 \h 4The Improvement of Sociopolitical and Physical Conditions in Our Society PAGEREF _Toc165595414 \h 6Enhanced Accessibility and Inclusion PAGEREF _Toc165595415 \h 6Governance and Civic Engagement PAGEREF _Toc165595416 \h 7Environmental Sustainability PAGEREF _Toc165595417 \h 7Public Health Improvements PAGEREF _Toc165595418 \h 8Early Disease Detection and Diagnosis PAGEREF _Toc165595419 \h 8Enlarging the Scan of Detectable Health Issues PAGEREF _Toc165595420 \h 8Integration with Wearable Technology PAGEREF _Toc165595421 \h 9Enhancing Clinical Decision Making PAGEREF _Toc165595422 \h 9Challenges and Ethical Concerns PAGEREF _Toc165595423 \h 10Personalized Health Assessments PAGEREF _Toc165595424 \h 10Health Data Management PAGEREF _Toc165595425 \h 10Personalized Medicine PAGEREF _Toc165595426 \h 12Challenges and Ethical Considerations PAGEREF _Toc165595427 \h 14Data Privacy and Security PAGEREF _Toc165595428 \h 15Algorithmic Bias and Fairness PAGEREF _Toc165595429 \h 15Accountability and Transparency PAGEREF _Toc165595430 \h 16Ethical Use and Deployment PAGEREF _Toc165595431 \h 16Continuous Monitoring and Updating PAGEREF _Toc165595432 \h 16Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc165595433 \h 17 Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology that pools together powerful algorithms that work within a complex data environment and, as a result, simulate human cognitive processes. Though these effects shall have much less influence than they have at the moment, the healthcare sector and medicine will still feel them more. Here, the piece will be centered on the impact of AI on healthcare, with its transformative power, its success story, the benefits, and the challenges to be talked about. First, this dialogue covers various topics, such as the technological base of artificial intelligence in healthcare. AI technologies, like machine learning or neural networks, contemplate developing more advanced solutions that may act as diagnostic aids and eradicate challenges associated with data analysis. For example, machine-learning algorithms can process and archive all these medical records, and one of them is to streamline the early detection of non-communicable diseases such as Alzheimer's and cardiac disorders. Apart from the fact that these technical innovations improve the efficiency of diagnoses, they also play a significant role in fastening treatment processes and eventually changing the planned outcomes of patients. Consequently, this essay makes an annotation on AI and healthcare ethics, too. The ethical aspect is part and parcel of healthcare data since decisions made by AI systems have to be fair and favorable to the mindset of all involved in the same way emotions are accounted for. The problems surrounding data security, informed consent, and transparency of algorithms are scrutinized in search of ways to protect AI progress if we desire to take advantage of the benefits AI can add (Rath et al 2024). Theme transition comes here to deal with justice in AI applications, where it touches both sides of discrimination and access to AI-enhanced treatment to help maintain equity and facilitate all patients' enjoying the superiority that AI innovations bring. Methods of AI application in healthcare, as well as their efficacy, are also being evaluated. AI implementation imperatively includes creating fiber healthcare infrastructure that can accommodate AI technologies, ensuring the readiness of those who are also sufficiently qualified to apply the new gadgets, and the effects they might have on healthcare delivery models. The transformation of healthcare through AI demands technological upgrades and a shift in the healthcare workforce's approach to treatment and patient interaction (Patil and Shankar 2023). INCLUDEPICTURE "https://cdn.sketchbubble.com/pub/media/catalog/product/optimized1/b/5/b56fe8aa5c972c112f2f104c6e764906d5d374d134fb90598bc9a89eaef1ce71/impact-of-ai-in-healthcare-mc-slide1.png" \* MERGEFORMATINET AI as an Emerging Technology in Healthcare AI is a broad category of technologies that can perform activities that generally require human intelligence. AI definitions frequently center on machine learning, neural networks, and natural language processing in technology. However, healthcare perspectives emphasize AI usage in diagnostics, treatment recommendations, and patient information systems. This essay adopts a definition that aligns with the healthcare perspective: AI is a variety of technologies that assist and extend human work in the medical domain. Heeks, Martin, and Rotolo (2015) described an emergent technology as being new, developing fast, united, and significantly influencing society. AI is an emergent technology in healthcare because of its innovative uses in diagnostics and patient care, which will be extended in range and depth. Sources like Obermeyer and Emanuel (2016) contribute to AI's transformative power in healthcare by pointing out its potential to analyze larger datasets more accurately than people can—consequently, it pushes innovations in personalized medicine. Improving Citizen Engagement From a perspective of citizens' aspirations, AI technologies such as chatbots and virtual assistants are now widely used in the public sector to facilitate citizens' access to information and services. These AI machines can handle variance issues, from simple questions about working hours to more complex Q&As regarding legal and tax issues. Furthermore, citizens' rights and influence will be positively affected since such systems allow the governments to get to the people faster and easier. Also, this generates a more civilized and reachable governance model, which is good for everybody affected (Helbing et al 2023). AI-powered chatbots and personal assistants, together with this technology, provide a breakthrough in the issue of the lack of information availability. Such services are available round the clock, allowing seekers of information the option of obtaining it outside business hours and catering for different time slots, which, in turn, helps to reduce waiting times (Kumar et al 2004). AI tools for those who have some disability and others living in remote areas could be of great advantage as this is something much better than the person-to-person encounter, which could be impossible or difficult. Also, this method frees staff from routine inquiries to care about complex and personally critical situations and enhances service efficacy. AI in public services positively influences public service participation in general. Citizens can easily give their feedback about services by surveying AI interfaces or participating in public meetings via a user-friendly interface. The residents constantly provide feedback, allowing governments to improve and replace their services faster (Wirsbinna and Greaga 2021). This ensures that the Government effectively reflects its priorities and expectations since the residents' desires guide them. Moreover, AI analytics can leverage this feedback on a grand scale, recognizing and extracting meaningful trends and insights that somebody doing manual analytics might miss. This contributes to improved decision-making and policy formulation processes. The application of AI technologies can bring about higher Government transparency and accountability. Data collection on the usage of services provides governments with the tools for more detailed reporting of performance metrics and outcomes of proceedings. These disclosures aid in building trust and equipping citizens to act responsibly through service delivery monitoring. AI also enables detecting and curbing bureaucratic inefficiencies or corruption by constantly monitoring government operations and noting unusual practices. The Improvement of Sociopolitical and Physical Conditions in Our Society AI is often the driving force behind social welfare programs as it is in public safety and always plays an essential role. Machine learning-based systems are used to realize instances of fraud, abuse in welfare programs, or inappropriate investment of resources. This ensures an equal distribution of resources (Engstrom et al 2020). Speaking about public safety, AI applications may span from intelligent surveillance systems that make a city epidemiologically safer to predictive policing models that aid in averting and predicting crimes. For an illustrative usage of the model introduced by Evans (2017) in this context, let us single out the most popular AI implementation in the context of civil service - that is, AI-based chatbots and virtual assistants sustainably deployed to enhance the interaction between the citizens and the Government in the administrative services sphere. Evans' model introduces the sociotechnical system concept that explicitly studies the crossroads of technology (technical system) and society (social system), which is very helpful in seeing better how technology molds or is molded by social orders, norms, and interactions. The following are some of the ways this model can be applied (Sovacool and Hess 2017): Enhanced Accessibility and Inclusion AI technologies perform their most important task of constructing amenities more suitable for the needs of people with disabilities. AI applications, such as voice recognition software or smart prosthetics, are taking extraordinary steps to expand accessibility. With such technologies, voice-to-text services are possible that are aimed at helping those with speech or hearing impairments to communicate successfully. Besides, AI-driven mobility options, including self-driving wheelchairs and navigation aids, have a positive effect on the autonomy of people with physical disabilities, and that promotes their inclusion in society. Governance and Civic Engagement In governing, AI is of tremendous help in facilitating the context of governmental affairs and involving civics. With data analytics and machine learning, AI systems can collect large amounts of public views and social media posts through different policies to judge public opinion, allowing more responsive governance. Moreover, the use of AI-powered platforms will help in the conduct of more fruitful public consultations and town hall meetings by summarising thoughts from different sections of the population. Consequently, a more comprehensive range of voices will be heard when making the policy because more people will participate. Environmental Sustainability AI, with its capabilities, joins the movement to handle environmental problems and make the landscapes of cities and villages, among others, more sustainable. Predictive analytics by AI can enhance smart energy management by making renewable resources more efficient, preventing energy waste, and improving energy-related systems' efficiency. For instance, smart grid technology harnesses AI to forecast the electricity demand, prompting dynamic supply adjustment to minimize energy wastage and integrating renewable energy sources into the grid. Moreover, AI dramatically assists in the surveillance of the environment, using satellite imagery and sensors to trace changes in ecosystems, predict biodiversity loss, and apply environmental policies more efficiently. Public Health Improvements Apart from public safety, AI immensely contributes to public health management in the public. During pandemics, AI-based models predict disease spread patterns, improve resource allocation and healthcare logistics, and minimize the strain on health systems. Through AI tools, the effectiveness of public health interventions is being analyzed, and health recommendations are tailored towards individuals simultaneously, leading to...
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