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Final paper from proposal of Surah Yusuf

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Proposal Research Paper Proposal: Hidden Meanings Surah Yusuf Background Surah Yusuf is among the most insightful ones regarding showcasing hidden meanings. One of the themes in which Yusuf showcases its mastery of hidden meanings is forgiveness. In Yusuf 12:94, Prophet Yusuf reveals his true identity to his brothers despite the betrayal (Hamza, 2007). While there are multiple instances of literal manifestations of forgiveness in Surah Yusuf, there could be more manifestations, including the absence of revenge despite being presented with opportunities (Hameed, 2020). In this research, emphasis will be put on exploring hidden message surrounding the theme of forgiveness in Surah Yusuf. The study's findings will unlock a hidden meaning within Surah Yusuf, enriching the believers’ understanding of Prophet Yusuf's journey and the profound concept of forgiveness in Islam. Justification This study will anchor its value because forgiveness is a concept that has been, explored, even though it is a fundamental theme in Islam. Often, believers emphasized the literal manifestation of forgiveness by the prophets (Hamza, 2007). However, more dimensions to forgiveness could transform people’s understanding and approaches to the concept. Ultimately, examining the theme of forgiveness through a a richer understanding of Prophet Yusuf's spiritual journey (Moucarry, 2004). Through this exploration, Arabic speakers and those studying the Quran can better understand the concepts. Aim/Research Questions This study will explore the linguistic features employed in Surah Yusuf to portray the concept of forgiveness. To address the theme, the research will focus on the following research questions: 1. How does the Quran convey the theme of forgiveness in Surah Yusuf? 2. Does the literal analysis reveal a deeper understanding of Prophet Yusuf's spiritual growth through forgiveness? 3. What insights can be drawn from forgiveness in Surah Yusuf for personal and societal reconciliation? References Hameed, S. (2020). The Slander of Aisha – A Story of Forgiveness. Retrieved from https://aboutislam(dot)net/reading-islam/understanding-islam/i-forgive-those-who-hurt-me-an-inspiring-story/#:~:text=The%20Incident%20of%20the%20Slander&text=It%20all%20began%20when%20Aisha,had%20lost%20in%20the%20desert. Hamza, F. (2007). Tafsir al-Jalalayn. Royal Institute for Islamic Thought. Moucarry C. G. (2004). The search for forgiveness : pardon and punishment in Islam and Christianity. INTER-VARSITY PRESS. Research Paper Proposal: Hidden Meanings Surah Yusuf Background Surah Yusuf is among the most insightful ones regarding showcasing hidden meanings. One of the themes in which Yusuf showcases its mastery of hidden meanings is forgiveness. In Yusuf 12:94, Prophet Yusuf reveals his true identity to his brothers despite the betrayal (Hamza, 2007). While there are multiple instances of literal manifestations of forgiveness in Surah Yusuf, there could be more manifestations, including the absence of revenge despite being presented with opportunities (Hameed, 2020). In this research, emphasis will be put on exploring hidden message surrounding the theme of forgiveness in Surah Yusuf. The study's findings will unlock a hidden meaning within Surah Yusuf, enriching the believers’ understanding of Prophet Yusuf's journey and the profound concept of forgiveness in Islam. Justification This study will anchor its value because forgiveness is a concept that has been, explored, even though it is a fundamental theme in Islam. Often, believers emphasized the literal manifestation of forgiveness by the prophets (Hamza, 2007). However, more dimensions to forgiveness could transform people’s understanding and approaches to the concept. Ultimately, examining the theme of forgiveness through a a richer understanding of Prophet Yusuf's spiritual journey (Moucarry, 2004). Through this exploration, Arabic speakers and those studying the Quran can better understand the concepts. Aim/Research Questions This study will explore the linguistic features employed in Surah Yusuf to portray the concept of forgiveness. To address the theme, the research will focus on the following research questions: 1. How does the Quran convey the theme of forgiveness in Surah Yusuf? 2. Does the literal analysis reveal a deeper understanding of Prophet Yusuf's spiritual growth through forgiveness? 3. What insights can be drawn from forgiveness in Surah Yusuf for personal and societal reconciliation? References Hameed, S. (2020). The Slander of Aisha – A Story of Forgiveness. Retrieved from https://aboutislam(dot)net/reading-islam/understanding-islam/i-forgive-those-who-hurt-me-an-inspiring-story/#:~:text=The%20Incident%20of%20the%20Slander&text=It%20all%20began%20when%20Aisha,had%20lost%20in%20the%20desert. Hamza, F. (2007). Tafsir al-Jalalayn. Royal Institute for Islamic Thought. Moucarry C. G. (2004). The search for forgiveness : pardon and punishment in Islam and Christianity. INTER-VARSITY PRESS. Feedback I got Your paper looks interesting and I look forward to you looking further into the concept of forgiveness. I would recommend doing some of your own analysis of the text using the tafsir in the Study Qur'an, and also look at "Recognition in the Arabic Narrative Tradition" by Philip Kennedy, which has a chapter on Surah Yusuf. I would like to see more emphasis in STudy Qur'an.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Linguistics and Hidden Meanings Surah Yusuf Name Course Institution Date Linguistics and Hidden Meanings Surah Yusuf Surah Yusuf can be considered as one of the most skillful in what it provides of hidden meanings. The subtlety with which Yusuf portrayed the idea of forgiveness is one of the themes in which the mastery of hidden meanings can be seen. In Yusuf 12:94 Prophet Yusuf unmasks himself to his supposed brothers' thanks to the deception (Abd Al-Samad, 2007). While the literal manifestation of forgiveness does occur in several instances, Surah Yusuf may contain show instances of symbolic forgiveness i.e., the absence of revenge even in the presence of multiple revenge opportunities (Hameed 2020). This study is going to focus on extracting hidden meanings and linguistics associated with the issue of forgiveness highlighted in the verses of Surah Yusuf. Uncovering the meaning that has remained obscured between the lines of Surah Yusuf, will lead to the believers' discovery of the journey of Prophet Yusuf that includes the essential aspect of forgiveness. Justification The study places its importance on the fact that forgiveness has not been completely explored even though it constitutes the basis of Islam. Many times the believers used to highlight the literal reality of forgiveness by the prophets (Hamza, 2007). On the other hand, added facets to the concept of forgiveness could completely change everyone’s view and implementation of it. Consequently, the theme of repentance can be studied through the lenses of language and can bring about a profound understanding of Prophet Yusuf's spiritual journey (Moucarry, 2004). Through this study, Arabic speakers and scholars who spend more time with the Quran should have a better understanding of the concept of forgiveness. Research Aim and Objectives This study explores the linguistic features employed in Surah Yusuf to portray the concept of forgiveness. To address the concepts, the research explores the following research questions: 1 How does the Quran employ linguistic devices to convey the theme of forgiveness in Surah Yusuf? 2 Does the linguistic analysis reveal a deeper understanding of Prophet Yusuf's spiritual growth through forgiveness? 3 What insights can be drawn from a linguistic analysis of forgiveness in Surah Yusuf for personal and societal reconciliation? Findings This study addressed the research questions through a systematic review of the literature. That is the researcher explored each research question through a detailed desk research. The findings are structured based on the requirements of each research question. RQ1: How does the Quran employ linguistic devices to convey the theme of forgiveness in Surah Yusuf? The Quranic expression of forgiveness is showcased in a range of linguistic devices. First among such devices is the use of specific verbs to convey the theme of forgiveness. The verb “afaa” (to forgive) is among the examples of this technique. Verse 12:94, emphasizes the application of “afaa” when Yusuf declared "Go, for you are forgiven" (The Study Quran, 2015). Through the verb “afaa”, the Quran also embodies an aspect of directness when emphasizing forgiveness. In verse 12:94, for instance, the theme is translated in an imperative form to leave no room for ambiguity. Such directness implies a final act of forgiveness without any consideration of conditional clauses or the pretext of resentment. The other linguistic style that the Quran employs in exhibiting forgiveness is the emphasis on omission. Both what is stated explicitly and what is absent in the narrative play a primary role in outlining the theme of forgiveness. Conspicuously, the Quran has avoided the mention of any form of punishment or revenge that Yusuf sought against his wrongdoers. The Study Qur’an (15) pointed out this omission and said that it demonstrated Yusuf’s generosity. He, however, explores his forgiveness and reconciliation through omission whilst avoiding the issue of retaliation, which is his right. This omission in the latter case, as well, shows that Yusuf’s story extends beyond the individual and into the societal sphere. Forgiveness becomes the moral of the story which further signifies the unhealthy effects of the cycles of vengeance. The emotional complexities of Ibn Ishaq’s actions explicate the linguistic complexities of the Quran’s evocation of forgiveness in greater detail. In verses 12, as for Yusuf, he is the person with obscure inner challenges. This is put into effect through the fact that he turns to Allah for comfort. Many researchers have agreed that the act of seeking relief in Allah that Yusuf showed in his situation mani...
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