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The Park – A Crossroads of Cultural Hegemony and Space/Place

Essay Instructions:

You will write a 1000 word “description” and “analysis” paper. You will provide a description of a public space and/or the social activity of people in that space, practicing basic ethnographic skills of observation. You will write your observations to provide a “word picture” of that public space. You will use 2 or 3 concepts (example: gender, cultural hegemony, colonialism, space/place, etc.) from the course, providing definitions in your own words, to analyze your observations to show the significance of what people are doing in this space / place.

1. Complete observation of a public space (example: mall space, streetscape, place of work, grocery store, night club, gym, sports stadium, the bus, etc.) for 1-2 hours.

o Space must be public.

o Observations could be about the observed physical space (for example, store fronts and layout of the street) and/or human activities (eg singing the national anthem at a hockey game).

2. Document your experiences and observation in this space using “fieldnotes”.

3. Write your description of the space, providing relevant details to the capture a ‘vivid’ representation of the space and what people were doing in the space. You can think about including beyond what you “see” to what you are hearing, tasting, smelling, and feeling (both physically and emotionally) in this space.

4. Write your analysis using 2 to 3 concepts from the course.

5. Answers will also draw upon 2 readings from the course and 2 sources from outside the course.

6. Total word count should be between 1000 words.

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April 19, 2023
The Park – A Crossroads of Cultural Hegemony and Space/Place
In this paper, I concisely describe and analyze a public park in a diverse neighborhood, bustling with activities frequented by people from various ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. By applying the concepts of cultural hegemony and space/place, I aim to explore the park's significance as a public space. Cultural hegemony refers to the dominance of one culture over others, shaping societal norms, values, and beliefs, while space/place emphasizes the importance of human interactions, experiences, and emotions in transforming a physical location into a meaningful environment. By examining the dynamics of cultural hegemony and space/place in this park, I hope to shed light on the complexities of public spaces and their role in fostering cultural exchange and understanding.
During my 1-2 hour observation of a public park in a diverse neighborhood, I took note of its various features and the array of activities within its boundaries. The park included a playground, a small lake, walking paths, and open areas designated for sports and picnicking.
As I explored the playground area, I observed children of different ages, genders, and ethnicities playing together in a lively and harmonious environment. The park's walking paths were frequented by people engaging in various physical activities such as jogging, walking, and cycling. Simultaneously, others preferred more leisurely pursuits, enjoying picnics, engaging in conversations, or simply basking in the sun on the grass.
The small lake within the park served as a focal point, attracting a diverse crowd. Families gathered around the lake to feed ducks, while couples took advantage of the serene setting to enjoy romantic boat rides. The overall atmosphere at the lake was peaceful and calming, offering a refreshing contrast to the more energetic activities elsewhere in the park.
The aroma of barbecues filled the air throughout the park, signaling the presence of families and friends gathered for outdoor meals. The chatter of various languages could be heard, reflecting the diverse cultural backgrounds of the park's visitors. This rich tapestry of sounds created a welcoming and inclusive environment that encouraged social interaction and cultural exchange.
The park's open areas designated for sports were also bustling with activity. People of all ages participated in soccer and basketball games, showcasing their athletic prowess and fostering a sense of community among the players and spectators.
Overall, during my observation, I experienced a lively and welcoming atmosphere in the park, characterized by a wide range of activities and interactions among its diverse visitors. The various features of the park, including the playground, walking paths, lake, and sports areas, catered to different interests and preferences, creating an inclusive environment that fostered cultural exchange and understanding.
Cultural hegemony, the dominance of one culture over others that shapes societal norms, values, and beliefs, plays a significant role in public spaces. In contrast, space/place refers to the idea that a physical location becomes meaningful and significant th...
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