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Establishment of USSPACECOM

Essay Instructions:

Provide a 200 word response to each of the 3 posting of the classmates in regards to questions A, B and C. Please note you can agree or disagree in your response with any of the responses from the classmates as long as you back it up with explanation and facts.

QUESTION A: Analyze the implications of introducing USSPACECOM as a geographic combatant command on the military's perception of space. Provide a detailed explanation of why you believe USSPACECOM is or is not a true geographic combatant command and support your argument with relevant evidence and examples. (Analyzing)

JL, Group A, Initial Post

Problems with establishing the USSPACECOM as a geographic command is because space is internationally recognized as international territory. We are now highlighting to our adversaries how important space is and potentially giving them an advantage by understanding how we are relying on space functions when it comes to kinetic/non-kinetic engagements as well as communication. It is signifying that space has now become a distinct warfighting domain, much like land, air, and sea, and is a critical component to our national security. The fact that reduced costs of space craft and launch capabilities and the ability for other countries to boost their own advanced technologies is boosting their own space capabilities and is in return countering U.S. competitive advantage. (Air and Space Intelligence Center, 2018, p 3) In order to maintain a competitive edge in the space domain the U.S. not only has to maintain and increase its own capabilities, but it must track and understand the competitor’s technologies and capabilities. (Air and Space Intelligence Center, 2018, p 3)

I believe USSPACECOM is qualified as a geographic command by its simple definition. It is responsible for a specific geographic area, space. Geographic commands are divided among sections of the world into areas of responsibility. This area belongs to a specific geographic command. In this scenario, space. USSPACECOM assumes command the geographic region known as space. The area of responsibility is defined as the top of the Karman Line, 62 miles, or 100km above mean sea-level to the moon and beyond. (spacecom.mil/about) Having USSPACECOM in control of the international area of space provides them the opportunity and responsibility to provide support to other combatant commands and military services who rely on space systems to carry out their mission and daily operations. (Kaitlyn Johnson, “Bad Idea: Designating Space Command as a Geographic Command”, 2019)


QUESTION B: Analyze the differences between USSPACECOM and the United States Space Force in terms of their roles and responsibilities. Using your own words, provide a detailed explanation of the key aspects of each organization, and compare and contrast their responsibilities. Support your analysis with relevant evidence and examples. (Analyzing)

BJ's, Group B, Response to QB

It is crucial to comprehend the differences between USSPACECOM and the U.S. Space Force (USSF). The two organizations are related and dependent on one another but have distinct roles and responsibilities. Currently, the USSPACECOM commander is dual hated for also being the USSF commander. One of the most important distinctions between the two organizations is that USSPACECOM is one of the 11th U.S. combatant commands, whilst the USSF, the most recent service, is one of the six U.S. armed forces.

The USSF's primary duty is to assign combat-ready space forces to USSPACECOM, who then employs those forces and their capabilities by providing them to any commander they are supporting. In addition to active and reserve components, the USSF also organizes, equips, and trains space civilian and contractor personnel (JP -1, 2017, II-7). It is also tasked to provide ADCON over the forces they assign to USSPACECOM. USSPACECOM, on the other hand, is in charge of space operations and makes the space forces and capabilities assigned to them available to support joint operations or other GCCs. It has command authority over designated space forces, such as OPCON or TACON (JP 3-14, 2020, xii).

Providing space combat power, overseeing DoD space operations, planning the defense of the space AOR, developing space effects, and ensuring that space plans are integrated and synchronized with CCMD plans and that the plans support national policy and strategic guidance are additional responsibilities that the USSPACECOM has that are distinct from those of the USSF (JP 3-14, 2020, xiv; DAF, USSPACECOM, 2021, 6). Likewise, achieving and delivering space superiority to the joint warfighters is USSPACECOM's primary responsibility and focus (USAFSC Transcript, 2019, 3).

To supply the space fighting power and capabilities required in modern warfare, USSF, the force trainers, equippers, and organizers, and USSPACECOM, who manage space operations, have to work together closely.


QUESTION C: Analyze the meaning and implications of the statement in nuclear doctrine that nuclear forces serve as a hedge against an uncertain future. Using relevant evidence and examples, explain your interpretation of this statement, and evaluate how the presence of US nuclear forces serves as a hedge against an uncertain future. (Analyzing)

Hazzard Stuhlsatz’s Primary Response to Q3C:

The hedge as described in JP 3-72 for an uncertain future, is based on the inability for the US or any country to predict the next paradigm shifting military technology (2020, I-6).

When nuclear weapons signaled the end of WWII, there was a realization that this technology shifted power to those that could acquire it. Once the power shifted solely to the US, it sparked a race for the USSR and others to acquire nuclear technology for themselves. Considering that it was very costly and time consuming, not to mention the technological capability required to refine the basic materials, only a few were capable of acquiring it (Stearns-Boles, 2007, 48). While nuclear weapons were long thought as the end-all wartime capability, it wasn’t until the mutually assured destruction (MAD) doctrine essentially froze the race to a standard of deterrence (Wiitala, 2016 19). However, the second order effect was that now other technologies were now going to be vigorously pursued to gain advantage. Even before the Cold War ended, space ops grew wildly, as did smart weapons, and now unmanned aircraft. This shows us that necessity does indeed breed innovation and the desire by smaller countries to maintain relevance without nuclear weapons certainly makes the world ripe for those advancements.

To prevent any one of these technologies or a combination thereof, from toppling the nuclear capable superpowers, the US has decided to dissuade the use of these capabilities at the risk of significant retaliation. This can be a means to mitigate or otherwise make advancing technologies that can pose significant risk too costly to pursue, maintaining geopolitical stability and for the US: status quo (AFDP 3-72, 2020, 11).


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student’s Name
Responses to the Classmates’ Postings
Response to Joshua
Joshua Lawhon expresses uncertainty in his initial post over the effects of designating USSPACECOM as a geographic combatant command, especially given that space is widely regarded as an international territory. While he makes the point that making the enemy aware of how important space is to them may give them an edge, it is crucial to comprehend why USSPACECOM was established as a geographic combatant command. The fact that USSPACECOM is a geographic combatant command demonstrates space's expanding role in military operations and national security. The U.S. must show that it is committed to upholding its dominance in space, which has developed into a distinct area for warfare.[Gen Gary L. North and John Riordan, The Role of Space in Military Operations: Integrating and Synchronizing Space in Today’s Fight, 2008: 6.]
The United States emphasizes its value on space activities and its readiness to defend its interests by establishing USSPACECOM as a geographic command. USSPACECOM's function as a geographic command makes it easier to coordinate with and support other combatant commands and military services that significantly rely on space technology. A separate command responsible for space operations allows for better integration and synchronizing of space-related actions into the overall military strategy as space becomes more crowded and contested. 
Response to BJ
I want to add to B.J.'s examination of the distinctions between USSPACECOM and the United States Space Force (U.S.S.F.) by providing further information about the responsibilities and tasks of these two organizations. A relatively recent addition to the U.S. Armed Forces, the United States Space Force (U.S.S.F.), was created in December 2019. Its primary duty is to put together, prepare, and supply space forces for various operations. The USSF is concentrated on creating and preserving space assets and capabilities. Both military and civilian space-related employees, as well as space operations contractors, are under its authority.[Kelvin Mote, Revitalizing Nuclear Operations in the Joint Environment, 2014: 84.]
On the other hand, the United States Space Command (USSPACEC...
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