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Adorno and Horkheimer's and Chomsky and McChesney's Perspective of Mass Media

Essay Instructions:

1000-word essay with the following components: Answer one of the three questions using evidence (quotations and paraphrases) from both the Iyengar Textbook and the Kirsch Video Lectures, (750 words) and then also summarize two peer-reviewed journal articles (found on JSTOR or EBSCO, dated no earlier than 2015) that provide background or engagement with this subject by stating their hypothesis or research question, their method for finding answers, and their findings/conclusions (each summary about 125 words, two summaries totalling 250 words).


Question Options (Choose ONE of the following for a 1000 word essay with citations):

How does the perspective of the mass media shared by Adorno and Horkheimer compare to the vision of the news media that Chomsky and McChesney have?

Can you explain the fundamental differences between the two approaches to studying media--that of Iyengar and Political Science on the one hand, and that of Adorno, Chomsky, and McChesney on the other, using examples?

Explain how McChesney's explanation of the rise and decline of the American news media influences the options that lie ahead for the future, in keeping with his analytical perspective.


Also summarize TWO peer reviewed journal articles that seem to address the above questions.


Summary of the two peer reviewed sources (which should be from journals like Political Communication, or perhaps Perspectives on Politics, The Forum, or New Political Science) should include the title and author and date in the citation, as well as a summary of the question they asked in their research, what they did (the method they used) to find new information or data, the conclusions or findings they reached, and what could be done to either challenge or support their findings (a new method or updated or more thorough information).

(Your paper will be assessed based on whether your piece follows the assignment’s directions (i.e. answering one of the above questions directly, taking evidence and citations from the textbook, source material from this Canvas module such as the video lectures or articles). Try to keep in mind the quality of your thesis, the use of evidence, quality of analysis, mechanics, and organization. Source citations (which should be in Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition), (not ALA or APA) should not come from internet searches, but rather from reading material and lectures included in this module, and from the library's JSTOR or EBSCO databases, and must be peer-reviewed journal articles).

Side note:

The last assignment that was like this the professor said it was good but they did mention to make sure to answer AL the questions listed in the peer review summary. I guess on the last assignment we didn’t mention what they did (the method they used) to find new information or data for their peer review.

Pretty much when they’re grading they just make sure all the questions asked are answered.

Please use references from below Thanks ! If you have any questions message me!









Also you can use this book as a reference

Media Politics: A Citizen’s Guide

by Shanto iyengar 4th edition


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Perspective Of The Mass Media

<Student Name>

<Course Number: Course Name> Date Question 1: Perspective of the Mass Media The perspective of the mass media shared by Adorno and Horkheimer has a lot of similarities with the vision of the news media that Chomsky and McChesney. The authors' perspectives agree about what mass media should do and what is taking place around the globe. Mass media has been used as a tool of propaganda and as a means of subjugating a large portion of the population. According to Noam Chomsky, mass media uses five filters to achieve its goal. The term propaganda is used when people refer to countries such as North Korea, which are viewed as authoritarian. However, in the Western world, words such as freedom of press and freedom of thought refer to media outlets that operate in nations such as the UK, USA, or France. However, Adorno and Horkheimer, Chomsky, and McChesney argue that these terms are just a fallacy. The West and the authoritarian regimes used mass media to achieve one goal.  Maintaining the status quo is the main aim of media outlets across the globe. As Western nations portray, media has not been established to keep political powers in check. It is a fallacy to believe that the media informs and educates the public to better engage in the political process. Democracy is stage-managed, with the media working with the political elite to tell the public what the politicians want people to hear. Like authoritarian regimes, media outlets are propaganda machines that keep people in line. The West achieves this is well orchestrated and is done in five ways. Like in any other business, a media outlet aims to profit. Although news reporting is part of what the organization does, such a task should not interfere with the main objective of making business. Most media house outlets are big corporations with shareholders who want to see a return on investment. Therefore, the media outlets will push for an agenda that will make sure their gain the maximum profit. Critical journalism should not be allowed to interfere with any agenda that brings profit to the organization. Additionally, media houses cost a lot of money to run, and they thus need a source of income to run the business. The money used to run a media outlet is often from advertising. Media houses are therefore selling the advertisement agencies to their audiences. As a result, the media outline has to ensure that people listen to content on their channels. Ideally, media houses are supposed to be neutral and report subjectively. However, Adorno, Horkheimer, Chomsky, and McChesney are in agreement that this is not what takes place in most media houses.   The establishment has been able to manage the media, thus making it hard for a journalist to report issues subjectively. Big corporations and government agencies have been able to influence the media narrative by offering their expert opinions, providing inside scoops, and giving media houses official accounts of events. When the US invaded Iraq, for example, the media was relying heavily on reports from the government on what to report. Rather than conduct their independent reports, they told the media what the government was feeding them. It later turned out that the reports were wrong, which discredited the media houses as institutions being relied upon to provide unbiased reports. Furthermore, Adorno and Horkheimer believe that the elite can use the flak method to discredit anyone that challenges power. Journalists that are seen to be straying away from the consensus are often pushed to the margins, and their stories are discredited as false. Some of the ways that those in power control the media narrative and push people to the margins are by creating diverting conversations, trashing stories, or ordering the firing of employees. It is also possible for those in power to take control of the media narrative by creating a common enemy that the whole country can rally against. In Iran and North Korea, the government has painted the United States as the common enemy. In the Cold War period, the USA's c...

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