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Impact of telephone on boundaries of homes in north american society

Essay Instructions:
Final Essay (60%; 8 pages) Choose one of the following “Questions for Critical Thought” to answer in your essay. ( I also circled each question at very end of the chapter) Use the textbook, one “Suggested Reading” from the appropriate chapter and one academic book or article not suggested or referenced in the textbook to formulate your argument and write your essay. Proper citation and bibliographic practices are expected Questions for Critical Thought options 1) Using Flickr as an example, discuss how the concept of immaterial labour helps explain Web 2.0 applications.(chapter 6) 2) Provide an in-depth critique of the digital divide concept. In your considerations, address the concept's strengths and weaknesses.(chapter 7) 3) How did the introduction of the telephone change the boundaries of the home in NorthAmerican society?(chapter 9) 4) Gary Marx puts forward three views as to how technology is changing society, namely functional, revolutionary and cultural. Provide support for one of these views using Facebook as an example.(chapter 10) Please make sure you go through the Grading Rubric while writing because it is very important for my professor. Grading rubric for Essay Assignments: 1) Does the introduction effectively present the issue and the thesis, while evoking reader interest? (10 points) 2) Are the ideas sufficiently complex? Are there good reasons in support of the thesis? Is the argument logical? If opposing views are presented, are they adequately and fairly summarized? Are the responses to the opposing views effective?(30 points) 3) Is there appropriate and sufficient evidence? Is the argument well-developed, with appropriate details?(20 points) 4) Is the essay well organized into a unified whole? Are there good transactions? Do paragraphs have topic sentences? (20 points) 5) Is the language style effective? Is language well chosen for the intended audience? Is the tone appropriate? (10 points) 6) Are sentences well organized? Is the paper carefully edited?(10 points) I am taking science, technology, society course so in the essay you need to link them all together. Please make sure to have in text citation and bibliographic and references. We have to use Chicago Manual of style. (http://www(dot)chicagomanualofstyle(dot)org/tools_citationguide.html) Please use the link above for the citation everything else is not accepted by my prof. Please read the whole 4 chapters of the text book because you need to use them in the essay even if you choose a question that is only for one chapter you still need to read the rest of the chapters and use them for the essay as it is required for my professor. ( do not forget to cite them using Chicago style the link above). You are also required to use suggested readings of the book which you can find them at very end of each chapter that I will submit. (do not forget to cite them).You are also required to use one academic book or article not suggested or referenced in the textbook to formulate your argument and write your essay. This is an argument based essay so you need to have great arguments and great supports for that. This is the most important thing for my professor. It worth 60% of my whole course mark so it not a homework to get a B at all. I really need A in this essay and I really have a hard marker professor, I do really appreciate for all of your help and support but please do your best I really need A once again. Please email me if you are confused about any part of the essay before starting to write the essay. Please it has to be 100% plagiarism free. The thesis is very important for her, it has to be very specific and you have to have at least 4 supporting arguments for the specific thesis each of the arguments in separate paragraphs. (Arguments should be from textbook, suggested reading and extra articles). It has to be at least 8 pages (excluding front page and references). I will attach a sample essay that was for our midterm but she said this was one of the best essays so maybe you can have a feeling how she likes the essay to be. Please read carefully all the thing that is required and please please please do your best to write a great essay. I do really appreciate for all of your help. ( it has to be double space) The name of the text book is : Technology an science Social Networks, Power, and Inequality by Anabel Quan-Haase first edition published in 2013
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Communication is a vital part of life to ensure that there is peaceful co-existence for the mutual benefit of different parties. The essence led to introduction of telephones to enhance communicability of different parties. Telephone was invented which boosted communication between different parties hence communication became far much better. The development increased efficiency of communication with some of the parties adopting the mode as soon as possible to transmit their information as far they could. Telephone offered the fastest mode with the advantage of the fact that there is, immediate response hence the communication wasted time. The invention was developed right from the first trials that were previously done by the likes of Alexander Graham Bell who invented the first Telephone. The invention was followed by a series of modifications that were all meant to make the mode more and more efficient for communication. Telephone by then had vast advantages and prevailed over all other means of communication that were previously used. The invention of the phone created effect on the different areas.[Anabel Quan-Haase. Technology and science Social Networks, Power, and Inequality. NY: Oxford University Press, 2013: 168-186] [Barbour, M. (2010). State of the nation: K-12 online learning in Canada. Retrieved from /research/docs/iNACOL_CanadaStudy10-finalweb.pdf] [Chapuis, R.J., Joel Jr., A.E., Joel, A.E. (2003) 100 Years of Telephone Switching, NY: IOS Press, 2(5) p. 334]
The distance of separation between communicating parties has been minimized leading to good interpersonal relations. Earlier parties who were seen as distant were brought together due to the means of communication. The adoption of the telephone technology was not actually radical but it happened gradually taking an event after the other. The adoption was gradual with the society adapting to the changes that were taking place around them every day. Telephone thereby played a substantial role in enhancing efficient communication of parties in the different areas that are accessible by the phone or where the lines of communication were effectively connected well. The essay will thereby assist in determining how the presence of the phone did change the boundaries of home in the North American society. The above will be discussed based on the gradual development that led to the introduction of the phone communication.[Anabel Quan-Haase. Technology and science Social Networks, Power, and Inequality. NY: Oxford University Press, 2013: 168-186] [Chapuis, R.J., Joel Jr., A.E., Joel, A.E. (2003) 100 Years of Telephone Switching, NY: IOS Press, 2(5) p. 334] [Chapuis, R.J., Joel Jr., A.E., Joel, A.E. (2003) 100 Years of Telephone Switching, NY: IOS Press, 2(5) p. 334]
Telephones have influenced home to a great extent. Home was one of the places that were much shielded in the society. Being the basic organization of a society, home shielded a lot of issue especially the social ones as it is the classical boundary of the family. Home was prevented from what was happening outside and the world in general but the introduction of the phone overcame the former barrier to an extent. The adoption of the phone was highly apprehended in the North American society hence so many members of the society enhanced the spread of the telephones. The opening up of the home affected the traditionally boundaries that were collectively shielded by the presence of homes. The social consequences are what resulted due to the opening of the home to the rest of the world. Telephone boosted the telecommunication bit as it was perceived as the best though later it came to be overtaken by other more developed means of communications that were a bit faster like the likes of internet communication which hosts quite a number of ways of communicating.[Anabel Quan-Haase. Technology and science Social Networks, Power, and Inequality. NY: Oxford University Press, 2013: 168-186] [Barbour, M. (2010). State of the nation: K-12 online learning in Canada. Retrieved from /research/docs/iNACOL_CanadaStudy10-finalweb.pdf]
Telephones have also happened to bring about efficiency in communication. Previous to the invention of the phones there were mails that were widely used as means of communication. The stepping in of the phone offered a relief to some of the means of communication as it was largely adopted as I had earlier indicated. In North America, different homes were able to establish relationships with one another. This was due to the effect of being able to communicate between different people in different homes. This led to social interaction opening up the homes that were originally confined. The relationships enhanced mutual understanding to an extent of creating friendship between families hence different homes were categorized as one due to the creation of social cohesion between the different families. The essence of having no closeness due to the distance of separation was eliminated. Most of the families were able to interact with other families eliminating the traditional barriers. The boundaries of the homes thereby expanded creating more and wider boundaries of home due to the scene social interaction. The impact has enhanced the national integration of the societies. Hence the notable impact is that the former boundaries of homes were opened up to the outside world creating wider communities into one with the simplest communication possible enhancing the interaction.[Anabel Quan-Haase. Technology and science Social Networks, Power, and Inequality. NY: Oxford University Press, 2013: 168-186] [Greg Holden, Lawrence C. Miller. (2011). Home Networking Do-It-Yourself for Dummies. NY: John Wiley and Sons.]
The other notable impact that was brought about by the means was maintenance of close bonds between family members. This means therefore that the earlier boundaries that existed of the family members were strengthened to a greater extent with the presence of the telephones to assist in communication. It is quite notable that families are what make up a home and therefore with the telephones that boosted communication of the parties, it is quite possible that the means boundaries were strengthened to a great extent. People could communicate easily with other members of the family and communicate all matters concerning their homes and so on. The telephone thereby enhanced by communication of the members. The boundaries were therefore strengthened enhancing the growth of the homes and other improvements that marked presence of the phones which were taking place in the different homes. Bearing in mind that some of the telephones developed were developed through the use cheap equipments, the installation of the phones in different homesteads was thereby easier. (Anabel 2013, 169-186). Most of the homes installed the phones hence individuals in the different homes managed to communicate effectively with other members of the homes who may be in different points away from home. This means that one could run the events of the homes as well as others that require such person`s attention without any of the events missing the attendance. The home was thereby not ignored and the members stayed intact without losing contacts hence the members remained together with more of the members being able stay close in terms of communication. The boundaries of the home were kept intact and more so strengthened making the institution (home) remain one and unified whole with no strains developed in terms of social home relations.[Anabel Quan-Haase. Technology and science Social Networks, Power, and Inequality. NY: Oxford University Press, 2013: 168-186] [Anabel Quan-Haase. Technology and science Social Networks, Power, and Inequality. NY: Oxford University Press, 2013: 168-186] [Algonquin College. (2011). a new era of connectivity at Algonquin College: Collaborative approach to Mobile Learning Centre, a first in Canada. Retrieved from /PublicRelations/Media/2011/Releases/MobieLearningCentreNewsRelease.pdf]
The boundaries were also aff...
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