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Effects of the Oklahoma Bombing

Essay Instructions:

Objective: This assignment, in accordance with undergraduate academic endeavors, provides an opportunity to evaluate assimilation of the course topics, and sharpen and evaluate students' research & critical thinking skills. The assignment is driven & tested by a combination of course materials and external self-led research; analyzed and presented in essay form.

Type: This assignment consists of a research analysis paper approximately four to six pages in length, double-spaced (This page count does not include a title page, abstract (optional), table of contents (optional), Reference/Bibliography page(s) (please see the course overview for information on the Chicago writing style). The source material should result primarily from self-led external research of scholarly articles. In addition, the course required reading materials may be used. The paper should have four to six pages of content which are the written results of your research efforts.

Topic: Choose a terrorist incident, organization, leader, or development focusing on American domestic terrorism. Make sure you narrow down your topic. Your paper cannot be a simple historical description of what happened, but it should also include analysis and content learned about the topic. What were the implications and consequences of the topic to the present and future?

You may use this reference for ideas, but keep in mind it must be on an American terrorism topic

Plagiarism Note: This paper must be an original contribution internal and external from this class. It is a form of plagiarism to substantially use the same paper for academic credit more than once. Also, your final paper can not be a continuation of the first paper. You must choose a second subject matter for your final paper.

Citation and Reference Style

Attention Please: Students will follow the Chicago Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework to the course. A quick guide may be found at: The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017 available online. The Author-Date system is recommended.

All written submissions should be submitted in Times New Roman 12pt font with 1" margins, typewritten in double-spaced format. College-level work is expected to be free of grammar, usage, and style errors.

Once you have completed this assignment, please upload your paper for evaluation and instructor feedback. Submit your paper only once. If there is a mistake or technical issue, you may submit a second time. Explain the issue in the comments section when submitting the second paper and ensure its saved name distinguishes it from the first submission.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Effects of The Oklahoma Bombing
Approximately twenty-seven years ago, in 1995, Timothy McVeigh designated a massive bomb in Oklahoma City in front of the Murrah federal building. The event consumed the lives of 168 acquitted citizens and 19 children, becoming the deadliest domestic terrorist act in the history of the United States. The then recent terrorist act was the bombing of the World trade center in 1993. Therefore. The nation was astonished by the revelation that the Oklahoma attack was an act of domestic terrorism. The bombing left numerous lifelong effects on the country and the American people. The immediate and apparent impact of the bombing was the death and destruction of properties and comprehensive media coverage about the attack. Other effects included changes in the life of victims, rescuers, and other people, restrictions on fertilizer sales, regulations on federal buildings, changes in the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the introduction of the Anti-terrorism death penalty Act of 1996, and increased awareness of terrorist acts.[Phebe Tucker et al., "Problems and needs persist for Oklahoma City bombing survivors many years later." Behavioral Sciences 11, no. 2 (2021): 19.]
People from different expertise pitched into rescue and helped the bomb victims. For weeks over 12000 individuals assisted in the extensive rescue efforts, scrutinizing through the debris of the building and searching for survivors, caring for individuals who were emotionally and physically hurt, and identifying and transporting bodies. In the process, some liberators were hurt, and those who observed victims die also suffered emotionally. Moreover, many people dealt with economic consequences and unemployment caused by demolished businesses and barriers to insurance compensation. Furthermore, over 255 survivors had post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); seven years later, the number dropped by 74% while others still had subclinical PTSD signs. Recent studies show that several survivors who witnessed the ordeal still had depression and anxiety symptoms associated with worse social functioning and heavy drinking. Children who survived and lost close relatives had more autonomic reactivity to their environment. Rescuers handle stress relatively well, which may result from their training, experience, and healthy coping techniques. The disaster left a mark that some people took longer to heal, and others still struggled with the effects.[Ibid] [Betty Pfefferbaum, "Children's exposure to single incidents of terrorism: Perspectives over 25 years since the Oklahoma City bombing." Current psychiatry reports 22 (2020): 6.]
The defense department tests revealed that the Oklahoma bomb contained fuel oil and ammonium nitrate fertilizer. The US consumes about eight billion pounds of ammonium nitrate fertilizer annually, with about half used in the explosives industry and the rest in agriculture. In 2007 following the Oklahoma incident, President Bush signed legislation on the secure handling of ammonium nitrate. The law made it mandatory to register the purchasers, license ammonium nitrate facilities, and decide on the type of ammonium to be regulated. In October of the same year, the house of homeland security passed a bill restricting the sale of ammonium with nitrogen of 33 percent and beyond. However, assessments steered by the defense department since the Oklahoma bombing showed that ammonium nitrate fertilizer could blow up with as little as ten to twenty-five percent of nitrogen inside. This fact reveals that a solution to the fertilizer has not yet been reached, and there are possibilities for future bills and legislation to be put in place regarding the fertilizer.[Gary LaFree, and Freilich D. Joshua, "Government policies for counteracting violent extremism." Annual Review of Criminology 2 (2019): 393.] [Ibid., 8]
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