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Comparison and Contrast the Politics between China and North Korea

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Compare and contrast the politics between china and north korea. Comparative politics will explain how political scientists compare different political systems in order to understand the change, development and motion inherent in political phenomenon.
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Comparison and Contrast the Politics between China and North Korea
Political processes and structures of a country determine the perceptions of that country with regard to its democracy and well being of its citizens. Politics dictates the social context of the population and its internal and external functions and relations. Government and political structure are important aspects of maintaining a society and define a nation. Hence, it is imperative to understand political development of a country in order to ascertain its internal and external procedures in order to comprehend its social background. This paper compares and contrasts the political systems of both China and North Korea and tries to elaborate on how political processes and structures have developed over time and their relationship towards growth and stability of each of the two countries.
Both North Korea and China have applied a similar political structure albeit to different extents and this has thus far been perceived as the reasons for development of perceived democracy within the two nations and growth of their economy and society in the various dynamic degrees witnessed today. Both countries apply a one party system though differing in the methods of political processes in electing and administration. Being in close proximity geographically, both political systems have had a great influence on each other with regard to system design, but the diversity of application has led to total dynamism in effectiveness and development of both countries socially, economically and democratically. Both systems have applied checks and balances in their modus operandi of the political structures although the degree of liberty has been limited in varying degree; hence having the effect of a bottom placed democracy in North Korea and a seemingly democratic society in the people’s republic of China.
The People’s Republic of China
China applies a single party system where leadership is constituted to be carried out by the main party which is the communist party. There are three wings of political systems that govern the political processes of China. China’s administration is distributed amongst these three entities which operate as a central government. The communist party of China (CCP) maintains a monolithic power structure, which limits exterior participation of minority groups that hold opposing views to its doctrines and are under represented. The communist party has historically thwarted the up rise of smaller political parties which aim to represent the minority groups that are underrepresented by the major political party. Such groups include women, farmers and workers whose numbers are minimally represented in the party yet form majority of the citizens. However, any organization into a political system by such groups is not encouraged and if allowed, is under the whim of the interests of the main party. The other political wings in the structure include a central people’s government and a federal government structure. The central administration point is in Beijing where all centralized government functions are coordinated from. The federal/local governments have various sub structures within it that allow fro public participation although the influence of the main party is still dictatorial in such processes. The people elect members to a people’s congress which represents them in the national government. This representation is at a county level and works towards overseeing that the federal government conducts its duties to the community. The people’s congress is then responsible for electing members to a higher congress which is known as a provincial people’s congress. This congress is of a higher mandate than the people’s congress and oversee that provincial matters are taken care of by the responsible authorities. They also have the mandate of electing members to a national congress. This is the top position of the hierarchy of congresses.
The people’s republic of China however adopts a political style that suits it, linking a system of central and federal government together to execute its duties to the people of China. The geographical vastness and number of people in China cannot allow a centralized government to rule alone since it would be overwhelmed. Devolution was not intended yet it was sufficient in controlling the socially dynamic population in China in order to maintain a form of legitimate authority. The decentralization of power and decision making has however led to a weakened central system which is influenced by local leaders of the communist party in every region. The political power has spiraled from a personal to institution basis, with leaders now being governed by institutions rather than their own selves in attaining positions of power. Monarchy system has been trimmed down to allow for more comprehensive leadership participation although this has been transferred to institutionalism particularly political party system of government. The central government though wielding much power must collaborate with the provincial and local leaders in policy formulation. This spiral hence leads to the development of people oriented policies which will benefit the majority of the people of the republic of China.
Information control has been identified in China in order to curb the problems that it may bring for the government. The central government limits information access to a privileged few in order to maintain a form of sanity in the levels of authority. This has worked well to ensure that the system does not destabilize or become chaotic. Researchers have however concluded that China is not ready for a Cultural Revolution or political overhaul as this will fragment the country. It is hence imperative to ensure that the system remains intact and exerts control and monopoly over authority since a digression from this may cause an interruption that may disturb the delicate balance of the political system. The political structure and policies of the republic of China have induced a foreign relations strategy that has led to better economic growth for the country. China has been identifies as one of the fastest rising economies in the world with vested interests in many countries around the world. It has created a foreign policy of development towards its benefactors especially in the third world countries in Africa in an initiative to gain resources necessary fro its economic progression. Its foreign relations with the United States have deteriorated due to perceived competition and intertwined vested interests. The United States has typically supported Taiwan which refers to itself as the Republic of China. China have however been warned against attacking Taiwan by the US since the US are allied to Taiwan and will provide arms if China dared to invade it.
China’s military has been enhanced throughout the years and have been incorporated into some levels of the government through being given posts in congress. China is also very particular on its military growth and strength which ensures that the one party system is adhered to by suppressing any form of organized demonstrations against the political structure and policies. Most notably was the suppression of the student riots and demonstrations on the need for a more democratic government.
North Korea
North Korea has also adopted a more single party state system as its political structure. This single party system has been carried out as a monarchy where dictatorship is vibrant in a political system run by members of a single family. North Korea have employed an imper...
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