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Thinking System and Its Influence to Sustainability Challenges

Essay Instructions:

Write an article based on the structure I provided. The specific meaning of the tourism trap can be found at http://time(dot)com/5349533/europe-against-tourists/

ONLY use the LTU Harvard Referencing style. ONLY Microsoft Office document types are accepted. ONLY Font size Times New Roman 12. Please make sure you use paragraphs throughout the report.

Reference List and sources: Students are required to reference at least 3 types of resources in the essay:

Minimum of 6 journal articles (students are required to use scholarly and peer-reviewed articles) and textbooks.

Newspaper/Magazine articles

Company/NGO Websites

I will upload a few points of knowledge in the article as photos.

Since there are still a few hours to reach the deadline, I hope that you can do it as best as you can, thank you!

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Thinking System and Its Influence to Sustainability Challenges
Thinking System and Its Influence to Sustainability Challenges
System is a set of parts interrelated with each other to function with achieving a common goal making the thinking system useful in the development of the solutions of sustainability challenges in the society. Thinking system the a techniques of seeing, interacting and communicating about the reality assisting humanity to better understand and operate the systems to influence the quality of their live in the society. Thinking system is a vital issue in the current society because of the developing complex systems in various perspectives in the society increasing the level of interconnection, and globalization of the social system within a sophisticated perspective. Thinking system is an important approach in dealing with sustainability challenges within the society and I agree with its incorporation in various developments. Thinking system differs with the traditional thinking since it focuses on the interrelationships between the different components used in both the systems. The purpose of this essay is to substantiate on the importance of thinking system to sustainable challenges.
Background of the issue
In this case, I agree and support the importance of the thinking system in dealing with various wicked problems in the society. The system concentrates on the individual parts to produce for the specific problems. The thinking system applicability is vital in handling chronic diseases such as Tourist trap, obesity and education enhancements in the society. Obesity is an international problem increasing at alarming rate among the children in developed countries such as America and the developing countries (Richards, 2001). Tourist trap and obesity is a challenge in the society affecting America and other European countries and is considered a serious problem, as there is no specific problem to the situations. Though the thinking system is vital in the sustainability of various challenges in the society, some researchers suggest that the method is time consuming and difficult to understand for the solution of the problems in the society. Thinking system is important for advancement of innovations in the society since it enhance the understanding of various challenging tasks. It influences the interaction and the coordination among the people and systems in the society while integrating vital innovations for mature principles and great ideas. It enhances the rapid learning leading to understanding of big picture for solution of challenging wicked problems in the society. It also provides and brings rapid impact in the solution of the real problems by giving the real values to avoid the creation of more problems or the unintended consequences. Thinking system provides rapid adaptation, identification patterns of understanding the nature, and why various problems appear the way, they are in the society. The rapid innovation and bloat elimination process through system thinking assist in best solutions in building new things eliminating unnecessary complexity of various challenges within the society. Even various prominent organizations in the society incorporate thinking system in their problem solving strategies to make then succeed in their strategic goals in business. Thinking system provides effective methods in information technology applications in various industries to enhance their performance and customer base level.
Why thinking system an issue in sustainability
Thinking system approach is important in dealing with sustainability changes in the society because it views various problems from a macroscopic perspective than having a shorter view. In the current society, system thinking is used in diverse perspectives in solving problems and maintaining the sustainability challenges in the society (Bhat, 2017). There are various unified protocols to deal with the wicked sustainability challenges and the thinking system is useful in changing of the previous mental models. The changing of the mental models would to deal with the sustainability related issues because of the availability of skills and technologies. Thinking system is critical in the developing solutions to sustainability challenges because of the increasing of the problems every day in the society. The problems and their solutions is important in the sustainability of the society such as the tourist trap, obesity and the domestic violence (Adetunji, Price, Fleming & Kemp, 2003). The wicked problems such as the tourist trap are more critical than sustainable challenges and could be addressed through the application of additional thinking. Thinking system focuses in a specific component, connection, and interrelation between them to generate a creative solution to the problem since it is a macro nature concentrating on big issues. Its macro nature enables it to base on the relationships of certain bigger events providing useful solutions for the issues. The traditional problem solving techniques have been current ineffective in solving sophisticated issues in the society leading to the escalation of the system thinking as a perfect substitute in problem solving. It provides balances solution to various problems in the society through the availability of technology leading to automatic amicable solutions to vary wicked problems in the society. It is more effective than the traditional methods of problem solving because it helps in the more complex problems providing their given solutions (United Nations, 2013). The solution of most of the complex and challenging problems in the society is through thinking system because of its systematic approach in tackling the problems. The system thinking requires the assistance of computer systems to make it more reliable and efficient in providing solutions to given wicked problems in the society.
The tourist trap
Many countries internationally rely on tourism as a source of economic subsidy and most of the European counties harvest million through tourism activities. It is therefore important to keep the tourist industry sustainable through the application of thinking system analytics. Tourists trap represents a group of business venture or establishments developed with the purpose of attracting tourist within specific location within the world. They are created along the tourist destination locations and pr...
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