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The Significance of Praying To God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

Essay Instructions:

Using the conventions of academic writing, write a 1000-word essay. In dialogue with course readings, your essay is to address the question: Why is it significant that Christians pray to God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? Using any author from the course reading to back up your belief.

Book: Faith Seeking Understanding

By: Daniel L Migliore

Chapters 1-4, 8

Book: We Have Been Believers (Second Edition)

By: James H. Evans Jr.

Chapter 1-3 Preface & Introduction

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The Significance of Praying To God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?
One of the most important doctrines in the Christian religion is the Trinity, which denotes God as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. While the triune persons are unique, they are not separate; they are united in love. In fact, LaCugna asserts that “God does not exist except as Father, Son, Spirit.” In essence, there is no God outside the divine members of the Trinity. Therefore, it is significant that Christians pray to God as Father, Son, and Spirit because they are all divine persons with different expressions. In sum, Christians pray to God the Father, in the name of the Son, and by the Holy Spirit. It is important for Christians to pray to the Triune God because all three persons participate actively in the prayer.[Migliore, Daniel L. 2023. Faith Seeking Understanding: An Introduction to Christian Theology. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 179] [LaCugna, Catherine Mowry. 1992. The Practical Trinity. The Christian Century, 681.]
Praying to the triune God is significant in helping Christians affirm that God’s life is not only incomparably rich but also distinctly personal. God is not only alive but also acts and speaks, unlike dead idols worshipped by some nonChristians. By praying to the triune God, Christians recognize the living God as one with whom they can enter covenantal relationships. A key attribute of the living God is that He is personal as opposed to being impersonal. This means that he demonstrates character, makes judgments, and speaks. Therefore, it is significant for Christians to pray to God because it affirms that they can depend on Him to answer to listen to and answer their prayers. As Migliore puts it, in God's eternal being, there are relationships, life, movement, and giving and receiving. Christians can thus develop a rich relationship with God because he is personal. God can manifest Himself to those believers who call upon His name. Therefore, Christians can develop and experience a personal relationship with Him by praying to a triune God. It is important to recognize that while the triune persons are distinct, they are not separate from one another; they are united in the mutual giving and receiving of love. Praying to the triune God thus allows Christians to recognize the richness of God's life and His ability to develop loving and meaningful relationships with His people.[Migliore, “Faith Seeking Understanding,” 177] [Migliore, “Faith Seeking Understanding,” 179] [Migliore, “Faith Seeking Understanding,” 179]
Praying to God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit also helps Christians not only affirm God's existence in communion but also join in the communion. As informed by Migliore, when one confesses that God is triune, they attest that He exists in communion far deeper than partnerships and relationships in human experience. Therefore, it is significant for Christians to pray to the triune God because it highlights the richness of God’s existence in communion. According to LaCugna, “…God exists as a myster...
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