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Comparison of Political Programs

Essay Instructions:

write a page abstract with a hypothesis for the attached article. (the article doesn't have neither then write at least a 2 source literature review


In the era of timeliness, technology and demand for information, the media plays a vital role in informing the public on events occurring both locally and internationally. The news media take the form of electronics, for example, television and radio, as well as print, for example, books and newspapers. According to Burns, Peltason, Cronin & Magleby (2010), the advent of new technologies within the world has significantly impacted on the society. In the United States (US), the media significantly influences the American political, economical and social issues. According to Burns, Peltason, Cronin & Magleby (2010), the American news media is a crucial persuasive tool that impacts on the cultural issues within the society

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Comparison of Political Programs
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There can be no gainsaying as to the fact that the media is intrinsically responsible for not only informing the public, but also shaping its perception regarding key matters of concern. It is important to be cognizant that media refers to both television and radio, as well as print in the context of newspapers and books. By and large, the digital age, which is characterized by the prevalent use of technology in almost every aspect of life, has greatly impacted on how the public is informed. In this regard, the public is not only informed about what is happening locally, but also internationally. In most cases, the media covers issues that encompass political, economic, and social aspects of day to day living. It can also be used as an educative tool as seen in how it promotes culture and heritage. In America, the term media is synonymous with three media outfits: CNN News, Fox News, and NBC News.
Besides influencing public opinion and perception, these three media stations have been known to have the same effect on US policy makers and policy formulation. More often than not, all three media stations highlight political and economic issues of concern with the objective of drawing responses from the public, which in turn is relayed to the policy makers. The million dollar question, however, is whether or not reporting by these media stations is relevant and of quality, not to mention free from prejudice and bias. In order to determine this, it is necessary to analyze how each one of these top American media stations reported across the political, economic, and social landscape on 10th September, 2013. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to establish how relevant the news was, if there were any biases noted and if so, which of these media stations were found culpable. Ultimately, it will provide evidence to the effect that media reporting does intrinsically impact on policy makers.
Literature Review
Dumbrell, John., & Barrett, David. The Making of US Foreign Policy. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1991.
Dumbrell & Barrett examine the relationship between foreign policy making, public opinion, and the media. To this effect, they pose the question as to whether or not US foreign policy is shaped by the media. As part of their evidence, the authors determine that indeed media coverage has some intrinsic impact on how US foreign policy is formulated. They provide examples of both President George Bush and Bill Clinton who were drawn into war because of US media’s non-stop coverage of the respective conflicts.
Murra, Anton. “American Media Biased Coverage of the Crisis in Gaza.” ...
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