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Guns on campus

Essay Instructions:

write a literature review about perceptions or attitudes related to guns on campus

im attaching annotated bibliography of paper. your firm is writing the paper also. here are some possible components you could write about. make sure you look at annotated bibliography so you know what will or will not be discussed. look up the exact article if you need to. thanks

o What Have Others Done:

 What have other researchers done on this topic? Have other scholars done similar research? What were their findings?

o Where Are the Gaps in the Literature:

 Where are the gaps in the research? Are there aspects that others have missed?

 Can previous research be improved:

o What is YOUR Contribution?

 How will your research contribute to the existing literature?

 Will you replicate a study?

 Are you filling a noticeable gap?

 Are you testing something that has not been looked at before?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The issue of carrying concealed weapons has been in contention for quite some time in the history of America. Over the years various states have gambled with the issues such that there are quite a number of states that allow, some that do not allow and some others that are still disputed over the issue. The idea behind it is that everyone has a right to protect themselves in case of aggression. There is a sharp divide over whether the guns carried in a concealed manner inspire safety or fear, especially with reference to the persons that are not carrying the weapons themselves.
The level of dispute over concealed weapons has escalated and has recently found a new stage in the education system, especially in the campuses and colleges. In light of the various incidences that have been experienced in the past few years, the gun debate has been contentious with majority of the students and staffs feeling that they are not safe. This is mostly the case where the staffs and the students have the knowledge that some of their colleagues are carrying concealed weapons.
A majority of the research that has been conducted on the same issue also confirms that, most of the students and the staff are not comfortable with the guns on campus. To gravitate on the issue in the state of Arkansas, there is even a campaign that is geared towards prohibiting guns on campus, dubbed ‘The Campaign to Keep Guns off Campus’2. This is a general feeling that spreads across most of the states and particular campuses and colleges2. This paper establishes fundamentals of the debate about the guns stirring feelings of fear among the students and the staff, regardless of legality of the issue2.
Literature review
Concealed Guns on Campus Do Not Alleviate Insecurity and Inspire Confidence
In the year 2013, there were roughly 19 states that allowed the students and the staff to carry guns onto the institutional grounds. The bills passed in some of the states such as the state of Kansas cited that the students and staff are not to be prohibited on concealed carry, unless the buildings have the provision of adequate security. As such is up to the governing bodies of the institutions to act or direct otherwise light of the concealed weapons and the safety of the occupants. This is an aspect that has left most of the students and the staffs in a state of fear as they do not agree with the elements of having some of their colleagues touting guns in their presence. With reference to majority of the studies that have been conducted across the states, the general feeling is that guns are not safe on campus4.
All the states in the United States of America have allowed the public to carry concealed weapons, only if they meet some specific standards laid out in the laws. However, there are more than 23 states that have prohibits the act of carrying concealed guns n the campuses. This aspect coincides with the fact that according to research most of the students and the staff do not support the idea of having guns on campuses. The debate on whether people should be allowed to bring concealed guns onto the campuses compounds is enshrouded in the emotions that guns elicit in the people carrying them and those that are around them3. Majority of the people that are not carrying guns on campus, experience the feeling related to fear5. This feeling is due to the fact that, people carrying the concealed guns can easily turn violent if they experience any form of anger. This make the campus environment much less safer for either of the staffs or students regardless of whether they are carrying the concealed gun or not. As such, the perception of guns on campus yields the general feeling of poor safety whether one is carrying a gun or not. This beats the entire basis for bringing the guns to compass as previously cited, with reference to inspiring confidence and a sense of safety in those that carry the guns. In a research, Pattern, Ryan, Mattew, and James, assessed the perceptions that most of the students have on campus with regard to private citizens carrying concealed weapons3. According the findings of the study, more than 70% of the population that participated in the study, feel that guns make the campuses unsafe. In the study, majority of the women were also found to be more than twice opposed to the element of having gins carried to the campus grounds. This can be attributed to the fact that, women are more susceptible to sexual assaults than their male colleagues1.
In a good majority of the cases that have involved gruesome murders and violence of several forms, the gun has been at the center of the violations. In light of the various shooting that have taken place in the schools taking the lives of many innocent persons, it is clear that the gun inspires violence. This shows that in light of the aspect of the gun providing safety compared to the aspect of the gun bringing death and fear among the people, the latter has had more evidence to support. This is to mean that, guns have been used in more cases to cause harm to the victims of the violations that they have been used to bring peace and inspire a sense of security in the community. Although the gunmen in the various cases have been gunned down or arrested, in most of the cases, there is usually more harm done by the time action is taken6. The gunman may kill five to ten persons before they are gunned down. This means that that at the end of the scenario, more innocent lives will be wasted away compared to the one live of the criminal, who also does not deserve to die2.
In a research that was carried out by Bennett and Grubb (2012) on the issue of how the campuses staff would respond to the idea of having guns on campus, an interesting finding was made. Other than the students, the staffs also do not support the idea of having anyone including their fellow staff carrying guns onto the campuses. Majority of the administrators were opposed to issues as it would increase the level of insecurity in the institutions. Given the level of awareness that the administrators and the rest of the ...
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