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15 pages/≈4125 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
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The War Powers of President Obama Might Prevent a Swift Response to Isis Terroism

Essay Instructions:

1 page outline that includes major sections and sub-sections. You should include in - text citation to note where sources will be used. 

13 page paper on title above. Must use at least 8 peer reviewed journal articles.

Related thing you can talk about are president war powers to Isis to Obama and isis to Obama and war powers. Just giving you ideas

I also asked for subsets in outline:

You have finally fixed the sources - thank you.

now the last final thing is:

i need the outline to include the major sections and sub-sections. You should include in-text citations to note where sources will

be used.


this is an example


In this section, the topic will be introduced. This section will present an idea about what the whole document will be discussing. The section will provide an initial guideline that what content did the entire order have. 


Under this heading, the background of the topic will be discussed. The section will discuss the different scenario of the power of president of United States under the constitution (Grimmett, 2012). 

What are the president's war powers?

This section will discuss the powers of the president in detail. This section will explore the criteria on which the power is given to the president

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The War Powers of President Obama Might Prevent a Swift Response to ISIS Terrorism
Course title:
This section will basically introduce the topic to be discussed in the body of the paper. Moreover, this initial section of the paper will provide a guideline on the content of the entire paper.
President Obama’s interpretation and application of War Powers against ISIS
This second section will provide a comprehensive discussion of how President Barak Obama has interpreted and applied the War Powers against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria terrorist group. Moreover, the War Powers of the president would be discussed exhaustively in this section. Many have come out to criticize the president’s actions and approaches to the ISIS threat and the role of the US on the international platform (Tracy 2014). President Obama is viewed as orchestrating a scheme of power grab and display; taking the ISIS situation as a scapegoat for the same.
The position of the United States Congress
Under this heading, the position of the U.S. Congress on President Barak Obama’s War Powers will be discussed in detail. In essence, this section will discuss whether the U.S. Congress actually supports the President’s resolutions on the war against the Islamic State or not. Klaidman (2012) stated that the United States congress has to some extent sided with Obama’s resolutions on the war against ISIS.
Public opinion on the President’s War powers on ISIS
Here, the opinion of the American public on the President’s War Powers on ISIS would...
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