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Laozi And Zhuangzi Chinese Origin Emphasizes

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Laozi And Zhuangzi
Daoism labels a philosophical tradition and a systematized religion. The philosophical tradition of Chinese origin emphasizes a modest life. It argues that it would be apt for individuals to get back to their natural state, and allow mother nature to take its course. Moreover, instead of studying hard to comprehend more distinctions between things, Daoism states that individuals ought to work to forget and see past the insights and divisions they have kept in themselves already. The philosophical system traces its origin to Laozi, an amazing intellectual who succeeded in the sixth-century B.C.E. Also, the tradition was interpreted by Zhuangzi whose work is considered one of the most certain texts of Daoism. Below, is a description of Laozi and Zhuangzi to provide a better understanding of the two sages of Daoism.
Laozi is celebrated as a supreme deity. His book which is simply titled Laozi is accorded canonical rank in the grouping of Chinese literature due to its thoughtful insight and importance. The philosopher had a great personality and never stayed aloof from worldly matters. However, a good number of Chinese scholars contested that he was a good individual. They claimed that he was selfish and hypocritical. First, Laozi was a nobleman. He ensured that he cultivated his moral character and paid close attention to personal integrity and never went along with others in their malicious actions. He served others wholeheartedly without striving for fame and personal goal, In fact, Confucius once admired Laozi before his disciplines because of his noble character. This clearly shows that he was indeed a noble man considering an ardent critic of the philosopher had remarked.[. Chai, David. "In the Shadows of the Dao: Laozi, the Sage, and the Daodejing." Journal of Chinese Religions 45, no. 1 (2017), 106-108. doi:10.1080/0737769x.2017.1299407]
Laozi was also wise and a critical thinker. For instance, he looked at the complications of constant fighting and the deceitful relationship among individuals in nations in all aspects before he could make any judgments. Moreover, whenever people approached him for guidance, he ensured that he thought deeply before giving out any advice and helped them become more cognizant of what they were feeling or thinking. Also, the fact that he was able to resolve various things correctly is an explicit indication that the philosopher was indeed a wise man. For instance, at one time, he detailed that the turmoil and suffering individuals experience emanating from their leaders and not from the persons. This has been proven right by recent studies which state that the world would be a better place if leaders governed their people in the right way by following social and natural laws.[. Gerlach, Eric. "Intro Philosophy 7: Daoism, Laozi & Zhuangzi." Eric Gerlach. Last modified October 2, 2014. https://ericgerlach.com/introphilosophy7/.]
Laozi can be labeled an incredibly bold man. This is because he was not afraid to say things blatantly. For example, he was clear in his book that the cause and the effect law impacts the lives of individuals. This means that he was bold enough to tell people that they should not expect pleasant things to happen in their lives if all they do is treat people maliciously. Additionally, the fact that he was not afraid to state that leaders are the sole source of suffering and misery clearly shows he is bold. This is because a weak person would have sugarcoated things to avoid being loathed by those he or she is condemning.
Moreover, Laozi was quite inspirational. For instance, in his book, he provided rules that would help people achieve a more inspired and fulfilling life. First, he encouraged persons to have unconditional love and positive regard for every creature. He, however, articulated that persons have to love themselves first if they are to extend love to others and treat them with kindness. The other thing the philosopher emphasized is the importance of being honest and acting with integrity at all times. He said that integrity and sincerity help individuals to move towards inner tranquility because they will not experience the personal niggles that occur due to dishonest actions.
Moreover, he encouraged people to be supportive of others as well as themselves.
Nonetheless, he bashed those individuals who support and help others for their gain. He posited that supportiveness should be about open...
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