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Country Analysis: China and the United States

Essay Instructions:

In the requirement, only need to finish this part: Your comparisonwill involve•critically assessing the extent to which your selected issue may impact MNEs operating in the two countriesby applying relevant concepts and theoretical frameworks from the course and independent research . And from Group A we chose China for the first country, Group B we chose United States.

One international business issue we chose Trade protectionism

Analysis should have at least three academic journalreferences and three non-scholarly references


Assessment Task 2: Group Report (40 marks)

• Assessment type: Written group report

• Value: 40%

• Link to the CLOs: 1,2, 3, 4

• Due Date: Friday, May 14, 23:55

• Word Limit: 3,000 words

This assessment is designed to enable you to apply the theory and concepts discussed in the course in the setting of real-world examples, and to develop your skills in project management, team work, country analysis and report writing. You will be allocated into groups. The maximum number of students in each group is five. Each group will nominate a group coordinator who will be responsible for administrative tasks such as organising group meetings and submitting the group report file electronically. Your group will conduct an in-depth analysis of the group’s chosen case. Your group will need to prepare and submit a written report of the analysis and group reflection.

For this assessment, you will need to choose one international business issue from the below list which is covered in this course;

• Trade protectionism

• Social media and IB

• Differences in national cultures

• Social or environmental responsibility of MNEs

Your task is to analyse and compare your selected international business issue in two countries. You must choose one country from Group A and the other country from Group B.

Group A - Australia, China, France, Indonesia, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom

Group B - India, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Sweden, Turkey, United States

Your comparison will involve:

• identifying and researching recent trends in the two countries in relation to your selected issue;

• critically assessing the extent to which your selected issue may impact MNEs operating in the two countries by applying relevant concepts and theoretical frameworks from the course and independent research; and

• predicting possible consequences and/or suggesting appropriate responses for MNEs operating in the two countries.

While your group is expected to conduct independent research and go beyond what is covered in this course, your group needs to make sure that your analysis is linked to the materials covered in this course.

It is expected that your group will consult firstly newspapers and popular press, trade / industry / government reports and periodicals to identify trends and issues for your chosen case. Groups should also use academic journals as sources for their analysis. Your analysis should have at least seven academic journal references and seven non-scholarly references to inform your key ideas and provide background about the analysis (the list of references should be included in your written group report). Marks will be deducted if the source of information that is used is not included in the report or the minimum reference requirements are not met.

* For more information on scholarly references, watch a video “What's a scholarly source?” created by RMIT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDvo7WgjTyc&feature=youtu.be&list=PL58B2ECFB39 5955F9


Written report

Your group will be required to submit a written report containing the written analysis of your group’s case (approximately 2,200 - 2,500 words) and the group reflection (approximately 500 - 800 words). The maximum length of the report is 3,000 words (excluding cover page, executive summary, references, tables and figures, 10% more or less is allowed).

• With the written group report, your group needs to demonstrate that you have conducted effective research to investigate the chosen IB issue in the two countries, and particularly are aware of the key theories / concepts covered in the course related your chosen issue. It means that your analysis needs to show how the key theories/concepts are applied to analyse your case.

• Your group also needs to include a group reflection in the report. The group reflection is to improve your capability as an effective member of a group in the future. The group reflection should include; (i) roles and responsibilities of each team member; (ii) lessons and/or skills your group has learned / gained through this assessment task; (iii) feasible and thoughtful ways to improve group work process and outcome in the future; and (iv) why it is important for future business leaders to have understanding of your group’s chosen course topics.

• The written report should have a correct format of in-text citations and references of the sources cited using the Harvard style.

• Your group needs to attach the cover page to the report. The cover page will be available for download from the course website. The cover page must contain the following information:

o the complete names and student IDs of group members;

o the name of tutor;

o the day and time of the tutorial; and

o the date of submission.

• The group report must be submitted electronically via the Turnitin Submission Inbox in the Assessment 2 Folder in Canvas.


Suggested structure of the group report

• The cover sheet (available for download from Canvas)

• Table of contents: a list of main sections and any subheadings

• Executive summary: a summary of the purpose, findings, conclusions including managerial implications of the report (no more than 150 words, not included in the word count)

• Introduction: a good introduction should include the purpose and scope of the report, provide the outline of the rest of the report, define any key terms or concepts and provide a brief background to the case (chosen country, key course topics used for analysis)

• Body: split into sections (precise breakdown of sections is a decision for each group and will depend on the group’s key arguments and findings)

• Conclusion

• Group reflection

• Reference

• Appendices (if any)

Make sure that your group meets all the assessment requirements outlined in this document. Failure to meet the requirements may result in; - loss of marks; - re-marking excluding the section of work which does not meet the requirement; and/or - resubmitting all or part of the work.


Equity of contribution

• Group work can be rewarding but requires considerable cooperation and coordination between group members. The group project should represent an equal contribution by all group members, although the allocation of tasks involved is the prerogative of individual groups. The purpose of ‘Equity of Contribution’ is to mitigate against "freeloading" or "social loafing".

• It is important to clarify your roles early in the project, make regular meeting dates, and establish time lines for finishing work. It is also essential that you maintain a “group diary”– a record of group discussions, email exchanges and meetings.

• If a group has a complaint against one or more group members, the group should approach the member(s) and try to resolve the matter. If necessary, your group may conduct equity of contribution review to evaluate the contribution of each group member (including yourself) to the group project assessment.

• If there is substantial evidence that there is disparity in the extent of contribution among group members in preparation and/or delivery of presentation, your tutor may adjust the marks of individual group members.

• Please refer to the Equity of Contribution policy document.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Country Analysis: China and the United States
Trade protectionism is still a common practice although there has been a great support for free trade in recent years, and especially in the era of globalization and technological advancement. According to Evenett (2019, p.15), countries implement trade protectionism to protect domestic firms from foreign firms or firms operating internationally. Trade protectionism measures change the state of competition especially in relation to international firms. This section provides an assessment of trade protectionism in China and the US and its impact on multinational enterprises (MNEs) operating in the two countries.
Trade Protectionism in China
China experienced immense economic growth in the past as it opened its economy to the world. Its membership with the World Trade Organization (WTO) gave it access to other countries, which increased revenue generated from its manufacturing exports (Sukar & Ahmed 2019, p.1). It also gave other countries access to its economy. As revealed by Sukar and Ahmed (2019), China’s economy benefited from foreign direct investments (FDIs) as the Chines government opened various economic zones and later joined WTO. However, the country is still implementing protectionism measures to protect its domestic industries. An article published by Smith (2019) in Bloomberg revealed that even before the US-China trade war begun, China was already following a go-it-alone strategy that would limit trade between China and other countries. Even though MNEs still operate in China, they experience hardship because the Chinese government had implemented protectionism measures that promote the Chinese domestic industries first. Despite being a member of the WTO, China has been accused of imposing trade restrictions, especially on imports. China has implemented stringent licensing practices, tariffs, and quotas that limit the number of exports to China, especially from the US (Sukar & Ahmed 2019, p.2). In addition, China’s support for its domestic industries and failure to implement laws that protect intellectual property rights, especially for multinational companies, have been considered some of the main protectionism measures employed by China. In the past, countries such as the US have used the WTO to challenge China’s protectionism practice, but to no significant success (Sukar & Ahmed 2019, p.2). The need for another strategy to deal with China has been cited as one of the reasons that led to the US-China trade war.
Trade Protectionism in the US
Over the years, the US has engaged in trade protectionism to protect its domestic industries and maintain its place as a developed economy. US protectionism practices are based on mercantilist ideals which purport that the government should protect its domestic industries, maintain the balance of trade, and discourage imports (Williams 2019...
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