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1 pages/≈275 words
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Essay Instructions:
Provide a 250-350 word response to your instructor-assigned question. Justify and support your answer using your experience and source support from the assigned readings. In the article "Why Do Anything about Burnout?" the author discusses at length the causes and negative effects of burnout on your organization and those you lead. An issue as important as what to do about burnout in your organization is: “what are the causes and the negative effects of burnout on you, the leader?” A leader’s raison d'etre is to bring success to the organization and those being led. The constant pressure of success in an environment that is characterized by unending problems causes leader stress. What can leaders do to prevent burnout in themselves? Have you experienced or witnessed leader burnout? If so, what were the causes?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Burnout Discussion Post Student's Name Course Name & Number Due Date Organizational issues contribute to burnout, according to Christina Maslach. Leaders face stress from ongoing pressure to succeed in challenging settings. Burnout can result from high expectations, rigorous obligations, and complicated issues for leaders. Organizational pressures significantly affect leaders. The constant pursuit of success and organizational factors can cause leader burnout. Leaders can prevent burnout in numerous ways. Work-life balance must be acknowledged first. Based on the Wallenberg Effect, leaders should take time for personal growth and rejuvenation. The concept shows that a leader's humanitarian activities do not negatively impact their well-being. Leaders who prioritize self-care can avoid burnout and improve organizational performance. Leaders should also avoid the Bathsheba Syndrome when success causes strategic drift, inflated beliefs, and abandonment of leadership duties. The Biblical David's story serves as a warning for leaders. Ethical failures and exhaustion can result from unsupervised delegation, strategic neglect, and complacency.[Christina Maslach, “Chapter 4 in the Truth About Burnout: How Organizations Cause Personal Stress and What to Do About It,” in Why Do Anything About Burnout?, n.d., 50–59.] [ibid.] [Dean C. Ludwig and Clinton O....
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