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Annotated Bibliography 10 Sources: Roman Architecture

Essay Instructions:

Ambler, Jessica. "Roman Architecture". Khan Academy. Last modified 2016. Accessed November 25, 2016. https://www(dot)khanacademy(dot)org/humanities/ancient-art-civilizations/roman/beginners-guide-rome/a/roman-architecture.
Bee Breeders ─ Architecture Competition Organisers,. "How Roman Architecture Influenced Modern Architecture". Beebreeders.Com. Last modified 2016. Accessed November 25, 2016. https://beebreeders(dot)com/how-roman-architecture-influenced-modern-architecture.
Kanchetty, Rohan. "The Comparison Between Ancient And Modern Roman Architecture". Prezi.Com. Last modified 2014. Accessed November 25, 2016. https://prezi(dot)com/j64epfqpqovn/the-comparison-between-ancient-and-modern-roman-architecture/.
Kelly, Mark Andrew. "Why Architects Visit Rome In The 21St Century - Urban Planning And Design - Architecture And Design". Gensleron.Com. Last modified 2016. Accessed November 25, 2016. http://www(dot)gensleron(dot)com/cities/2016/1/25/why-architects-visit-rome-in-the-21st-century.html.
LaChiusa, Chuck. "Architectural Styles Timeline". Presentation, 2012.
Mack, Stan. "Benefits Of A Roman Arch". Ehow. Last modified 2016. Accessed November 25, 2016. http://www(dot)ehow(dot)com/list_5938884_benefits-roman-arch.html.
Mayers, Jemima. "Construction Techniques Of The 18Th Century - 18Th Century History -- The Age Of Reason And Change". 18Th Century History -- The Age Of Reason And Change. Last modified 2016. Accessed November 25, 2016. http://www(dot)history1700s(dot)com/index.php/articles/24-science-and-technology/1320-construction-techniques-of-the-18th-century.html.
Morgan, Ted. "Did Roman Engineering Influence The Development Of 1 8Th Century Engineering In Northern England And To What Extent Can It Be Seen In The Archaeology Of The Region?". Last modified 2002. Accessed November 25, 2016. https://www(dot)societies(dot)ncl(dot)ac(dot)uk/pgfnewcastle/files/2015/05/Morgan-Roman-Engineering-influence-on-18th-century-engineering-development-in-NE.pdf.
"Roman Architecture". Employees.Oneonta.Edu. Last modified 2016. Accessed November 25, 2016. http://employees(dot)oneonta(dot)edu/farberas/arth/arth200/politics/roman_architecture.html.
Visual Arts,. "Roman Architecture: Characteristics, Building Techniques". Visual-Arts-Cork.Com. Last modified 2016. Accessed November 25, 2016. http://www(dot)visual-arts-cork(dot)com/architecture/roman.htm. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student’s Name
Annotated Bibliography
Ambler, Jessica. 2016. “Roman Architecture.” Khan Academy. Accessed November 25, 2016. /humanities/ancient-art-civilizations/roman/beginners-guide-rome/a/roman-architecture.
In Jessica Ambler’s article, “Roman Architecture” (2016) she argues that the Roman architecture was unique and more creative than any piece of architecture that had come before. The author standpoint is that the Roman architecture was distinctively different from other popular labels of architecture in history. Ambler backs his thesis with comparisons example of the Roman architecture with the Egyptians, Etruscans, Persians, Greeks and Persians monumental architecture, By doing thorough comparisons, the author compares the buildings by looking into their discoveries exploitation and experiments the architectural process. The author deeply examines. The Authors purpose to write to compare the Roman architecture with others famous architecture in order to justify the Roman architecture is overwhelmingly a success story of experimentation and the desire to achieve something new in the history of architecture. Ambler positions herself as an architecture historian or anthropologists who wants to reach anthropology student, history students as well as architecture experts and students. The article is applicable and relevant to my own ideas where I believe Roman architecture is one of the superior and influential phenomenon in the field of architecture.
From the article, a text that changes me is the where the mentions about the reasons that prompts the creation of the Roman architecture. According Ambler, civic, religious and economic surge were the core reasons that favored and boosted the Roman architecture. To the world, the text that can applies and changes the community today is Romans dedication to building conduits to introduce water into the cities as well as improving sanitation for both the wealthy and the poor.
Temple of Portunus (formerly known as, Fortuna Virilis), c. 120-80 B.C.E.,
Bee Breeders; Architecture Competition Organizers. 2016. “How Roman Architecture Influenced Modern Architecture.” Beebreeders.Com. Accessed November 25, 2016. https://beebreeders.com/how-roman-architecture-influenced-modern-architecture.
In the Bee Breeders article on “How Roman Architecture Influenced Modern Architecture.” (2016), the authors highlights that the Roman architecture has been a huge influence of the modern culture. By highlighting examples, the author has successfully underpinned the thesis statement. Bee Breeders’ covers aspect innovativeness, materials and the techniques of the Roman architecture that have influenced the modern architecture. Additionally, the author mentions the monumental structures such as Columns, domes and arches, which have been used and still being used as inspiration in building of many of the modern structures across the world. Through these actual examples, the author successfully justifies that the Roman architecture’s influence to the modern structures is real and magnificent. The Bee Breeders positions itself as architecture competition organizers and wants to reach the experts and scholars interested in architecture related materials such as architecture journals, architecture services and consulting, as well as archives. This source is relevant an applicable to mu ideas as it agrees with that Roman architecture buildings were magnificent and quality enough influence the construction of many structures today.
From the text, something that changes my ideas is the facts that Roman architecture has not only influenced the modern structure but also the modern culture. For instance, like in Rome the US has been erecting monumental structures to honor their heroes. To the world, the fact that around the world, at least every city roads and bridges If not buildings that was influenced by Roman architecture. Lastly, the article’s thesis statement relates to other precedent reports that assets that he influence and impact of Roman architecture is seen the world over, whether in the designs for large, imposing buildings.
Source: (Yair Haklai - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0)
Place Vendôme, an example of modern French designs that borrowed Roman formulas.
Kanchetty, Rohan. 2014. “The Comparison Between Ancient and Modern Roman Architecture.” Prezi.Com. Accessed November 25, 2016. https://prezi.com/j64epfqpqovn/the-comparison-between-ancient-and-modern-roman-architecture/.
In the Rohan Kanchetty on “The comparison between Ancient and Modern Roman Architecture” (2014), the author draws a comprehensive comparison between the ancient and the modern roman architecture. By presenting evidences of the the buildings and examining possible social and economic v, the author effectively underpins his thesis statement that modern Roman architecture is very different from Ancient. The author’s primarily list examples and address social and economic factors in order to draw the distinct differences that exist between the ancient and modern Roman architecture. Kanchetty’s position himself as an architecture historian analyst and wants to reach scholars and experts in the architecture field. The source is relevant and applicable to my developing ideas sheds lights on the evolution of roman architecture over the years. From the text, something that changes my idea is the fact that the technological inventions have contributed the massive difference between the modern and ancient roman architecture. To the world, the fact that the Romans who invented cement and concrete would be an insightful revelation.
Kelly, Mark Andrew. 2016. “Why Architects Visit Rome In the 21st Century - Urban Planning and Design - Architecture and Design.” Gensleron.Com. Accessed November 25, 2016. /cities/2016/1/25/why-architects-visit-rome-in-the-21st-century.html.
In Mark Andrew Kelly’s reports on “Why Architects Visit Rome In the 21st Century - Urban Planning and Design - Architecture and Design.” (2016), Kelly points out the core reasons why architects from all around the world should visit Rome in the 21st century. By explaining his research methods and the focus of his research in Rome, Kelly successfully supports his thesis statement that architecture; experiences cannot be only read in class and secondary sources but through field visits. The author presents the focus of his research in Rome, his working methods and conclusion of the research in his report in order to reach both practicing architects and students architectural to urge them of the importance of making field visits. The source is relevant and applicable in my personal ideas in the sense that Romans are the true founder of architecture. To myself, the statement that architects should visit place to gain valuable architectural position is more valuable. To the word, the text that states Romans were the first build with concrete appears more informative. As in preceding sources, the authors also discovers that the ancient concrete construction in Roman barrel vaults, cross vaults have inspired the modern lightweight dome construction.
Source: Image Source (Image © Mark Andrew Kelly)
LaChiusa, Chuck. 2012. “Architectural Styles Timeline.” Presentation.
In the Chuck LaChiusa presentation, “Architectural Styles Timeline.” (2012), LaChiusa presents a collection of numerous pictures on structure of the Roman origin, Greek origin and Romanesque origin among others. By comparing hundreds of picture from different parts of the world, LaChiusa has managed to present Romans and Greek and Neoclassical architecture styles that have influenced the architecture of the West. The authors, purpose is to provide Greeks, Romans and Neoclassical architecture styles to demonstrate how these structures have evolved over the years. LaChiusa positions himself as an collector of architect photographs and wants to reach researchers who are interested in the architecture photograph over the years, The source of great importance to the developing of my ideas because to provides hundreds of structures from , Romans, Greeks and Neoclassical origins, making it easier to compare. To myself, I have learnt that the company that th...
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