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Terrorism in Afghanistan and the Measures Taken by the Government

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Instructions: Please answer the question below with an essay answer. Each answer should be 4 pages total (not including title page and bibliography), typed double-spaced in Times New Roman, 12-pont font. Remember to us the Chicago Style Manual for all citations and bibliography. A minimum of five (5) scholarly sources are required for this assignment.

This assignment will provide the foundation for your final research paper. As a result, it is highly recommended that additional sources for future reference are included in the bibliography in addition to the minimum five required for this assignment.

Select a foreign nation-state (not the United States) and describe a threat to that nation. The threat can be any of those discussed in this course (conventional threats, non-state actors, terrorism, insurgency, emerging threats, cyber, etc). Briefly provide a background of the threat, what it is, how the nation perceives the threat and how your chosen nation-state has responded to the threat.

The opportunities are endless here since there are many nations and, of course, each has numerous, often shared threats. This paper is designed for you to begin your research and introduce your chosen case-study that you will then provide much more extensive detail about in your final paper. Furthermore, your final paper will include your analytical opinion (thesis) regarding this case-study and be written in the form of a typical threat assessment. Be sure to select a case study that you can research deeper than a 4-page paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Terrorism in Afghanistan
Student Name
Terrorism is normally used to refer to acts of violence against civilians with the intent of pursuing political or ideological aims. Terrorists aim to destroy democracy, human rights and the rule of law. They attack the values that are contained in the United States charter; rule of law, respect for human rights, coexistence among people and nations, rules governing armed conflict and peaceful conflict resolution. Afghanistan is currently at the center of international counter terrorism concerns.[Digitalcommons.law.umaryland.edu.2020. Digitalcommons.Law.Umaryland.Edu. https://digitalcommons.law.umaryland.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1502&context=fac_pubs. N.p]
As the United States of America prepares to pull out its military forces out of the country, there are contradictory judgments about the nature of the terrorism threat. Those who support withdrawal argue that terrorism from Afghanistan does not pose a threat to the peaceful coexistence of UN member states. Those who oppose this, claim that; the terrorist threat in Afghanistan will increase without the presence of United States military forces in the country. The main goal of the US policy since the 9\11 attacks was to ensure the country does not become a safe haven for Virulent Salafi groups like Jihadi. The logic behind this policy after the Taliban regime was toppled in 2001, is that if any part of the territory ends up being under the control of Salafi groups, their ability to increase the attack’s lethality and frequency will increase especially against the United States since the group will be able to use their safe havens to train and plan efficiently and easily avoid retaliation from the international community. Yet there is significant debate and argument on how closely the Taliban works with the terrorist groups and whether it would allow al Qaeda to carry out operations out of a territory it controls. Indeed some Taliban members considered agreeing to al Qaeda operations a big mistake and opted to distance the group from al Qaeda operations. The Taliban also fights the Islamic State in Afghanistan. On the other hand, the Taliban has failed to officially denounce al Qaeda, undoubtedly because it is aware that openly breaking ties with al Qaeda would cost it political capital from jihadi groups all around the globe and other financial backers like in the Middle East.[United Nations Organization. 2020. "Afghanistan’S Government Must Work To Improve Trust In Security Sector Amid Rising Tensions, Terrorist Attacks, Special Representative Tells Security Council | Meetings Coverage And Press Releases". United Nations Organization. /press/en/2017/sc12882.doc.htm. N.p] [United Nations Organization. 2020 N.P]
In 2018, a Global Terrorism Incident report stated that Afghanistan had the highest number of terror-related deaths for the second year in a row, with more than 7,000 fatalities and 1,400 terrorist incidents in 2018. The report attributed this escalation in violence to a strengthened Talibun insurgency, increase of Khorosan chapter presence and the ongoing political instability. The 2018 report further stated that the Taliban surpassed ISIS as the deadliest terrorist group in the world by being responsible for 38% of the deaths on a global scale. Approximately 40,000 people have been killed in terror related incidents in the country.[CNBC. 2020. CNBC. /2020/01/16/terrorism-is-costing-the-global-economy-34-billion-a-year.html.. N.P]
An unstable Afghanistan may eventually destabilize Pakistan, and as a result, the entire area of South and Central Asia. Additionally, Pakistan’s tribal areas, Baluchistan, Karachi, have also hosted many of the salafi groups, and the Afghan Taliban and its vicious Haqqani branch use these areas to hide safely. This makes Pakistan’s cooperation crucial in order to effectively counter the terrorist threat in Afghanistan. The reverse is also true: An unstable Afghanistan deeply destabilizes Pakistan and distracts it from tackling its other crises, such as militancy in the Punjab and domestic calamities such as, a distorted economy, intense political controversy, widespread poverty, and a severe energy crisis. A disintegration of Afghanistan or a full-blown civil war outbreak will greatly boost salafi groups all around the world: once again, a great nation will be seen as having been defeated by the salafists in Afghanistan. From a strategic point of view, few areas are as important as Afghanistan. Defeating the United States does not require that the Taliban retake over the territory. From the salafi perceptions, a slow, but...
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