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Terrorism and its Effects on Social Institutions and the Society in General

Essay Instructions:
Additional Administrative Details (3 pts): The paper should be well-written, using a professional or analytic style (e.g., use third-person voice, subheadings, proper language, etc.). Furthermore, the paper should have a specific paper title. The paper must be typed, double-space, using 12-point font, one-inch margins, and numbered – and should not exceed a maximum of six (6) pages (excluding the title page, references, etc.). Do NOT focus any of your arguments on religion. The purpose of this essay is to help students analyze terrorism from a sociological perspective. For this essay, compare and contrast two empirical examples of what might be considered “terrorist” incidents. What are the common sociological elements relevant to each of the incidents? Drawing upon the sociological literature, prepare a paper that addresses the following: First, provide an introductory paragraph that outlines the general organization of the paper and concludes with a general thesis statement (3 pts). Next, introduce the concept of terrorism by offering a sociological definition. Once defined, consult the sociological literature to describe one or more theories of terrorism that seem to be most relevant to your analysis or that you view as especially salient to explaining terrorism (6 pts). The next section should then briefly describe two empirical examples of terrorism, outlining the most important details associated with each incident: what happened, who was involved, and what were the net results or main consequences of the specific terrorist incidents? (6 pts). Drawing upon your earlier discussion of theory, what sociological and cultural dimensions of the incidents, in your view, seemed to be the most significant? In other words, what are the key sociological factors that appear to be common to each of the different incidents you described? (6 pts). Finally, what are your conclusions? How well does your theory or approach help to explain the incidents you discussed, as well as other incidents you could have cited? What are the limitations of your approach, or what else might you suggest could be done to further refine our understanding of terrorism? Finally, suggest what type of research should be conducted that might further allow us to examine and explain the phenomenon of terrorism (6 pts).
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Terrorism and its Effects on Social Institutions and the Society in General
Many organizations and individuals use the terrorist violence to attain their political goals. The empirical study has shown that many of these attacks of terrorisms are done on as part of coordinated campaigns. The terrorism tactics are diverse and they include the plane hijacking, bombing of the cars and the buildings and the individual’s assassinations. The two examples of the terrorist attacks which will be compared and contrasted include the bombing and the aircraft attacks or hijacking. The bombing involves the use of the chemicals to make the explosives. The explosives are highly dangerous and the attackers use the bomb plant them in cars, roadsides or the use of the individuals for the suicide attack. The hijackings are also a terrorism tactic the American airlines have been hijacked and crashed. Since these terrorist attacks have affected the US economy and caused major shifts in the government action it is better to look at this issue. This paper involves the research of the bombing attacks and the hijacking attacks on the airlines and the consequences of this terrorist attack. The use of the interviews, observation and the use of questionnaires will be used to collect the data. SPSS software will be used for data analysis.
Terrorism is usually the use of violence to create fear. It is also unlawful act of violence and war. Terrorism is a politically stimulated tactic that the terrorist uses to threaten the people and use the force, or violence to cause the terror. In sociological terrorism has been viewed to make the cases that involve the groups and not the individual. In the sociological perspective terrorismhas been defined as the human being eagerness to use brutality to influence the politics.
Many theories have been used to explain what motivates the terrorists and their explanations are found in the psychological, and sociological explanations. The groups of terrorist the Al-Qaeda caused the 9/11 attacks. Five theories of terrorism have been identified by the sociologists. They involve frustration violence, relative deprivation, negative characteristics, narcissistic anger and the moral disengagement. Much violence are done due to moral disengagement where the ones committing the attacks lack the moral values that they are committing horrific violence. Also the narcissistic anger due to the revenge the attackers want to undertake and also the frustration aggression whereby the attackers are angered by the government’s policies.
Bombings mostly are the widespread kinds of terrorist act. The terrorists use the likely devices to explode buildings, cars, aeroplanes etc. The devices they use are inexpensive and easy for them to formulate. The modern devices which they use are minor and are tough to detect. They hold very unhelpful capabilities; e.g. on the August 7, 1998, two USA embassies on the continent of Africa were attacked. The attacks claimed over 200 citizen lives, which included the 12 American innocent people. They wounded over 5,000 citizens. Their attack were aimed at the American amenities but this huge explosion affected the local citizens. The attacks were associated with the members of Egypt Gang. Osama bin Laden was condemned of the attack and the FBI started to look for him. The satellite phones were used to find Bin Laden. The mastermind of the bombing was found to be Fazul Abdullah Mohammed. Many terrorists use the resources that are accessible to them from their normal customer to make a bomb. The bomb explosion spoiled the embassy house and compassed the adjacent Ufundi house where most of the victims were eradicated, mainly pupils and employees of a clerical college.
The high temperature from the explosion was directed Street between the constructions towards Haile Selassie street where a crowded traveler buses were burned. Windows were crushed in more than one kilometer. There were a huge number of eye damages which occurred because citizens in the nearby buildings who heard the blast hand grenade and the bombardments rushed to their office window panes. The shattered windows from the main blast now injured them.
Hijacking has been defined as an attack by a force of terrorist whereby they take control of the motor vehicle, cargos and its commuters. The skyjacking has also been defined as the attack that hijacks an aircraft which makes a mobile, captive’s barricade circumstances. The terrorists are able to take captive many people from different parts of the world. This creates a lot of media attention and the skyjacking presents the terrorists with the opportunities to be able to reposition the aircraft to the nations that supports them and gives them a human protection, making revenge hard. The 11th September attack also referred to as the 9/11 attacks. These were the airline hijacking committed by the militants and the Al-Qaeda group of the Islamic extremists. The militants were nineteen and their target was the US. In the US it was the deadliest attack ever to happen.
The terrorists targeted the cities of the Washington DC and the New York City. The terrorist attack caused a lot of deaths and much destruction. The people who were killed were 2750 in the New York 40 in the Pennsylvania, and 184 were killed at the pentagon. The hijacked plane crashed when the travelers tried to retake the plane from the terrorists. Even the 19 militants were also not spared because they also died.
The cops and fire sections in New York were particularly affected. Hundreds of the people had hurried went to the scene of the assaults. The police...
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