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Statement Of Purpose. Rural Revitalization In China Social Essay

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Over the past decades, landscape design in China has witnessed various changes, through the shift from what was once regarded as a delicate form of art with a spiritual background, to what is now a contemporary design that seems to be inspired by western landscaping. The landscaping in China has been greatly influenced by the rise in population and the rapid urbanization. As a result, the majority of the land that was initially designed for agriculture is now replaced with large commercial buildings and skyscrapers, whereas the sacred forests and gardens have also been done away with to give room for new developments and freeways. Such practices have led to environmental struggles, as the urban sprawl has created more demands, and bigger strains for the country and its people. The development of villages inland has affected the residents in China’s villages and led to hollow villages. More individuals are moving to urban areas to better their livelihoods as more agricultural land is transformed into urban use. Parents are forced to leave their children behind and look for jobs in urban areas to sustain their livelihoods. In the cities, the parents are unable to afford good quality housing mainly because of the low wages lack of enough housing available. In the villages, the growth of residential buildings also conflicts with the agricultural sector. China needs to preserve adequate land for agriculture to be able to provide enough food for its people, however, with the increase in population and urbanization, it makes it difficult for the country to do so. The consecutive use of fertilizers and pesticides to produce crops at a much faster rate and in large quantities has also resulted in environmental pollution which has brought about health issues especially in rural areas.
Rural urbanization in China has brought ecological issues. Urbanization has resulted in inappropriate land use and farming practices which have resulted in soil erosion and further land degradation (World Bank, 2017). This has increased the risk of flooding and more damage to the country’s natural resources. Water has also become scarcer with slightly over 2,100 cubic meters of water available per individual, which is roughly close to one-third of the global average (World Bank, 2008). As the country’s urban population increases, so does the demand for water. The scarcity of water has been accelerated by climate change experienced in China, especially in the northern areas of the country, which has had worse arid conditions.
To resolve such issues, China would need to revitalize the rural areas through landscaping design. The design can upgrade the traditional rural industrial structure. This would involve introducing other industries and developing agriculture in a more modern and diversified way. This can involve paying close attention to the establishment of a modern industrial, agricultural system and incorporating innovation systems. The architecture can also include a network that links the rural areas to the cities to be able to resolve issues of unbalanced demand and supply of the agricultural product...
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