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Brazil as an Emerging Power

Essay Instructions:

VIDEO: "Brazil as an Emerging Power" Watch the Podcast on and as you watch this film jot down answers to the following: Why should Brazil be considered an "emerging power?" What "assets" does Brazil possess that enable it to become an emerging power not possesssed by other BRICS sich as China, India or Russia? What "liabilities" does Brazil possess that may stand in the way to it becoming an emerging power and what "liability" did Professor Hochstetler not mention that Roskin clearly mentioned as a stumbling block for progress in Brazilian society? Why was Brazil better able to weather the recent world economic crises better than other developing and even developed nations? What resource does Brazil evidently lack that is considered essential to the running of a modern economy?

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Brazil as an Emerging Power
Why Brazil Should Be Considered an Emerging Economy
Brazil has significantly risen in the global stage. It has been listed as one of the emerging global powers. This has led to significant assessments of the country’s involvement in global affairs. Brazil has gained popularity and goodwill throughout the world through its political and economic policies. The country has a stable democratic system of leadership. It is committed to multilateralism and hasalways opted for peaceful conflict resolution. This has made the country a cooperative player in the governance systems globally. Brazil has also, in many cases, defied with the Western powers; this has helped the country to maintain independence in its foreign policies. It has also acted as a voice of the other developing countries; this has earned the country a high table seat in global governance.
The economy of the country has also grown tremendously scooping the seventh position in the largest global economies. The country is endowed with natural resources such as minerals and oil. This has attracted numerous investors from all over the world, which has led to internationalization of Brazil’s domestic companies. The country has also put up a pro-active defense agendas establishing itself as a military power.
Key assets in Brazil
Brazil is rich in natural resources. They have a robust agricultural sector with a variety of foods. Others sectors include manufacturing, mining and service sectors. Brazil also embarked on reforming its economy through privatization, the use of solid monetary and macroeconomic policies and others. This has led to a steady growth of Brazilian industries up to a point of recognition in the global financial markets.
The Brazilians are also highly innovative and rarely reproduce models of the developed countries. One of its projects include using ethanol in the biofuel industry, the country is generally one of the most efficient biofuel producers all over the world. The country has also a diverse culture which has caught the global attention, in t...
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