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Discussion: Political Ideologies

Essay Instructions:

post a summary of the week's reading (of your choosing). Tell us what is at stake. The most important points of any piece of writing in political theory are the theoretical issues, ideas, and debates being addressed. At the end of this summary, you must post at least two (2) questions that the readings prompted you to consider.
Chosen reading
Gramsci- Selections (you decide)
(Only use reading provide and cite pages accordingly)
“The Intellectuals” (pgs. 5-17).
“Conceptions of the World and Practical Stances: Global and Partial” (pgs. 157-158).
“Political Struggle and Military War” (pgs. 229-239)
“Sociology and Political Science (pgs. 243-245)
“Hegemony (Civil Society) and Separation of Powers” (pgs. 245-246) short excerpt (262-263)
“Religion, State, Party” (pgs. 266-267)
“Economy and Ideology” (pgs. 407-409)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Political Ideologies: Discussion
Political Ideologies-Discussion
For me, the most exciting part of the course reading was Gramsci's chapter on intellectuals. In his discussion, Gramsci's philosophy is an example of the most reputable form of intellectual production. He argued that all people are intellectuals because they all have a specific understanding of the world, which they have fashioned out of their expertise and circumstance. Even though all men possess intellectual and reasoning abilities, not all men perform the societal role of intellectuals. Rather than being only talkers, he saw contemporary intellectuals as practical directors and organizers who established hegemony via doctrinal institutions such as education and the media. He argues that the hegemony of a governing group over the rest of society provides the basis for consent.[Hoare, Quintin, and Geoffrey Nowell-Smith. Selections from prison notebooks of Antonio Gramsci. Lawrence & Wishart, 2005.]
Traditional intellectuals, according to Gramsci, are individuals who, notwithstanding their incorporation into the capitalist mode of production, remain far and alo...
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