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Impacts of Christian Missionary Teachings to the People of Color

Essay Instructions:

below this is an outline that i have made for this essay it needs to be a total of three pages and needs on more verse from the new testment that refers to this topic. 12pt. font and Chicago footnotes.

Does scripture address the issue specifically?

Yes, within many accounts throughout both the Old and New Testaments the authors speak against racial segregation and hatred by promoting a greater unity in Christ that sees beyond skin color and embraces all, because all are children of God, regardless of race, caste, or creed.

These authors did not intend for their words to be misinterpreted and used to demean and undermine those of other races, but unfortunately certain people throughout time promoted their own ideals through these writings.

If scripture does not address the issue specifically, what themes from scripture might inform one’s perspective regarding the issue?

Themes: Jesus Christ’s acceptance and non-judgment demonstrate that racism is a limiting barrier between one and God, especially when considering his core teaching is, “to love thy neighbor as thyself.” Considering these are the teachings of the savior himself, it would be a direct offense to God and Jesus, to also not strive towards the same degree of love and equality for all.

Identify at least one passage from the old testament and one from the new testament to support your perspective.

New Testament

Matthew 22:36-40

Galatians 3:28, which says, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Impacts of Christian Missionary Teachings to the People of Color
(Author’s name)
(Institutional Affiliation)
The early colonial Christian teaching influenced the life of the blacks in the methods of view of the world. The Christianity view God as the sole creator, and all people belonged to Him irrespective of the language or race. Besides, the teaching condemned some of the African Traditional Teachings and Practices as evil creating the distinction between the view of evil and good. This paper describes the education of the western colonial teachings of Christianity affect the opinions and language that is used to refer to good and evil and correlate them with people of color. The biblical text quotations are used to make explanations and teachings and recommendations.
Earlier Christian Teaching on tribalism and race
The earlier Christian teaching condemns racial segregation but does not condemn the respective tribes of the blacks nor does it condemn their complexion. In the bible context, people are identified using their tribe, for instance, Jesus the son of God belongs to the Jew, but interact with other tribes Israel (Ondrla 2012). However, the Bible does not account for any tribe that is special and superior before another. The same context was revealed in the teaching of Christianity to the African with diverse tribes. The missionary teaching indicated that God does not recognize one because of the race nor the tribe but only those who know Him and follow his instruction. Therefore, the earlier colonial Christian teaching did not advocate for the change of the actual language of education but recommended that people view themselves who belong to one God the creator. According to the scripture in both the old and New Testament, the racial segregation is highly condemned. According to the Bible in the New Testament John chap...
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