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Aristotle And Plato On The Issue Of Hylomorphism Versus Dualism

Essay Instructions:

For your first term paper, please write a paper in which you compare and contrast Aristotle and Plato on the issue of hylomorphism versus dualism. We have, thus far, covered two views of the human person: Plato's dualistic understanding and Aristotle's hylomorphic understanding.
The requirements for the paper are as follows:
3 pages minimum (no more than four pages). This does not include title page or works cited page.
Double space
One inch margins
Times New Roman, 12 pt.
All citations will follow the Chicago Manuel of Style
Give a substantial description of Plato's position (~1 page). It will provide a description of what dualism is and means for Plato, using appropriate citations and quotations of Plato. It will summarize one or more of Plato's arguments that we should take a dualist view of the human person.
A substantial description of Aristotle's position (~1 page). It will provide a description of what hylomorphism is and means for Aristotle in the context of the human person and the soul. It will use appropriate citations and quotations of Aristotle to both elucidate his doctrine and arguments for hylomorphism.
A critical evaluation of the two theories which presents a well thought out judgment as to which position is correct. Any judgment which is made must be supported by argument and reasoning, not mere opinion or assertion. Since this is a philosophy paper, we are evaluating both theories based on reason, and not emotion, religious faith, or any other source.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Aristotle versus Plato
Student Number
Grade Course
Institution, 3 October, 2017
Aristotle Position on Hylomorphism
According to Aristotle, it is the soul that defines or makes a human being. He developed the theory of hylomorphism as he tried to understand the problems that come along with the processes of changing and becoming. Aristotle was utterly against the view of atomists which stated that all things are composed of tiny fundamental building blocks of matter. For change to take place, atomists said that only the rearrangement of these core units was significant. In disagreement with atomists, Aristotle said that to understand the whole process of existence, generation and change it would be necessary to establish the primordial elements that make up all bodies. Additionally, it would also have been wise to understand the natural conditions that make up the body.
Aristotle tried to explain the processes of change and generation and declared that there were two principles which were involved in the process. There was one in which an individual was undergoing relative change as opposed to the other one where individuals remained the same. He went further ahead to argue that if a being changes from what it was initially and becomes another being the two are likely to have enormous similarities if not so then no transformation will have taken place.
The relationship between body and soul according to Aristotle was a particular case of the general relationship between form and matter. The relationship existed in all animated or inanimate compound beings whether they exist naturally or are created by man. Aristotle spoke of the soul as the first formation of a natural organic body, and it applied to plants, animals, and humans. He insisted that form was the actuality of the body and that is its matter. The issue was made complete by the soul who gave the body character and style.
Plato’s Position on Dualism
Plato in his argument said that the soul could and would exist on its own without the body and would still exist even after the death of the body. He went further ahead to provide evidence of his argument although the evidence is not given much consideration today. According to him human beings comprised of the body and the soul but it is the soul which is the most important between the two. The soul was of great importance because it was immortal, unlike the body which was no longer in existence after death.
In his argumen...
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