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Advanced financial reporting and theory Accounting, Finance Essay

Essay Instructions:

Two essay questions on advanced financial reporting and theory based on environmental and sustainability issues.


Coursework assignment - Advanced Financial Reporting and Theory Background: Read the article by Davidson (2020) from the Accounting and Business ACCA periodical (April 2020) for some background information and answer the questions that follow. Davidson (2020) discusses the European Union’s (EU’s) proposed system for identifying environmentally sustainable activities that have been developed because of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The aim of this new proposed legislation is to tackle global climate change by enforcing an EU wide disclosure policy of environmentally sustainable activities. Several different guidelines exist in terms of what types of information Corporations should report in relation to environmental and sustainability issues, but these are not generally mandatory. These guidelines, for example, include the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Global Reporting Initiative, as well as others, such as the latest EU guidelines discussed by Davidson (2020). Assignment questions: 1. Evaluate critically whether you consider if corporations should be regulated to disclose environmental and sustainability issues and evaluate what form that might take. You should use examples to support your discussion. 50% of mark allocation 2. Evaluate whether you consider corporations should focus on the shareholder perspective or the wider stakeholder perspective when reporting environmental and sustainability issues. 50% of mark allocation Structure This is an academic assignment and extensive use of academic references should be used to support your discussion. The work should have an introduction, main body with suitable sub headings structured around the key questions asked and a conclusion. You can also use appendices to support any relevant points. Please see the detailed assessment criteria that will be used to assess your assignment. Reference: Davidson, B. (2020) ‘Is the EU’s green list the environmental sustainability answer?’ Accounting and Business, April 2020, pp22-23. Available from: https://www.accaglobal.com/my/en/member/discover/cpd-articles/businesslaw/sustainable-taxonomycpd.html [Date accessed: 9th September 2020] YOU SHOULD ALSO NOTE: The coursework assignment report narrative should not exceed 1,500 words in length. HAND IN DATE: Thursday 19th November 2020 3 Notes 1. Indicative weighting of marks for this assignment As a guide, the available marks will be split (approximately): Content 40% Critique 30% Academic support 30% 2. Academic writing Your views / arguments should include relevant theoretical issues and be supported / justified by relevant academic references. You are reminded of the assessment criteria identified in the module handbook: Students are expected to provide a critical assessment of the topic area given, and to support their assessment/critique and/or recommendations with reference to pertinent academic references. 3. Originality Your work must of course be original and must make appropriate reference to all sources upon which it draws. 4. Information Technology Your assignment must be word processed. 5. Relationship to learning outcomes This assignment relates to the following learning outcomes, namely: a. Critically assess the theoretical basis and content of financial accounting systems which provide the financial information for communication to users b. Critically assess the ability to research current issues in financial reporting and to comment critically on their impact on the regulatory framework within the UK 6. Grading criteria For a mark of 70% and above:  The discussion provides an exceptional critical evaluation of all of the main issues involved and provides a balanced and well-presented discussion incorporating consideration of all the views expressed in the articles and the quotation. 4  The evaluation and critical analysis demonstrates both competence and understanding together with creativity and originality. The discussion also arrives at a considered and balanced conclusion.  There is evidence of solid research using a variety of media, and the debate is topical and considers the issues in depth. Evidence of wider reading is apparent.  Appropriate referencing and presentation skills are illustrated For a mark of 60% - 69%:  The discussion provided a thorough and competent financial evaluation of the issues and provides a balanced and well-presented discussion incorporating consideration of all the views expressed in the articles and the quotation.  A competent analytical approach is taken within the context of a balanced and wellpresented discussion. There is also relevant referencing, with the discussion containing no significant errors and/or omissions.  Appropriate referencing and presentation skills are illustrated For a mark of 50% - 59%:  The discussion lacks any critical insight.  No attempt is made to provide a critique of the views stated. Only limited consideration of all the views expressed is provided in the report, and analysis is lacking.  Reading and research whilst balanced appears nonetheless limited.  Appropriate presentation skills are illustrated For a mark of 40% - 49%:  The discussion provides an adequate analysis of the issues. However the overall discussion is mainly descriptive and lacks any depth of analysis.  In addition the assignment is somewhat unstructured with no critical comment provided.  There is little evidence of reading/research, and concluding comments are somewhat limited and inconclusive.  Limited presentation skills are illustrated For a mark of 0% - 39%:  The discussion fails to provide any adequate evaluation.  The assignment is limited and unstructured and the analysis poor.  There is little evidence of understanding with little or no evidence of reading/research.  Poor presentation skills are illustrated

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Advanced Financial Reporting and Theory
Advanced Financial Reporting and Theory
There are growing concerns about environmental and sustainability issues that call for immediate action to be taken in order to address these concerns. However, this urgent need cannot be met easily, especially with corporations not providing adequate disclosures concerning the mentioned issues. With this in mind, this paper suggests that corporations should be regulated to disclose environmental and sustainability issues. This is important because it will ensure that investors have the necessary data that can be used in evaluating the risks in these areas and also help in identifying opportunities that can be used to ensure environmental sustainability. The paper also argues that when reporting environmental and sustainability issues, it is necessary for corporations to focus on the wider stakeholder perspective because pressure from stakeholders can be used in improving regulations for sustainability as well as enabling corporations to build a good social image that attracts investors. The stakeholder dictates how the corporate firms will be understood and perceived by the public and hence the need to consider their perspectives when it comes to environmental and sustainability issues.
Regulating Corporations for Disclosure
Corporations should be regulated to disclose environmental and sustainability issues because this will ensure that the necessary data is available for stakeholders to evaluate and manage the risks in environmental and sustainability issues. Accordingly, most corporations have the habit of giving inconsistent information that lacks transparency when it comes to the financial impacts of issues of climate change and environmental sustainability risk factors (Davidson, 2019). This inconsistency and lack of openness often frustrate the investors because the data is needed when determining the valuations and decisions of investment. With no mandatory regulations for disclosures, identifying environmentally sustainable activities to invest in becomes a big challenge because there is no standard way that such investments can be identified (Davidson, 2020). This, therefore, necessitates the need to regulate the corporations through setting up specific guiding standards and frameworks of operation that can be used in providing the required information. Corporations can be regulated in the form of coming up with organizations and bodies that can be used to develop frameworks for operations and set the standards to be used by the corporations to provide information on environmental and sustainability matters. A good example, in this case, is an organization such as the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board that provides data for investors that are used in evaluating and responding to environmental sustainability risks. Regulation can also take the form of a classification system such as the unified classification system for sustainable activities or the EU Taxonomy that was formed in 2018 by the European Commission. In the EU Taxonomy, the system provides a unified manner through which environmentally sustainable economic activities can be identified and financed in a transparent way, thereby reducing the chances of some corporations providing misleading data on environmental performance. With this system also, future spending by corporations can be directed towards activities of environmental sustainability.
Apart from the mentioned, regulating these corporations to disclose environmental and sustainability issues is a necessary step that can help in identifying opportunities to be used in ensuring environmental sustainability. Regulated disclosure of environmental and sustainability issues can open up many business relationships for corporations, especially since the information provided will be of an acceptable standard and thus paint a true picture of the environmental sustainability activities. In other words, there will be increased investment opportunities for a corporation whose disclosure of environmental sustainability issues is regulated because many investors will see such a firm as being transparent and open in performance (Hillsdon, 2018). When reliable information is provided, it can also be much easier for mitigation strategies to be developed, for example, suggesting solutions for developing an economy that is climate-resilient. The disclosure can also enable corporations to determine how climatic changes will affect their operations in the future and take the necessary steps to address any of such major changes. Regulated environment-related disclosures can also help potential investors to identify technological opportunities that can be exploited to promote environmental sustainability, such as technologies that provide sol...
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