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Tilley Explains In Detail The Concept Of Faith

Essay Instructions:

According to the texts we’ve read so far (and especially in reference to Terry Tilley’s texts which are posted on Blackboard, but you may also use any readings we’ve covered so far), explain what you think it means to have faith and what shapes how one lives out his or her faith. You are to answer these questions in a way that shows you have understood the authors’ points in the reading.

In the second part of your response, answer the questions again, but this time answer them for yourself. What do you have faith in? What is your “irreducible energizing center”? What stems from this center? What myths, sagas and parables shape who you are? What things do you live out that reflect your faith? (Remember: you do not have to write this from a religious perspective.)till While you answer these questions for yourself, make sure to reference how the text defines the terms that help explain faith.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Part 1
In the article, “Faith, what it is and what it isn’t”, Tilley (2015) explains in detail the concept of faith. That author first starts by defining faith as “the relationship between one and the irreducible energizing source of meaning and center of value in one’s life”. The author explains that to have faith, one must feel a close connection with the object of their faith. They must have been living for that object and be ready to die for it. Different people have different faiths. Others believe in just one thing while there are some people that believe in a number of things. To have faith in something means a person lives for that thing and they are prepared to die for it. To have faith in something is to develop a strong relationship with it, to understand it better and embrace it, just like love NOTEREF _Ref1157000 \f \h 1. One cannot claim to have faith in something that they do not embrace. For example, if a person claims to have faith in pleasure, they must engage in activities involving pleasure. A person must have joy, hope, fulfillment, or even satisfaction in the object of their faith.[Tilley, Terrence W. Faith: What it is and What it isn't. Orbis Books, 2015.] [Newman, Leanne Lewis. "Faith, Spirituality, and Religion: A Model for Understanding the Differences." College Student Affairs Journal 23, no. 2 (2004): 102-110.]
Therefore, people live their lives according to what they believe in. Your faith can also be your moral compass. It is for this reason that the author identifies different types of faith. Your kind of faith is crucial to shaping how you live your life. There are different kinds of faiths. The first is polytheists who believe that they are energized by multiple gods. These people find pleasures from different things. For example, they believe that they can find love, wealth, and power from different sources. Therefore, they have different faiths that they place in different things. We also have hethoism where people put their faith in “one irreducible, but limited, energizing center of value and meaning” NOTEREF _Ref1157000 \f \h 1. These people believe in their god but also appreciate the fact that others can also have other gods who are not the same as theirs but equally important to those people. They have sworn loyalty to the course of their beliefs and would put them first before anything. There is also unversalisms where the most dominant group are the monotheists. These people believe in the existence of a supernatural God. It is the beliefs of a person that shapes the kind of life a person lives. Most people are narcissists. Narcissists never live for anyone. A person that has faith in something will live their lives for that thing. On the other hand, narcissists believe that they have no equal. They hold that they are the best and as such they deserve the best. Therefore, narcissists would only care for those things that would ensure their well-being and no...
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