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6 pages/≈1650 words
Religion & Theology
English (U.S.)
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Toward a Theology of Preaching for My Ministry Context

Essay Instructions:

Each student will write a five to seven-page paper titled “Toward a Theology of Preaching for My Ministry Context” incorporating the following:

Ministry Context:

Single Black Father


Police Officer- Deals with Mental Health, Crime, Homeless

Preaches at an All-Black Middle-Class Congregation

1. At least two biblical texts or characters,

2. Preaching as Testimony.

By: Anna Carter-Florence

3. The Spirituality of Black Preaching.

By: Lewis Brogdon

• Offers a precise understanding of the author’s points;

• Includes key terms/concepts and their meanings;

• Correctly identifies persons and issues in readings;

• Interprets and assesses their significance for preaching and ministry today; and

• Cites source (footnote citation only).

Essay Sample Content Preview:


Student’s name



Toward a Theology of Preaching for My Ministry Context

The greatest honor of my life is being in a position to effect change in the lives of my congregants and community through the word of God. I am grateful for the positions God has given me as a preacher and a black police officer. In these positions, I am well-placed to impact change in the lives of many people I encounter and to whom I preach. Preaching at an all-black middle-class congregation means that I have to be attuned to the historical experience of oppression that has shaped us as a people, as well as the challenges we face in the contemporary world. Furthermore, as a divorced and single father, I relate to many people in my community and congregation. In addition, as a police officer, I directly deal with issues of crime, mental health, and homelessness. Therefore, the theology of preaching in the context of my ministry ought to be characterized by uplifting messages. It is important for the afflicted whom I encounter in my interactions to understand the good message of Jesus: that just as Jesus overcame sin on the cross, so can they overcome mental illnesses, crime, homelessness, and loneliness. In this paper, I seek to explain how Anna Carter-Florence and Lewis Brogdon's works shape my preaching. Furthermore, I intend to show how the biblical stories of Ebed Melech and Philip are inspirational to my approach to life and preaching.

In her book, Anna Carter-Florence explores the value of testimony and how it has thrived among marginalized groups, especially women. Carter-Florence describes testimony using many phrases, including 'a way of knowing,' 'a way of interpreting,' 'a way of preaching,' 'a way of speaking,' 'biblical mother-tongue,' 'access to authority,' and 'our best mode of resistance.' Given the many phrases associated with testimony as described by the author, it is easy to see how it is integral not only in our churches but also in our interactions with others. While one can employ testimony in church to express what God has done in their lives, it can also be integral in encouraging people outside the church to change their

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