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Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal People via the Model of Colonization

Essay Instructions:



Topic: Discussing the relationship between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people via the Model of Colonization


You will need to be succinct as this is still a relatively short paper.


For this question, you are to examine the model of Colonization by identifying and discussing relevant historical periods and /or aspects of the relationship between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples in Canada as they apply to each stage.


Once you address stage five, you will present examples/evidence to support your position that the political, economic and cultural revitalization attempts of Aboriginal people provide a strong indication of successful recovery from the colonial relationship (or to support the position that such a recovery is not likely to happen). While a meaningful examination of each stage is important, there should be a sufficient focus on supporting the actual position you take here.


**As always, it is very important to develop your own thesis statement as alluded to above.


For your references (footnotes or endnotes only) you must utilize and refer to material from the following areas:


  1. Lecture material from at least 4 different “lectures” (Each Module has at least 2 Lectures)
  2. Reading material from two (or more) assigned Textbook readings as assigned in Learning Modules.
  3. Reading material from one (or more) of the assigned Seminar Readings.






1.         Format requirements

- provide cover page with appropriate title, student name, class, instructor name, and date


- double spaced – Times Roman 12 font – standard (1” normal) margins


            - no extra wide spacing between paragraphs


            - page numbers


- Arabic numbering for footnotes or endnotes (no Roman Numerals)


- length requirement is 3 ½  min to 4 ½  max pages (this requirement refers


   to actual text  and does  not include spacing for footnotes)


- WORD only – submitted as one single document




2.         Essay structure must include following:

-  introduction with specific well developed thesis statement- supporting information/examples from ALL relevant class material [SEE BELOW]


SPECIFICALLY – in your endnotes or footnotes, there must be references for at least one of the Seminar readings/at least two assigned textbook readings/ at least 4 different Lectures from the Learning Modules  (there are usually two lectures in One Learning Module (so, instead of 4 Separate Learning Modules, the references can be from 4 Separate “Lectures”). 


- supporting information/examples from ALL relevant class material (online lectures, assigned text reading, seminar readings) analytical perspective (development and support of your argument)

-formal conclusion

3.     Referencing Format-  Chicago Style referencing (Bibliography is NOT required – but may be  submitted if desired (it will not be graded). Footnotes or endnotes are  required.  {instructions for referencing class material were provided in Exam  Information}

-  no outside sources are to be consulted (this is NOT a research paper) 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Course Title:
The Aboriginal society was in a steady state marked by a stable culture evolved for over many years. This culture made the Aboriginals to be the curators of the world’s major prehistoric living culture. At the first encounter, the Aboriginals were friendly towards the non-Aboriginals, but never understood how the colonizers behaved. At the steady period, the Aboriginal society and political structure were stable. The family was the central unit of a community where people were responsible for keeping good relationships. There was the band system which was the social and political unit composedof 50-1000 people closely connected in a community.The leadership was informal where consensus was used in decision making. The gender roles were also well split among the society with distinctive roles played by men and women.[. Module 3, 2]
As depicted by Talbot, the relationship between Aboriginal peoples and non-Aboriginal people was characterized via dialogue and discussions conventional in signed treaties. When non-Aboriginals came to Native lands, they created peace, friendship, plus respect treaties with Aboriginals and they were offered the Aboriginal custom. The treaties entailed binding obligations on the land and were lexis of sovereign wills. When the non-Aboriginals came in they met a society with its own stable structure. There existed a basic relationship between the White Settlers and the Natives. The colonial relationship was marked by Natives and colonizers being economic and military allies where they connected in a more civil and mutually beneficial relationship. However, with time the steady state changed from the Aboriginal people losing the "mutually cooperative" relationship to subjugation. During this time, their cultural practices, traditions and laws became criminalized through the Indian Act. In addition, the non-Aboriginals confiscated their ceremonial instruments and cultural items and took them to museums. In addition, the colonizers segregated the Natives and isolated them on Reserves and the Indian ACT amendments curbed movements without formal permissions.[. Article for Seminar.] [. Module 11, 9]
The second stage in the colonization model is first encounter with the colonizers. The non-Aboriginals had their own medical systems to solve wellness and health issues. They used healing traditions to cure health problems affecting them. However, the first contact the non-Aboriginals introduced " virgin soils" epidemics that greatly affected the Aboriginal people. At this point also the Aboriginals intermarried with the non-Aboriginals, shared involvement in the fur business. In addition, most of the Natives mixed features of Christianity, religion with their traditional beliefs. The first encounter was marked by tremendous diversity in traditional practices of Natives across the country.[.Module 11, 4]
The third stage, according to the model of colonization is the imposition of colonial relations. In relation to this, at the end of 1700s and the onset of 1880s, it developed more clear that an essential change was happening in the connection between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal. The first difference was the speedy and dramatic growth in the population of non-Aboriginal. This increase was due to a substantial entry of Loyalists following the American Revolution plus growing immigration mainly from the British Isles. At the start of 1780s, many Loyalists got into the Maritimes, greatly augmenting pressures on the resources and land owned by the Aboriginal.New immigrants without land trailing agriculture and timber export,but e...
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